Interviews - Movies

Skye McCole Bartusiak – On the Cutting Edge

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Q.  What are some of the recent projects that you’ve been working on?

A.  Kill Your Darlings is a movie I just finished.  I finished Kill Your DarlingsRazor Sharp and Pineapple.  That was the first one that I finished, Pineapple

Q.  What can you tell us about the premise for Pineapple and about your character?

A.  Pineapple is about a guy, a dad, who gets into the wrong things and messes up his family.  I play his daughter and I look up to him and it turns out that he ruins the whole family and he turns out to just turn the whole story around in the end. 

Q.  What made you want to be a part of this project?

A.  I loved the story because it’s never really been told before, about a father ruining his whole family and his completely turning around in the end.  It was just a great role. 

Q.  How was getting to work with director Damian Skinner on the film?

A.  He was so nice, I love him to death.  He lives in Austin where my brother lives so we got along fabulously. 

Q.  Why should viewers take the time to check out Pineapple?

A.  Because it’s a great, inspiring story how people can change their lives around.  Kill Your Darlings is actually coming out tomorrow in Sweden and we’re very excited about that. 

Q.  Will Pineapple go straight to DVD or will it be appearing on the big screen?

A.  I don’t think they really know yet, I think they want to get a distributor from the film festivals before they do anything.

Q.  When taking on a role how do you transform yourself into that character?

A.  What I really do is I develop the character and I layer the character.  I just put myself in the character’s place and it becomes very real to me. 

Q.  What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

A.  I am a big shopper and I have tons of friends.  My best friend Ashley and I love to hit the mall and go to the movies.  Definitely hang out with my best friend Ashley, Francis, Alessandro, they’re all great.

Q.  Do you have a latest obsession?  Are you into any particular book, music group, sport or activity?

A.  I am kind of a gym rat now, I love working out.  I just got a trainer and I love working out with my trainer.  I definitely love that, if you could call that a sport.  I love watching football games and I love playing football, but the sport that I play the most is tennis.

Q.  Now that it is 2006, what are you most looking forward to this year?

A.  Turning fourteen.  Well, for my thirteenth birthday I had a prom, so I don’t know how I am going to top that one. 

Q.  What would you like to say to your fans and supporters?

A.  I really appreciate all they have done for me, they are the reason why I am here. Thank you.

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