
Stitchers – Creator Jeff Schechter & Stars Ritesh Rajan & Damon Dayoub – SDCC 2017

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Dened Rey



Q: What has been the biggest challenge of this season?


Jeff Schechter: I think balancing the intensity of the stories this season with not wanting to lose track of the fun of the show. That’s always the thing where our characters have just have a near death experience or someone close to them has died, like in the case of Linus’s father. It’s like, how many episodes can you carry that? You want to be true to the character, but you also want to be true to what the show is about, which is handling these intense cases and strong feelings and interesting stories – but also the banter and fun where we don’t take ourselves all that seriously while also being serious about it. So, I think that’s been the biggest challenge of it. As the seasons have progressed the stories have gotten more intense and edgier while also not losing track of the banter and the fun of the show, from my perspective I would say.



Q: Is there anything you can tell us about Amanda and Camille’s relationship, because even though it’s new it’s already a fan favorite and it means a lot for the LGBT community. Is there anything you can tell us about it?


Jeff Schechter: Yes, we wanted to make sure the relationship rings true. We didn’t want to make it, “Oh here’s the obligatory LGBT relationship,” so we wanted to make something special. We were very lucky to be able to get Anna Akana to do it, because she’s just fantastic. She and Allison [Scagliotti] are really good together and they kick it off right away. The only thing I’d say is that we wanted the relationship to have all the ups and downs and peaks and valleys of a real earnest heartfelt relationship and I think that Allison and Anna will bring that to it. And both will bring that to it and we haven’t seen the last of Amanda.


Damon Dayoub: They knock it out of the parl. Their chemistry is just amazing and their really good together.



Q: Describe the death of Linus’s father and how that is affecting Linus.


Ritesh Rajan: Obviously the death of his father takes a huge toll on Linus. But it was one of those things where the fact that his parents knew about the program and they had that conversation, where he had the conversation with his father about it before he past was a burden off of Linus. He realized that all his father wants him to do is to focus on his work and to do good by his work. So, the passing of his father is a lot, but Linus knows that his father would have just wanted him to help these people. Sometimes I feel like, I don’t want to say losing life of the program, but we are solving crimes that would otherwise go completely unsolved. And who’s families are involved? Mother, brother, sister, father, right? We’re bringing these cases to a close and we’re bringing closure to al these people so I think there is a sense of inspiration and completeness that Linus is aware of so he focuses on his work. In terms of the relationships with Ivy, I think the big struggle because we don’t know if she’s good or bad. That conflict is putting a wrench in his relationship with Camille, and Cameron (Kyle Harris) and Kirsten (Emma Ishta). It’s love, or work. And a lot of people have trouble balancing that when experiencing it for the first time.



Q: Damon, your character had to make a difficult decision in the second half of the second season. Can you tease as to what sacrifices can be made?


Damon Dayoub: No, I’m very sorry. I think it’s the biggest decision he’s had to make for a long time. I think it’s the difference between love and love and profession again. But the great thing is that he finally realizes how valuable he is to the group and to the program. All the other stuff you’ll have to wait to find out soon. Three weeks.



Q: Is there any case coming up that you guys are excited about or that you had fun with and is your favorite that you can talk about?


Damon Dayoub: We have one based on the dark net, which for Fisher’s character it was really difficult to understand. But it brings out the skeletons out of the past for one of the characters. And it gets downright scary and the way we end the episode is a lot of fun.



Q: For the first few seasons there were some major cliffhangers. What can you tease about the season 3 cliffhanger?


Jeff Schechter: It is the mother of all cliffhangers. Not just for our show but I don’t know, it’s huge, it’s big.


Damon Dayoub: You’re going to yell at the screen. You’ll be so mad you’ll have to wait.


Ritesh Rajan: Yeah, don’t throw anything. Don’t break the TV.



Q: Have you filmed some of the pivotal scenes of the finale?


Ritesh Rajan: There’s a couple of questions that are going to be answered and of course we create more questions, like any good finale. You get those two or three and fans are like “Great, this is exciting’ and then you drop another and they’re like “I hate these guys”


Jeff Schechter: One thing I will say is that it is a surprise cliffhanger ending that even the network didn’t know we were putting in there. It was this idea that came up – we already had a cliffhanger so we added a cliffhanger on our cliffhanger. And the network had no idea until they screened the episode. I got the texts from them that everyone literally screamed because they had no idea it was coming and it’s monstrous.

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