
Chelsea Kane – #PopFan

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Q) What was it like on set filming such a dark movie?

A) Some of the scenes toward the end of the film…there is a lot of crying. At least for me, I really had to dig deep for some of that stuff. So, at the end of certain workdays I was just emotionally drained after sobbing for hours on end. Our director Vanessa [Parise] had so many great tricks and so many great methods for pulling a good performance out of me. And Nolan was amazing. He was so good in the movie and so good to me on set. I usually am the happy-go-lucky comedy girl. So, it was good to take on this role.

Q) Was there anything you added to the role that wasn’t originally scripted for you?

A) I still wanted her to be a likable girl. You want to find some way to root for her at some point. It was finding those moments where this girl has a heart. She’s just a little lost right now, as opposed to being a complete turnoff through the whole film.

Q) What was it like working with costar Nolan Funk?

A) You were forced to get cozy real quick. The chemistry was very real. It was hard to be so scared of someone because I absolutely adore him.

Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming?

A) We were constantly singing and dancing around. Nolan has such a great voice. He’s a talented kid, that one. Any time the camera cut, there was a lot of laughter and pulling people out of that [darkness of the movie].

Q) How was getting to work with director Vanessa Parise?

A)  I wrote her several letters that had my deepest, darkest secrets in them or hard times that I’d had in my life so that she could see where to draw from when she needed me to be scared or hurt or sad…who I would kill for just to get out these different emotions. That was a part of preparation that I had never done before. To dig into the harder times in life and relive those and open up to Vanessa about them, that was definitely a challenge. It was a different way of getting the results. I’m glad I did it, but there were a couple days on set where she’d ask me a question about something personal and I’d fall apart.

Q) Do you enjoy watching scary movies?

A) I’m a real wimp with that kind of stuff. I never go see scary movies. This movie was very different for me, but it reminded me of Misery and Fear, two of my favorites. Normally it’s not my cup of tea, but I’m glad I got to try it.

Q) Being a part of social media, are you looking forward to the instant fan feedback you will receive when the film airs?

A) Because it’s a movie made for TV, we all get to watch it at the same time. So, I get to live tweet with the film, reacting to feedback and if people have questions. I’m all about that stuff.

Q) You have been in a number of TV shows and films. Do you have a medium preference?

A) I love to do it all. I feel so blessed that I love my job. And especially working on “Baby Daddy,” I do feel like comedy is where my heart is. I love it. For me, I would always love to have a home in the sitcom world. But what a gift this was, on the hiatus, to fly to Vancouver and see a different country and shoot this movie. I love it all.



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