
Max Thieriot, Kenny Johnson & Ryan Hurst – Bates Motel

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Q) So this is kind of expanding on what you’re just talking about but we don’t know a whole bunch what is Chick is up to but is he going to be – is he going to start pulling them back into trouble again after they finally seem to be getting away and if they try not to is he willing to take no for an answer?

Ryan: I mean I can’t speak too much to that without giving some stuff away, but I think the character serves a lot of different purposes in terms of the narrative and also in terms of Jim bringing out different part of Dylan and Caleb. So it’s like I think you’re never going to really get a real firm footing with regards to what Chick’s real motive is.

Q) And then can the three of you kind of talk about just your scenes with all three of your together, how it’s been?

Ryan: For me, they’re, I don’t know, they’re a lot of fun. I mean, the dynamic between these three guys is so different and bizarre and for some reason, like when I know for Dylan when he’s around Chick he kind of like, can’t help himself. But be honest with him and like tell him all the stuff that he shouldn’t be telling him. And then he’s kind of really the only guy that Dylan does that around sort of like shows I guess this weakness. But I don’t know. I think we also just have a lot of fun we all kind of get along and get to have a good time on set too, so it makes it that much more enjoyable.

Q) Dylan has kind of run the gamut since this character was introduced and now for lack of a better way to say it, he’s the more favored brother. And you talk a little bit about Dylan’s art since he arrived and kind of where he is now?

Max: Yes. It’s funny because when first got the script, I think I was sent like three and in all of them Dylan kind of shows up and he’s – I mean he’s really prick. Like he shows up and he’s really rude to his mom, which doesn’t really jive very well with me. And like I kind of just didn’t get it from the beginning and my initial thought was wow, everybody’s going to hate this guys. Like I show up, I’m a total dick to everybody. Like what’s redeeming about this guy. But Carlton and Carrie really kind of know what they’re doing and had an obviously a bigger picture and plan and he just kind of said look, like it’s all going to change and he’s really going to kind of evolve. And so I sort of took the jump there and it’s been cool because all of a sudden we’ve seen him change and become like the leader of the drug cartel in town and we’ve seen him change and bond with this mom and his brother. And ultimately like, in a way, I don’t know, Dylan is kind of like this sort of sign of hope in the show, I mean. We also don’t know his fate and so we know what’s going to happen to Norma. We know what’s going to happen to Norma. And so he kind of gives, I guess a little sense of hope. That like something good can come out of all this. I don’t know.

Q) Kenny, I have to say the scenes that you all have with each other, they make me sort of worry desperately about Dylan and Caleb’s sanity and safety at all times. You guys are so good when you are place together. So I have to ask for Kenny, how is it for to walk this fine this fine line as Caleb has become much more sympathetic while also admitting to some horrible behavior. Can you talk a little bit about playing that role?

Kenny: Yes. I mean for me, I mean I don’t want to say about Max is when I first started watching the show, was a huge fan of it and one of my favorite characters was Max’s character because I didn’t know anything about him. He was that mystic to the whole thing and I think it’s pretty amazing where his character has come and how like you say, he’s bonded now with Norman and Norma more. He just seems like – he’s like this opened vessel, right. You feel so much through. And I think he’s doing an amazing job. For me with Caleb, I just I mean I just wanted to humanize him. And I thought don’t look at him as what everybody keeps saying he is. Look at him as a human being who obviously has made this pretty horrific mistake back in the day and not really having to explain the circumstances around it or what lead up to it or defending himself. He’s just trying to – I’m not going to say redeem himself but do some good while he’s still here. And he’s obviously got a conscious that made him come back to this place and found out he had a son. And now he’s trying to find some sort of something. I think he’s still searching himself for some kind of forgiveness and it doesn’t mean that he has to be forgiven but he’s a human being so I just try to humanize it for myself as much as I can without judging it. I just got to say, Max is an unbelievable actor to play opposite of because he’s nonjudgmental and open that it allows me to have a lot more kind of pull out of me.

Q) With the Norma scene of running out of the house, it was pretty crazy and Dylan had to hold Norman back. So I was wondering Kenny actually do you think Caleb would have encouraged Dylan to talk to Norma if he knew the outcome of that whole situation?

