
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend – Trent?!

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By: Stacy Miller



Rebecca (Rachel Bloom) has taken up crocheting to get her mind off her breakup with Nathaniel (Scott Michael Foster). “You know what the best thing about being alone? I know what the future holds now. The way ahead is clear and I know exactly what I need to do next,” she tells Paula (Donna Lynn Champlin), Valencia (Gabrielle Ruiz) and Heather (Vella Lovell). We then get the delightful song “A Butt Load of Cats” in which Rebecca sings “That when you’re a permanent bachelorette, it’s mandatory that you get a butt load of cats.”  The song ends with the lonely store keeper who has her own butt load of cats at home leaving the shop with a customer so they can talk about their cats.

Returning home, Rebecca is shocked to find Trent (Paul Welsh) hiding under her bed!  Next we get Trent singing a take on the Season 2 version of the theme.

Nathaniel is having a drink and talking with White Josh (David Hull) about his breakup with Rebecca. White Josh wonders why all his friends (including Nathaniel) are in love with Rebecca. I’ve been wondering the same thing White Josh. He asks Nathaniel what’s going on with Mona (Lyndon Smith). Nathaniel tells White Josh that he’s been avoiding Mona by pretending he’s had too much work to do; he doesn’t think it’s fair to Mona. Besides he hopes that Rebecca will come around.

Rebecca tells Trent that because of him breaking up her wedding to Josh she almost killed herself. “Where have you been?” she asks Trent. We get a tale in which Trent brought a drone to get a birds-eye view of Rebecca’s failed wedding, followed her to the Covina Inn, got hit by a train, spent months in the hospital with all bones broken except those in his ear where he was forced to listen to his doctor’s terrible jokes, got the strength to break out of his cast, ended up on an island where he learned to howl again from coyotes, bought clothes and came there. When Rebecca refuses to be his girlfriend, Trent tells her she has forced him to blackmail her with the information he found about her on the dark web in which she targeted a girl named Mona.

Beth (Emma Willmann) and Valencia talk about how they have to get a great catering job in order to boost their business profile. Josh (Vincent Rodriguez III) arrives and manages to convince Beth and Valencia to hire him.

Trent and Rebecca arrive at the law firm where Rebecca introduces Trent, her ex-boyfriend who is now her boyfriend again. Paula suggests that she and Rebecca go to the ladies room to take care of feminine things which gets Trent wanting to sing a reprise of “Period Sex.” Witnessing the scene from his office and assuming Rebecca has a new boyfriend, Nathaniel texts Mona and asks her to have dinner with him. In the ladies room, Rebecca tells Paula that Trent is blackmailing her (Rebecca) so she needs her help. When Paula refuses to do anything illegal because she’s studying to become a lawyer, Rebecca lies that Trent also has information on Paula and his blackmailing her too.  So, Paula and Rebecca decide to blackmail Trent first. We then get “Back in Action” in which Rebecca sings about she and Paula being buddies who are not cops. While Rebecca thought that when Trent was talking about learning to howl again from coyotes, he was talking about actual coyotes who maybe followed him home like in a Disney movies, Paula reasons that Trent could be working with drug smuggling coyotes which would be something to blackmail him with to stop his blackmail.

Meanwhile, Beth and Valencia’s catering job is a Roaring Twenties theme party. ‘Disco Josh’ arrives but immediately starts to complain about how uncomfortable his costume is. How is he supposed to do The Royal when he can’t even move? Valencia demands that he stop acting like a lame townie and get ready to fire up The Lindy Hoop.

At dinner with Mona, Nathaniel apologizes for being so busy that he was unable to call. She reminds that no matter how much work she had, she was always able to call him. Nathaniel says that he’s come up with a way where they can make sure they won’t go a day without speaking. She can move in with him. Mona can’t believe it; he doesn’t call her for three days and now he expects her to move in with him? Nathaniel reminds that they have been together for a while, so it’s only natural that they move in together. “So if we move in together does that mean you’ll stop sleeping with Rebecca Bunch?” Mona asks Nathaniel. Busted! How will Nathaniel talk his way out of this one?

Buddies but not really cops, Paula and Rebecca follow Trent to storage locker in the ‘Knockdown Alley of West Covina.’ “Let’s go get some dirt on this turtleneck psycho,” Paula tells Rebecca.

Mona tells Nathaniel how she could have sleep around on him too and had some tempting offers but she liked the guy she was with so she turned them down. Mona was hoping that Nathaniel would come around even after her therapy urged her to dump a guy who didn’t respect her.  Nathaniel apologizes to Mona for cheating on her. He says that he never thought they could have any sort of future together until now. Mona turns down his offer to move in together…for now they can just have dinner.

Paula and Rebecca open Trent’s storage locker, which is a Rebecca Bunch shrine. Rebecca realizes that Trent has been stalking her since her arrival in West Covina. Some of his “Rebecca treasures” include photos of her sleeping as well as at least one of her socks. “I’ve been wearing mismatched socks since I got to West Covina. I look like the host of a Nickelodeon show!” Rebecca says. Speaking of Nickelodeon, Paula and Rebecca end up getting slimed by the booby trap Trent set up.

The only person who seems happy that Trent is visiting is Heather, who loves his cooking. When Rebecca arrives, Heather asks whether she’s been dating a Hulk impersonator. After Heather goes into her room, Rebecca confronts Trent about stealing her socks and blackmailing her.  Trent reminds that Rebecca brought him to town to pretend to be her boyfriend and has been putting out “love kernels” ever since.  She even took his virginity. After Rebecca tells Trent that she’ll never love him, he gives her all the blackmail evidence.  Rebecca calls Paula and tells her Trent gave her all the evidence; it was some sort of love test on his part but now it’s over.

Valencia is upset that she and Beth didn’t get the party job she wanted and that they are stuck with this lame townie party. Beth reminds Valencia that most people in Los Angeles are originally from some small town so Valencia shouldn’t be ashamed of who she is and where she came from. “Embrace this party and make it fun,” Beth encourages.  Soon, Josh and Valencia are dancing their signature dance, The Royal.  All the partyers join in on the fun. After the party, Valencia apologizes for being a jerk to Josh and calling him a lame townie.  “I’m a townie too and I’m proud of my past,” Valencia says.

The next day, Rebecca finds that Nathaniel has moved out of their joint office into the office with Darryl.  He tells her that as the senior partner, he felt that she should have the bigger office. Nathaniel says that it was wrong of him to cheat on Mona, he realizes that now. But she shouldn’t blame herself. “I know you really well Rebecca and you’re a good person,” Nathaniel assures.

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