
Lucifer – Trip to Stabby Town

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By: Paige Zinaman


When you’re the devil things are bound to go wrong, but when you’re the devil that’s trying to help the Los Angeles Police Department then things go from wrong to extremely bad. When Lucifer (Tom Ellis) learns that Azrael’s blade is stolen he enlists the help of Ella (Aimee Garcia) to help find it, but not without making Chloe (Lauren German) very, very jealous.

When the episode starts, we see a woman riding her bike in broad daylight when a man in all black tackles her to the ground and chases her down an ally. When he catches up the woman he pulls her off the fence and throws her to the ground when she sees his face she seems to recognize the hooded figure and says they can “work this out.” But he then proceeds to stab her multiple times. Meanwhile, we see Lucifer once again at Dr. Linda’s (Rachael Harris) talking about what happened the other night at Chloe’s house and their moment. Except Dr. Linda is still so unsure about Lucifer that she stays behind her desk while Lucifer tries to solve his own problems. Suddenly, she starts asking questions about who is in Hell, what it’s like there and where Lucifer keeps Hitler and her Uncle Edmond saying he was “one bad mama jama.”

When we see Lucifer next he is with Chloe on the way to the crime scene talking about how he broke his therapist. When he describes her Chloe basically called Linda the female Lucifer and offered to listen to him if he needed it, which again Lucifer says she wouldn’t understand. When Dan (Kevin Alejandro) identifies the victim as Maddie Howard (Lisa Chandler) he tells them that no one could get a clear look at the killer. Ella shows up and starts talking science to them to help build a profile of the killer. Dan brings a phone over that has a picture of two people talking a selfie that managed to catch the killer mid kill. They notice the murder weapon, causing Lucifer to go all strange and take off. We see him again in the woods with Maze (Lesley-Ann Brandt) and Amenadiel (D.B. Woodside) going to where he buried Uriel (Michael Imperioli) with the blade of Azrael only to find it dug up and the blade missing. This causes them to reveal that the Angel of Death’s blade is in human hands and ready to kill. With this development Lucifer asks Maze and Amenadiel to move Uriel’s body while he brings Ella to help him examine the foot print. When he asks Ella for this favor she does so with one condition that she doesn’t think Lucifer could handle saying it wasn’t appropriate among colleagues which is when she whispers in his ear only to have the camera show Chloe outside the door looking very much conflicted. When he brings Ella to the grave site she sees the empty hole asking if his favor involves killing her, which Lucifer jokingly shoves her a little before telling her no he just needs her to do her forensic what nots when she notices someone tried to burn something.

When see Lucifer and Chloe again they are following up on Maddie Howard, leading them to a yoga studio where she worked and asking questions to a friend Corrina Huff (Andrea Bogart). She says that Maddie was the one that got her into the “Glory Way,” which was started by Jenson Glory (Ryan Alosio) a yoga instructor who showed them spiritual teachings. When Chloe pulls Lucifer aside to talk to him he quotes Ella, but thinks that Chloe said it only to rethink and say it was “probably Ms. Lopez.” That’s when Chloe starts to get jealous again and notes that he has been spending a lot of time with Ella to which Lucifer denies. Meanwhile, back at the station Ella is hard at work and by that we mean she was jamming out with her headphones on while working. She doesn’t notice Lucifer until he yanks one out of her ear to find out if she’s made progress, which she had. She was able to rehydrate the paper and found two things, one a map leading from downtown LA to the grave and the other a logo for a law firm. It is a firm that happens to be the one Charlotte (Tricia Helfer) works at.