Kenny: If he knew the outcome of the whole situation? I mean I have no idea how Norma’s going to react to anything so I don’t know what would be right or wrong in that situation but yes, I don’t know. That’s a tricky question. I mean, how do you get to her to say that, yet he confronts her honestly right at the table with Norman sitting there. So it was pretty amazing the way they wrote it, I don’t really have an answer for if I had them do that or not. I don’t know.

Q) Max, do you think that your relationship with Norm now, Dylan’s relationship with Norman do you think that’s – well right now like obviously Norman didn’t want to be held back and he was very emotional about it so do you think they’re like completely on the outs now?

Max: I think honestly episode 6 kind of really answers that entire question. It sort of explains now like what’s going to happen, what they’re relationship, too. I don’t know. That’s hard for me to really say.

Q) Max, do you think that Emma and Dylan can be together in the show?

Max: Do I think that Emma and Dylan can be together on the show? I don’t know. I think anything’s possible. But I think that’s for me that’s has kind of always been an interesting idea and I don’t know, I always kind of thought that it’d be interesting if they explored that. Because they’re both kind of like in a way the outsiders of – on the outside of this relationship between Norma and Norman and they’re always kind of kept a little bit on the outside and so I thought that be – I thought it’d be interesting if they could be so. I don’t know. You never know. I think it’d be fun to watch.

Q) And also is there something in Dylan that you identify with or find in yourself?

Max: I don’t know. I mean, I guess definitely – there’s definitely some stuff. I think for me family is such an important thing. Maybe the most important thing in my life. And I think obviously no matter what Dylan goes through and how he’s treated and everything he always sort of comes back to his family and wants family. I guess that’s a similarity.

Q) Can you guys tell me what you like about your characters development because, well Ryan, you’re still pretty new as far as a cast member. But both Max and Kenny have had some time and their characters have changed. What do you like most about where your character is going. Or not like where your character is going.

Kenny: Well I mean I definitely – I mean I like that Caleb’s come back and he’s kind of searching for some sort of sense of family and self and maybe getting to – obviously getting to his son, who didn’t want anything to do with him. Wanted to get to know his sister last season who didn’t want anything to do with him. So I like the fact that there’s slowly, like a slow burn of real time of earning trust, between the characters a little bit. And they keep testing it and putting it out there. So there’s something about that, that’s really interesting and intriguing because you don’t know which way Dylan’s character is going to react. And basically they keep kind of writing to put Caleb’s heart on the line Like the speech – it’s just not be like – yes, to just be sincere and honest and humble and just go from there and it’s been pretty wild. And then Ryan’s character thrown in the mix of it is obviously a bit of a threat, a bit of a whole past history that comes up. And this karma is just really unsettling but it’s fun to play with and explore with Ryan. So I really dig what they ‘re – we’re doing with Ryan’s character to Dylan and myself.

Ryan: I mean the thing that I always like is just is – I’m always a fan of characters whether they’re large of small and that bringing in emotion that’s a little difficult to capture and ambiguity I think is the name of the game when you’re talking about a mystery or thriller. And to kind of being in that space of knowing of the interaction between the characters and also with the audience they don’t emotionally quite know where to stand with somebody. Whether to trust them, whether to be afraid, whether to not be afraid, I think that’s always place to hang out and them so that’s what I like most about Chick. And that he gets to wear cut off shorts and wool socks.

Max: No Chick, is a really cool character and really interesting. And speaking of having Ryan on. I think we were all really excited, Kenny and I and everybody else when we heard that Ryan was going to be on the show. And as far as Dylan how he’s gone. I don’t know. I think sort of transformation that he’s made throughout the season has been all really interesting and fun for me and one of the things about Dylan is he’s like constantly has this battle of ups and downs. I mean like, he shows up and everything’s pretty bad and then he financially he starts to improve his situation and he starts to build his relationship with Norma. Norman, and it’s like every time that it seems like that they’re getting closer something happens that kind of breaks it apart. And then all of a sudden you introduce his dad into the equation and it’s kind of brought this whole other element. Where before he obviously like had love for his mom and always wanted her love. But now that Caleb’s in the picture he’s just like – it’s fascinating and the way Kenny plays it is so amazing. So like sensitive and kind and caring and even though Dylan has – Dylan knows what he knows about his dad to a certain extent, he has so many qualities about him that are so like magnetic to Dylan. I don’t know. It’s been fun. It’s been a lot of fun to see all of the changes and just kind of keep riding the wave.

