
Beauty and The Beast – The Getaway

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By: Stacy Miller


The beast war claimed another casualty as Cat (Kristin Kreuk) and Vincent (Jay Ryan) brought another person in on their secret, thus putting them in the line of fire.

Cat uses binoculars to not watch for birds, but to watch out for her husband. When he arrives on the roof, Cat and Vincent are able to spend some alone time together. Fortunately, because Cat has been put on DHS’ task force to help locate her husband, she was able to steer prying eyes away from her and Vincent so they could meet. Vincent tells Cat about a secret Greydal meeting at Stone Fish Tavern so he takes off to join “his team.”

Cat is in her office when she receives a surprise visit from Reporter Grace Rose (Melissa Tang). She tells Cat that she knows there is more than meets the eye to Vincent Keller. Her sources have told her about Deputy Secretary Hill and the super soldier program. Grace believes that for some reason Hill hired a security firm called Greydal and turned on Keller, perhaps even trying to kill him so Vincent killed him first. “How am I doing so far?” Grace intends to tell her story and promises that she protects her sources. Wouldn’t Agent Chandler rather have the truth about her husband come out? It can if she cooperates with her. Grace leaves. Cat calls the precinct asking for Captain Vargas.

Tess (Nina Lisandrello) is having dinner with ADA Alex Ellis (Matthew Tallman) when Cat interrupts. Alex excuses himself so Cat can talk to Tess alone. Cat tells Tess that Grace Rose is about to expose Vincent and she needs Tess’ help. Although tired of the beast drama, in true friend fashion, Tess asks “What do you want me to do?”

In Stone Fish Tavern’s back room, Gaine (Tahmoh Penikett ) is not happy to see Vincent as he obviously doesn’t trust him. The Greydal team discuss the beast, his abilities and say that they must capture him alive. Grace Rose arrives at the tavern and shows photos of Vincent. Suddenly, Tess and NYPD burst in, announcing that this is a raid because there is suspicion of drug trafficking.

The Greydal team exit out of the back down, making arrangements for another meeting. A car pulls up. “JT?” Vincent asks surprised to see his friend, “What are you doing here?” “Saving your ass again, get in.” JT (Austin Basis) brings Vincent back to his place where Cat is already there. She tells Vincent that they need to get out of town quickly. Vincent doesn’t think that’s a good idea. It will look suspicious if he doesn’t show up to the next Greydal meeting. If Grace Rose exposes Vincent as the beast, it’ll be worse with Greydal.

The Greydal team meet (sans Vincent) and talk about Reporter Grace Rose being at the tavern where they were having their meeting. That’s why they were meeting off-site. They have a plant and need to find out who it is.

A furious Grace comes to Tess’ office and accuses her of using her police status to help her friend Agent Chandler in the cover-up. “This is even a better story than I imagined,” Grace Rose says before leaving.

Cat and Vincent arrive at the cabin she had gotten to use to celebrate their six month anniversary. She reminds Vincent that even if they clear his name, their lives will never be the same. The hospital and Tess will never hire them back. Their normal is gone. All they can do now is clear his name.

Tess comes to JT’s since he’s been avoiding her calls. JT tells Tess that they decided to keep her out of it from now on. But Tess needs to find Catherine since she’ll now have to cover for her by saying DHS requested she order the raid and when Grace Rose hears that, she’ll know that she’s involved in the cover-up. JT apologizes that he can’t tell Tess where Cat and Vincent are.

Meanwhile at the cabin, Cat tries to convince Vincent that maybe Grace Rose is their only hope and they should trust her. Although reluctant, Vincent finally agrees with his wife. So, later that day Cat calls Grace Rose and gives her information on where to meet them. But Gaine hears about the meeting through an electronic wire device.

Tess meets with ADA Alex Ellis and talks about her “friend” who is a a police officer that has bended the law on occasions to help others stop some really bad people and how she doesn’t know what she should do. Alex says she should arrest her. Her friend is abusing her position by taking the law in her own hands and doesn’t deserve to wear a badge or carry a gun. Tess is torn.

Grace Rose arrives at the cabin and Cat and Vincent tell her about Liam and Vincent’s involvement with DHS because he was used to be in special forces. But the pieces still didn’t add up because why would Hill try to kill Vincent if they were working together to stop terrorists? When it doesn’t look like Cat and Vincent will be honest with her, Grace starts to leave. Having no choice, Vincent reveals his beast face and a shocked Grace agrees to help them.

However, a grenade and shooting blow through the cabin. It is Gaine. “Looks like we caught ourselves a beast. I knew it was you. I’m going to enjoy this.” Vincent tells Cat she needs to get Grace to a hospital because she’s going into shock and he can’t help her there. Gaine fires into the cabin again and hears Vincent telling Cat to breathe. In beast form, Vincent rushes out of the cabin with Gaine in pursuit. He traps Keller in a net and tranquilizes him. But Cat appears, gun drawn. “I thought you were dead.” “That’s what we wanted you to believe,” Cat says. Gaine taunts her that he knows that Cat wants to keep Vincent’s secret under wraps so he’s holding all the cards. He says she needs to drop her gun. When Cat lowers her weapon, Gaine shoots anyway but Cat is able to duck and shoots and kills him. She tells Vincent that it’s too late for Grace, she’s dead.

Tess is ready to resign from the police force, but JT won’t let her even if that means from now on truly keeping her out of it even if she has to arrest them if their paths cross while they are working on beast issues.

Vincent makes a risky choice exposing himself as the beast to Greydal. “I guess you’re looking for me.”

What now? We’ll have to wait awhile to find out as there won’t be a new episode of “Beauty and The Beast” until August 11th.

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