Ali Skovbye – When Calls The Heart
By: Ruth Hill
In the world of young entertainers, it is a rare thing to see a young, unspoiled actress who truly has talent. Ali Skovbye has made a significant choice to keep herself grounded and she has built her reputation on humility, kindness and ability. Recently, I had the opportunity to ask her about her career as well as her Hallmark experiences, including Once Upon a Christmas, Gourmet Detective and “When Calls the Heart.”
What was it that inspired you to become an actress?
I sort of landed in acting because my sister was already doing it so I just kind of followed in her footsteps. My mom said when I was a toddler that I would refuse to go into the audition rooms so she had to tell my agent to stop sending me out. But as I got a bit older, I started liking it.
What other roles (besides “When Calls The Heart”) do you have coming up?
I have another Gourmet Detective movie coming out. I also have a small role in the new Disney movie called Adventures in Babysitting.
Will you sing again like you did in One Christmas Eve?
I hope to be able to sing again like in One Christmas Eve. It was pretty tough to do that scene as I had a bad cold at the time and I had to sing that song over and over like twenty times. Luckily, the final track was recorded in a studio in L.A.so by that time I had my voice back.
Describe your experience on “When Calls The Heart.”
Working on “When Calls The Heart” was such a fun experience for me–wearing all those beautiful dresses and seeing Hope Valley. You can really step back in time and feel like you are really living in that era. And the actors on that show are amazing and so kind. Erin [Krakow] was always looking out for me and giving me positive feedback. And she’s so funny . Always making jokes. Working with Carter [Ryan Evancic] was also great. He’s such a great kid. I never had a younger sibling growing up so it’s fun when I get to have one on TV.
I also got to work with two really great directors: Neill Fearnley, who I worked with before on “The Haunting Hour” and Peter DeLuise. With directors like that who have a way of putting you at ease, you can really have fun acting. They help make your acting much more natural because you are less nervous. So, overall, it is a very special show to work on. And, of course, let’s not forget the wonderful fans. The Hearties are what keeps this show on the air.
What is it like working on Gourmet Detective with Dylan Neal and Brooke Burns?
Working on Gourmet Detective has been so much fun. We just finished the third movie together in Victoria and it’s so cool to get together with the same cast every time . Brooke Burns is so beautiful, sweet and an amazing actress. And Dylan is one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. He always leaves a little note in my trailer for me and he’s super talented. They are so great together–Brooke and Dylan. It’s hard to stop watching them because they are so good. We hope the fans will support us so we can keep making more Gourmet Detective movies for Hallmark.
How has it been for you working for the Hallmark brand?
Working for Hallmark has been such an amazing experience for me. I love Hallmark movies and TV shows so to get to act for them is really fun. Filming One Christmas Eve for Hallmark Hall of Fame was really amazing for me. It was my first lead role in a movie and I got to work with one of my favorite directors, Jay Russell. It was such a great learning experience for me as an actor and Hallmark treated the cast so well. At our screening, I also got to walk the red carpet for the first time. So, I really feel like they have given me all these amazing opportunities and I’m so grateful to them for that. I hope I will get to work on many more projects with Hallmark!
How do you keep yourself grounded In this business?
My mom is a big part of that. She always told us, “Don’t ever think you’re better than anyone else or should be treated any differently. You have to treat everyone with kindness and respect.” She always says, “The minute this gets to your head, that’s the time that we stop.” I also have a lot that I do outside of acting, which I think is important. That plus keeping up my grades keeps me so busy that I don’t really have any time for negative things. And, honestly, just going to and being in high school makes you feel no different than anyone else.
Have you had any training for acting or singing?
Yes, I have had a lot of training for both. I have been studying acting for quite a few years. I take classes at Railtown Acting Studio in Vancouver and have done a lot of private training. I recently had to cry on set for the first time. I had never done that before so I was really nervous about it. I was able to do it in front of my acting coach in the past, but never live in front of a bunch of people. But my training had given me the tools that I needed to get to that place. So, I think it’s important to keep training as an actor so that when you are faced with certain situations, it doesn’t come like such a shock to you. You are able to take what you’ve learned to help you get the best performance possible .
I have been singing since I was eight years old. I have been doing mostly covers, but once in awhile an original song will pop up.
How do you keep up with your schooling?
It’s tough sometimes, but I’ve had really supportive teachers. This year is my first year of high school so it’s been a bit of an adjustment for me. I’ve missed over a month of school already so I often have to stay after school to get caught up. Sometimes you get an on set teacher and that’s really great. Then, you get tutored three hours a day and they keep in touch with your school and your progress.
What are your aspirations for the future?
I would like to continue acting as much as possible. I can’t imagine that I wouldn’t like it in the future and that’s really what I want to do. I also like modeling here and there from time to time.
If you could work with anyone in the industry (whom you haven’t worked with yet), who would you choose and why?
Jennifer Aniston or any of the other five actors from that show “Friends” really. I’m a huge fan. I’ve watched all the seasons twice and I just think they are all so funny .
Eddie Redmayne…I just think he’s an amazing actor and I’m totally in love with all the projects that he’s done so far. It would just be incredible to work alongside him someday. Fingers crossed!
There is nothing more refreshing than sensing the bubbling effervescence of youth from a true beauty who has not allowed vanity and success to go to her head. Ali is as lovely and as talented as they come and I truly believe that as she matures we will be given even more opportunities to witness her blossoming proficiency. Long may her positivity live and be sure to support her whenever you can. In fact, tune in Sunday, March 20, to see her in “When Calls the Heart” on the Hallmark Channel and don’t forget to demonstrate your support for her by following her on social media:
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