Q) How much of everything that Dylan has been told about his father, that he knows about his father – how much of all that about Caleb do you think he actually believes at this point?

Max: Well, that’s hard. I think in the beginning obviously he didn’t believe all that much of it because Norma kind of definitely has a way of being very dramatic and sort of making up a lot of stuff. But obviously when they have the conversation when they sit down at the table out at the farm. I mean he asks him straight up, and Caleb is honest and I think that even though Caleb may have sort of like a shady past. I guess a little bit of a dark side to him. Dylan can – I think Dylan can kind of see Caleb’s heart and is able to see that like he’s being truthful and he’s being honest and sincere with him and I think he’s just able to see, I guess he’s able to see all the good that’s in him.

Q) I’m thinking that Caleb kind of has the angel of Max on one shoulder and the devil of Chick on the other. And depending upon kind of what goes down with Norma, he’s either going to kind of rise above or sink into the abyss. And now that Norma’s kind of out and has learned what happened with Caleb, what do you think is going to happen with her being out there kind of running in the streets and without her kids what his reaction to that going to be and is that – what do you expect next?

Kenny: You can explain episode six and then she’ll know. Max?

Q) Depending upon what Norma does essentially is he going to take the high road or the low road? Because he sits there and looks at her picture.And it seems like he’s either going to go down – he’s going to go the family way or he’s going to take Chick’s way with I think we kind of think isn’t the high road. No offense.

Max: I guess. I don’t know. It’s interesting because like I think Caleb constantly battles with this obviously Norma and Norman not really approving of him being around for the most part. But he wants so badly to – just to have everything be okay. And to be a part of this family and to be a part of Dylan’s life. It’s – your question is like really something that’s totally going to be explored and stuff. So yes, you’re going to find all of that out.

Ryan Hurst: I’m just going to jump in there and the one thing that I think is beautiful about what these two guys are doing as actors and the thing that the show creates is that the trajectory of both of these characters is not straight forward. It’s not just like that they have this very specific goal and it’s whether they’re going to get it or not. Yes and they get and it’s a real sort of rich tapestry that they’re sort of that they’re growing along with the series. And like the fact that you’re asking that question means that they’re doing their job really, really, really well.

Q) I was talking about the show with a friend and she said she has a horrible feeling that something bad is going to Dylan. And if you think about it, I mean Norm eventually ends up by himself, which means one of the options is that he kills everyone he’s close to. Max is if you were writing the show how would you like to see your relationship or Dylan’s relationship evolve and ultimately resolve with Norman?

Max: If I was writing the show at the end the biggest – the big reveal would be that Dylan kills Norman and wears his skin and then he actually becomes Norm. Boom. Drop the mike. Everybody mind is blown. To answer your question, honestly I don’t know how I would write it because it’s so – I don’t know. Yes. I mean Norman obviously eventually ends up by himself. But how does he get there? Does he kill everybody? Is everybody eventually a piece of taxidermy or taxidermy art or whatever in the house. Who knows. But I don’t know. I think that they’ve been so kind of creative up until this point that – I don’t know. I’ve heard some of the ideas for – four and five and stuff and they’re definitely really cool and exciting.

Q) What can you preview for us for the rest of the season? What’s something that people should look forward to?

Ryan: I’m leaving it up to you guys. You guys do all the heavy lifting.

Max: I mean I think all the family dynamics just get tested even more. I mean I think they probably keep going, Carrie and Carlton have a great way of just going in these directions and then pulling you back into a completely opposite direction. And it just the push pull type of thing is pretty amazing for the characters and also the family dynamic. I mean I’m always – I’m just fascinated and intrigued by the family dynamic and they just push it about as far as I think they could. Obviously because it’s Bates Motel.

Kenny: I think also like you can obviously expect like a good cliff hanging finish that I think everybody will be really excited to see and shocked by. And for me what’s kind of cool is like this season we sort of really start to see Norman start to unravel. And he’s like – it seems like every episode he starts to lose it just a little more and just a little more. So I think by the end of the season three – he’s changed a lot since season one and I think it’s cool because I think something – obviously the audience is wanting to see happen.

Max: I mean Freddy does an amazing job this year with his transformation I think he’s elevated it to a whole new place and like Max says, between now and the end of the season it’s just going to take you to yet again a whole other place. And also Ryan, you’re going to find out a lot more about Chick. You’re going to find out a lot more. Man. Who is this guy?



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