
Lucifer – A Good Day to Die

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By: Paige Zinaman



In the winter finale of “Lucifer” we saw the most jaw dropping and adrenaline packed episode to date. Lucifer (Tom Ellis) is driving Chloe’s (Lauren German) police cruiser to get her to the hospital. As they are speeding down the streets of L.A. Lucifer and Chloe talk about the poison and how the professor would have injected her. Chloe tells Lucifer she can’t go to the hospital because they only thing that will save her life is the antidote that the professor had. Lucifer turns the car around and speeds back to the police station where they are looking through evidence when Ella (Aimee Garcia) comes in decked out in her pajamas and nerd glasses. She tells them to not judge her they say they were worried someone else might be poisoned. Ella said she’s asked all the hospitals and hasn’t heard anything back. Chloe asks her to go through the stuff they had that belonged to Professor Carlisle (Tim DeKay).

As Chloe and Ella are going through the professor’s belongings Lucifer notices that Amenadiel (D.B. Woodside) is waiting by the desks. When he pulls Amenadiel into an interrogation room and throws him against the wall with his hand to Amenadiel’s throat, Lucifer demands he start talking. Amenadiel soon discovers that Charlotte (Tricia Helfer) had told Lucifer about his involvement in Chloe being put in his path. Amenadiel tells Lucifer that Chloe doesn’t know anything about him or God putting her in Lucifer’s life. Lucifer asks Amenadiel if Chloe’s poisoning was part of God’s plan and Amenadiel seems genuinely surprised when Lucifer says poisoning. He tells Lucifer he has no idea what Lucifer is talking about.

Chloe tells Lucifer that Carlisle was using a smuggler named Burt (Joe Williamson) to get the poison. Lucifer asks Chloe to point him to his cell and he will get the answers from him. Chloe tells Lucifer that he is out on bail, but has to wear an ankle bracelet so he can’t go very far. They go to his house where he is hosting a little gathering to prove his innocence. Chloe pretends to be a girl interested in him to get him to go upstairs to his room with her. Once they are standing outside his door, he and Chloe talk. He points out that her nose is bleeding again, which turns him off. Chloe gets him inside the room where Lucifer is waiting to get the answers they need. When Lucifer exits the room, Chloe asks if he hurt Burt. When he says no she seems disappointed. Lucifer tells her that he didn’t smuggle the antidote, but he gave Lucifer a lead. As they are walking down the stairs they talking about the lead when they finally reach the bottom and Chloe collapses.

At the hospital, Dan (Kevin Alejandro) is upset that Lucifer didn’t bring Chloe there to begin with, but Lucifer tells Dan that it was easier to get Chloe to the hospital while she was unconscious as Dan knows how stubborn she is. Their argument is cut short when Chloe interrupts them telling them she’s still in the room. Chloe asks Dan if Trixie (Scarlett Estevez) is there and when Dan goes to check she tells Lucifer she doesn’t want Trixie to get upset seeing her sick and also asks Lucifer if she looks okay. Lucifer tells Chloe she looks “heaven sent” before leaving to follow up on the lead with Dan. They go to an art studio where Dave Maddox is using the art as a front. They tell Dave that Chloe’s life depends on the antidote, which he denies having access to. When Dave tells Dan that if Chloe is anything like his ex then they should let her die Dan punches Dave. This causes his security men to pull guns out on Lucifer and Dan and tie them up in the back room. When Dan tells them they are making a mistake, Lucifer tells Dan he’s not sure what lead he’s supposed to be following. Dan clarifies that he’s not going along with the punches to just get answers so Lucifer breaks free of the handcuffs and punches out the security men. He also uncuffs Dan as Dave walks in with a baseball bat. He stops though when Lucifer threatens to shove it up his butt. Lucifer uses his charm to get answers from Dave, but with the price of Lucifer buying one of Dave’s artwork. Dave gives them the antidote ingredients, but informs Dan and Lucifer that the formula was only kept inside Carlisle’s head.

Dan is talking to Chloe while Lucifer watches from outside the door. Charlotte shows up and tells Lucifer that Amenadiel told her about Chloe. Lucifer tells Charlotte that he can’t go in and tell Chloe tell her how screwed she is, but Charlotte tells him that he should take comfort in knowing that Carlisle is where he deserves to be – suffering in Hell. This gives Lucifer the idea of how to save Chloe. He tells Charlotte that it’s simple, he’s going to die so he can go talk to Carlisle and get the formula needed to make the antidote. Back at this apartment, Lucifer is going through the plan yet again only instead of just Charlotte he is telling Amenadiel, Maze (Lesley-Ann Brandt) and Linda (Rachael Harris). Charlotte says she forbids the plan to which Maze agrees. Charlotte tells Lucifer that he would be down there alone because she can’t go with him. When Lucifer tells them that he has gone down there before, Amenadiel notes to Lucifer that the only reason he came back was because their father brought him back. Lucifer tells her that it won’t happen because he is the Lord of Hell to which Charlotte tells him that he WAS the Lord of Hell. He’s been away for a long time. When Lucifer asks Linda what she thinks she tells him and everyone that she followed about half of what everyone said and asked if they had planning sessions often. Linda asks Lucifer what makes him so sure he’d go to Hell. He tells her that in case she missed it he was banned from Heaven so there really is no other place for him to go. Charlotte says she will have nothing to do with him going back and goes to leave, but not before asking Amenadiel if he was coming with her. He tells Charlotte that he is going to stay with Lucifer. Maze tells Lucifer that she’s in. Charlotte asks Linda if she has any sensible advice to which Linda says, “He’s the devil. Nothing has really been sensible since I found that out.” Lucifer asks who wants to kill him, which causes both Maze and Amenadiel to both raise their hands.