Lucifer confronts Charlotte and she says she was getting bored with her mate and offspring and decided to dive into her career. When Lucifer slams a picture of the map on her desk she asks if someone finally found it. He asks why she would release the blade and she tells him she wanted to get his father’s attention and when she reached out to grieve about Uriel she got nothing so she used the blade to get his attention because he pays more attention to his “toys” than her. Lucifer gives her two choices, either she willingly helps get the blade back or he sends Maze over to her office to give her some inspiration. She agrees to help, but not without telling Lucifer he’s killing her sex mood. Back at the station Chloe tries to tell Dan about the case only to have him tell her that his pudding is gone, that was clearly labeled. When Ella comes in Chloe makes the comment about Lucifer and Ella seem to be spending a lot of time together to which Dan asks if she was jealous only to have Chloe say no (which no one believes). Dan says maybe what’s happening with Ella is more than sexual. When Lucifer comes in as they are mid talk he says that Duncan Watts is the killer. With a quick web search, they find that his offices are right above the yoga studio and he is Maddie’s landlord. Lucifer goes to talk to Duncan, but Chloe says they go together like partners do. Lucifer makes a phone call to Maze and Amenadiel who go ransack Duncan’s office for the blade before Chloe and Lucifer got there, but they turn up empty. When Lucifer and Chloe shows up, he tries to get her to leave again when she notices blood on the door behind Lucifer. They go inside to find Duncan dead and find that the whole yoga class was murdered.

Chloe and Lucifer discuss possible things that could have caused the deaths of the six people. Lucifer makes a crack about how the weapon got passed around in a game of murderous hot potato when Chloe says that is ridiculous. Ella comes in and says it is but that’s most likely what really happened. She then demonstrates by using Lucifer to help while causing Chloe’s jealousy to show. They come to realize that one yoga person was missing and that it was the teacher himself, Jenson Glory. Back with Dr. Linda, Lucifer and Linda switch places by having Linda laying on the couch questioning Lucifer. This causes Lucifer to start talking and asking for help only to have Linda side tracked again. When Lucifer receives a text from Chloe about having Glory interrogated, Lucifer walks in and does his awesome power thing that gets Glory to tell them he was missing class because he gained weight. Maze and Amenadiel go to Jenson’s house to find no blade and Maze stealing his pop-tarts. As they leave to go check out another spot Ella shows up with a match on the shoe print that matches a print that ties into the current case they are working now. Ella asks Lucifer if he was involved, telling him if he doesn’t come clean she can’t keep helping him. Lucifer tells her to have faith in him to which she hugs him and says it’s not faith unless its tested. While they were hugging Chloe shows up. She has info about Corrina being a possible killer only to have Lucifer leave Chloe at the loft and go find her.

When Lucifer finds Corrina she has no memory of what happened, but with the knife she killed Jenson. Chloe and the police show up and Lucifer steps in. He says she killed Jenson out of self-defense. The blade goes missing and when Lucifer finds it he discovers it with Dan out by the pool. Dan goes after Lucifer, blaming him for ruining his marriage and his pudding. When Dan lunges at Lucifer, he manages to graze Lucifer who is trying to talk him down. As Dan starts fighting the blade’s power, Lucifer is able to talk to Dan and take the blade. Once he does, Dan is back to normal. Lucifer takes the blade and puts it in his jacket pocket. Upon seeing Chloe the next morning, she is upset and says “heads are going to roll” because the weapon is still missing. Chloe tells Lucifer that they thought they had a moment and that she thought they were partner and friends. Lucifer asks if it was about him he tells her it was professional and that if she wants to cross boundaries he’s game. Lucifer goes to see Dr. Linda again and tells her they can talk about all her questions, making Linda realize she had sex with the devil. Once they talk it out, things go back to normal for Dr. Linda and Lucifer.

As the episode comes to an end, we see Lucifer and Ella following through with his favor for her. The favor is that Ella literally takes Lucifer to church because she feels he’s searching for something. We also see Lucifer and Amenadiel talking about where Lucifer would hide the blade. Charlotte shows up saying she wants her family back and that their father would be forced to listen if Lucifer and Amenadiel stand by her. Amenadiel agrees with Charlotte. Lucifer says that Hell wasn’t home and that Heaven was hell. He explains that the only place he’s ever felt wanted or respected was on Earth – his new home. When this happens, something strange occurs with Lucifer and the blade. When Amenadiel and Charlotte leave she tells him that the door just opened.

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