
Mr. Robot – eps2.6succ3ss0r.p12

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By: Jessica Wolff


While last week’s episode ended with the revelation that Elliot (Rami Malek) has spent this entire season in prison, this episode focused on the rest of the fsociety team. In a flashback to before the five/nine hack, Trenton (Sunita Mani) and Mobley (Azhar Khan) meet for coffee, but sit at separate tables on their computers. Soon after, Darlene Alderson (Carly Chaikin) meets both of them, reading a message from Elliot. In the present, fsociety shows Darlene the information they retrieved from their hack of the FBI. A conference call is scheduled to discuss a security matter and fsociety listens in. Darlene films a video with the fsociety mask, leaking portions of the conference call to the public and revealing that everyone is under surveillance. The revelation scares everyone and Mobley argues with Darlene and Cisco (Michael Drayer). During the argument, Susan Jacobs (Sandrine Holt) comes home to find that fsociety has been inhabiting her house while she’s been gone.


Angela Moss (Portia Doubleday) goes on a date to the bar, but she seems more interested in the latest fsociety video. As she walks away, she runs into a friend of her father’s who criticizes her for working for the corporation that killed her mother. Angela is shaken, but quickly snaps back that she is making far more money working for E Corp than he ever will. Fsociety ties up Jacobs to a railing near her indoor swimming pool and argue about what to do about her. Trenton goes to check on Jacobs and she convinces Trenton to untie her so that she can use the bathroom. Once free, Jacobs attacks Trenton. Not long after, Trenton shows the rest of fsociety Jacobs’ knocked out body with a significant head wound. Cisco wants to take her to the hospital, but Darlene refuses in case the woman talks to the authorities. Angela performs karoke at the bar as fsociety hacks into Jacob’s phone, looking for something to blackmail her into silence. A man at the bar compliments Angela on her song choice and hits on her, despite being much older than her. The man walks away, but Angela asks him to stay. FBI Agent Dominique DiPierro (Grace Gummer) questions a suspect about the bullet found in the arcade. Darlene goes to speak to Jacobs alone, untying her. She taunts her about what fsociety found in her emails, but that the worst thing was that she and E Corp were responsible for her father’s death. She gloats about her victory and shoots her with a stun gun, causing her to fall into the pool.


Darlene informs the rest of the group about Jacob’s death, claiming that it was self-defense. The rest of fsociety is horrified, but Darlene assures them they will be alright. Mobley and Trenton leave and Darlene creates an away message for Jacob’s email account. Mobley and Trenton sit in the train station and discuss what they need to do to stay safe. Mobley insists that they have to leave and that their actions as fsociety were stupid mistakes. Darlene and Cisco discuss what to do about the body and their fingerprints. Cisco offers to call the Dark Army, but Darlene says that it’s her responsibility to take care of this. Darlene and Cisco carry Jacob’s body across town in a large bag and they shove her body into an incinerator. On the train home, Darlene confesses that she feels no remorse for the murder. Both Mobley and Trenton return home, extremely anxious and paranoid. Trenton hears a noise and sees a car drive away as she goes to investigate. As Mobley packs, the FBI knocks at his door to bring him in for questioning.


DiPierro leads the questioning at FBI headquarters. She asks about Romero’s murder hoping to get a reaction, but Mobley stays silent. DiPierro shows him the evidence that lead her to him: the flier in Romero’s house for Mobley’s DJ gig. She demands that he help her solve Tyrell Wellick’s (Martin Wallstrom) disappearance, but Mobley asks for a lawyer. DiPierro’s supervisor criticizes her for holding Mobley with a lack of concrete evidence and tells her to let him go. Outside the station, Mobley texts Trenton telling her that they need to leave town and to meet him before wiping his phone. Back at FBI headquarters, DiPierro asks a fellow FBI agent, Angela’s date at the bar, whether he’s made any progress with Angela. He says that he’s found nothing since he was assigned to her and that Angela seems more interested in older men than him. Trenton waits for Mobley at their coffee shop, but he never shows up. Darlene wakes up and sees Cisco’s laptop open on the table. Hacking into Cisco’s computer easily, Darlene finds a photo of her sleeping on it and a message to Whiterose (B.D. Wong) saying that he has her. Cisco walks out of the shower to find his computer smashed. Before he can say anything, Darlene knocks him out with a baseball bat.

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