Interviews - Movies

Katija Pevec – Team Work

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“JUST FOR KICKS” premieres on Nickelodeon on April 9 (7p.m. ET/PT)

Q) Please tell us about the premise of the show “Just For Kicks” and your character.

A) The overall premise is about four girls that live in New York City and are complete opposites. They are brought together through a soccer team that they all get picked to be on. They learn to put their differences aside for the love of the sport of soccer. Eventually, as the series goes on, they become great friends and learn to confide in each other, trust one another and help each other out. I play Lauren Zelmer, who is kind of the bookworm and overachiever who does a million things, trying to do as much as she can do in her life. She lives with her single mother who has raised her and her mother has to do so much for her that Lauren tries to give back to show how appreciative she is through everything she does. She gives everything 110% all the time!

Q) What was it that made you want to be a part of the show?

A) I thought the show was so great when I read the script. I loved the fact that every girl is so different that I think everybody will be able to relate to one character or another. We all experience different situations because each of us is so unique that we all go through our own difficulties in life. The others are there to help us out and support us through everything. Everyone has their issues, whether it is boys or feeling insecure about themselves, but each person has their own problems and it allows the audience to really relate to one character or another.

Q) What makes this show different than other programs for young audiences?

A) I think that the fact that it includes soccer and has a lot of activity in it is what sets it apart. It’s really important for kids to be active and physical education is so important. We are unique due to the fact that we have soccer in the show and we do everything basically through the soccer, which is how we become close. It’s a great show to let audiences know that with a team sport like that you can make so many friends, there is so much you can do and you feel so good about yourself doing something active.

Q) What is your most memorable moment from filming the show?

A) It would probably be when I had to do a scene where I flip out. I have to throw a tantrum and it was so hard for me because all of the other girls are in shock that my character, Lauren, is going nuts. She has to hug this soda and it’s dripping down my face! I remember looking at Mallory [Low] while I was filming it and then afterwards seeing her face made me want to laugh so hard! It was so difficult for me, but it was one of the most fun moments on set!

Q) Why should viewers take the time to tune in to “Just For Kicks?”

A) I think that everyone will be able to relate to someone in the show. I think it’s a great show that displays diversity. It shows things that have to do with physical education, life, girls having problems with boys, insecurities, family issues, school and the balancing of who your friends are and how you choose them. There are so many things that count for it to be such a great show that everybody will get so much out of it.

Q) The show centers on a group of girls playing soccer. What is it you like about the sport?

A) The greatest thing about any sport is that when you participate in it, especially as a team, you get to work together with others. You get to do things as a team and not everything is relying on yourself. You do school work and that’s you. You have to deal with your family and that’s between you and your family. You deal with boy issues and then that’s between you and the guy. With a team, you have people around you that are there to help you. You kick the ball to them and you know if you are trapped they get around and can help you out. It’s all working together that’s so great!

Q) You were recently in the film Yours, Mine and Ours. What was it like working with Dennis Quaid and Rene Russo?

A) It was incredible! To be working with two people that are that highly respected in this industry and are so talented, loving and genuinely sweet was incredible! It was awesome and amazing! I was so fortunate to work with them!

Q) Would you recommend to others that they should start acting at a young age?

A) I do! I would recommend it to thousands because of the way it makes me feel. It makes me feel overwhelming! If it is something that someone is striving for and wants to do, you make that commitment. I’ve given up things in the past, but you have to do that for anything that you really want. It’s so worth it in the end! It’s just so much fun! There are so many people that are working on everything with you. You not only have your cast mates, but you also have the people that are behind the cameras and behind the scenes that counter and play into the making of it all.

Q) What do you do in your spare time?

A) In my spare time, I hang out with friends and do school work, which is important. I go to the beach a lot. I play volleyball with friends and I surf with them, too. I just like to hang out and have fun. I go to the movies and do pretty much everything that any kid does.

Q) What would you like to say to your fans and supporters?

A) Thank you to everybody! I hope that everything that I do and anything that I’m given the opportunity to do, that people will enjoy it because that is what I am in it for and I love it, myself. I hope that they can feel some of what I’m feeling while I’m doing it and once it’s out. I hope a lot of people enjoy it. Watch the show!


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