Kaitlyn Alexander – Carmilla
Q) We heard in Episode 36 that Laura thinks JP and LaFontaine are dating. What can we take away from that statement?
A) As the show happens, everything Laura says you have to take with a grain of salt because she is not 100% accurate. That being said, I think it is kind of an interesting thing. We’ll see where that goes because I don’t know where it will go at this point.
Q) When you read the script for Episode 36, what were your thoughts?
A) I am 100% for LaFerry feels. I’m going to openly admit to that (even though it’s not canon as of now, nor will we know if it will be) I was fangirling about Carmilla and Laura, for sure. I read it and was like, “Yes! It happens! Woohoo!” I was in love with the script and then I was like, “Woohoo! What?!”
Q) Perry and Lafontaine have had so many are they/will they get together moments this season. What is it do you think that is actually keeping them apart, besides JP!
A) I think Perry has a lot of growing that needs to happen before maybe something happens. I think there needs to be a lot of development because, obviously, she still is working on some stuff.
Q) Did you create a backstory for LaFontaine or were you given one to work off of?
A) When I got the part, we got an open invitation to ask the writing team anything we wanted to. I know that they have been friends since they were about five years old. I don’t know exactly how they met. Annie and I had a little discussion on the set the first day about maybe what our past was like and what our relationship was with our parents. As far as complete background, I don’t know. I know that I was told LaFontaine was questioning their gender identity. Everything else was, “Play what you feel.” That was fun. I’m hoping to learn more about them in the future.
Q) What are some of your favorite moments to film and why?
A) Episode 35 had pretty much everyone in the cast in it. It was like a six minute take. We had all this information and had to do it in one take. That room was the most positive energy I’ve ever felt on tape because we were all like, “We got this!” It was a really great feeling when we finally got the take because I had one of the monologues at the end that had a lot of hard words! When it came down to it, I was like, “I’ve got to save it!” When we got it, we were literally high-fiving and cheering! That was definitely my favorite moment because it was definitely a bonding experience.
Q) The cast seems to have such great chemistry together!
A) It was like having a family and we got there pretty much on the first day. It was a one of a kind experience and I am happy to say I get to work with them again.
Q) What have you taken away from your experience working on the show?
A) I think I have taken away this great experience from this whole fandom that came so far with the show. It’s grown and it’s this great, cozy place on the Internet where I can go if I’m having a bad day or if someone is having a bad day they can go and talk to each other. I think that’s the best part of the experience for me so far. It’s learning about these genuinely nice people that I never would have met before.
Q) Since you are a part of social media, what has it been like getting that instant fan feedback after episodes?
A) It’s been pretty cool. I was doing YouTube videos for like three years before this ever happened and Tumblr for like five years. I was already all over the platforms, but no one really listened to what I was saying. I think now I personally made a choice to be involved with the fandom. I think it’s lovely getting awesome fan art and seeing what everyone is doing and seeing the responses we are getting. It is a really cool feeling, I have to say.
Q) How do you feel knowing that as a nonbinary actor playing a genderqueer character you are changing and inspiring the lives of young nonbinary people?
A) I feel that is something I never expected to come out of this. I was discovering myself when I was cast as LaFontaine and LaFontaine helped me figure out about myself things I wasn’t really comfortable with. Playing the role helped me figure out myself. Now, being open about it, and being some sort of role model (although, I don’t know how that happened) is really cool. It’s something I could have definitely used years ago. Just to have the opportunity to be that person for someone is really incredible. It has opened up this free form safe place for people to talk about themselves, which I think is really cool. I think that has a lot to do with the Creampuffs and how supportive they have been. I thank them for that!
Q) In “Carmilla,” yes they have strong females, but that is not the focus or agenda. What are some of the underlying themes?
A) I think one of the biggest themes of the series is not depending on somebody else to influence your decisions or relying on someone else for your happiness. I think Laura is a really good example of that. Laura is such a strong female. She has her flaws and that’s what I think makes her human, but I also think at no point does she give up what she believes in just because she is in love with somebody or because someone said so. She is very headstrong and I really think that is a good thing. It’s definitely refreshing and it was really awesome realizing that when I first started working on this project. It’s great!
Q) Carmilla has had such a profound effect on fans, why do you think it has struck such a cord so quickly with so many?
A) I think on the queer aspect, it’s nice that there is finally a story about queer characters that is not about them being queer. It’s not another struggling to come out story. I think that’s something fans really appreciate. It’s about the story and about the people, but it’s not what is most important about each of them. There is so much more to each character than who they love. That’s something I would love to see and if I had not been in the series it would have attracted me to it.
Q) What are your hopes for LaFontaine in Season Two of “Carmilla?”
A) I would like to see more science. I think LaFontaine would like to see a lot of fire. I just want to see LaFontaine being happy. I’d like LaFontaine genuinely happy. I’d also not be upset if “LaFerry” stuff happened. That would be my dream world…
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