Lucifer catches Dan as he’s coming out of Chloe’s room asking if he’s gathered the ingredients for the formula. Lucifer tells him that he’s about to get the formula. Dan tells Lucifer to do what he has to and that he and Ella will get the ingredients. Maze and Linda find the room that is directly below Chloe’s. Lucifer tells Amenadiel to stand guard of Chloe’s room and not letting anyone take her out of it. At the police station Dan brings Ella another ingredient and asks how many they have left. Ella tells him one, but it’s very hard to find and very illegal. Ella tells Dan she knows where they can find some ZH3 and they leave to get it. Linda tells Lucifer she’s going to give him sixty seconds then she’s restarting his heart. He tells her he’s had orgasms that last longer than that to which Maze tells him that time moves slower down there. Maze freaks and says she can’t do it. She tries to get Linda to, but as the bicker over who should do it Lucifer grabs them and shocks himself.

Lucifer is soon in Hell walking to find Carlisle. Back on Earth, Trixie walks into Chloe’s room and asks who Amenadiel was. He explains that he’s Lucifer’s brother and he asked him to watch over Chloe. Trixie asks if he’s like a guardian angel to which Amenadiel smiles. He and Trixie talk and when she asks why there are bad people in the world, Amenadiel tells her that there are also really good people in the world. In Hell, Lucifer finds the door leading to Carlisle and locates him reliving the car accident over and over again. Soon a gang of people show up calling him names and when Lucifer starts talking he tells Carlisle that if he makes amends it may help him get out of Hell. Lucifer tells Carlisle to give him the formula and his guilt might be alleviated. As soon as he gets the formula, he leaves the room waiting to be revived only to hear a piano playing behind another door. He opens it to find Uriel (Michael Imperioli). While they talk Lucifer soon finds himself in a Hell of his own creation, stabbing Uriel over and over again. Linda and Maze are trying to restart Lucifer’s heart, but panic when it doesn’t seem to work. Ella and Dan go to a garage where they meet Ricardo (Albert Nicholas), Lucifer is still being tormented by Uriel who tells him he didn’t follow up on what he said to Lucifer as he was dying. Trixie wakes up to Chloe’s heart monitor going off as nurses and doctors rush in when she starts to have a seizure. Maze tells Linda that Lucifer is stuck in a cell and someone has to go down there and pull him out. As they discuss this, Charlotte shows up telling them she will go get Lucifer and bring him back saying she will face a thousand hells to save her son. Maze takes no time in shocking Charlotte’s heart sending her to Hell.

Nurses and doctors work to settle Chloe and goes to move her to CT when Amenadiel refuses to move. Ella informs Dan that Ricardo is her brother and tells Ricardo that she needs the ZH3 for a friend who without it will die. He tells them to follow him and gives them the ZH3. In Hell, Charlotte finds Lucifer and tells him that she’s his rescue and that he doesn’t belong there. She tells Lucifer that Uriel isn’t there and tells him that it isn’t his fault only have Charlotte get the guilt and be stuck. She tells Lucifer everything and she made things worse. Lucifer goes to leave and tells her they need to go, but Charlotte says she can stay and be a happy family. Lucifer pulls Charlotte away from Uriel as she pleads with Lucifer to let her stay with him. Amenadiel deals with the security that try to remove him from the room as Maze and Linda finally get Lucifer and Charlotte’s hearts restarted. Lucifer takes off and makes it to Chloe’s room in time with the formula to save her. Chloe wakes up and Lucifer is sitting by her side. She asks him if they could pick up where they left off. Lucifer tells her that she needs to focus on resting. Charlotte and Lucifer talk about how nothing was real and that it was all God’s fault and how Lucifer can’t trust anything or anyone. She even tells Charlotte that at least God doesn’t pretend to love him. He tells her that it’s a little too late for them and that he refuses to be a pawn in the game between Charlotte and God.

Chloe leaves another voice mail on Lucifer’s phone while she’s driving to his apartment because he hasn’t returned her calls or texts. When she gets there she sees that Lucifer’s furniture is covered and there is no sign of him.



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