
The Fosters – Mixed Messages

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By: Taylor Gates


This episode has a powerful opening, as it begins with Stef (Teri Polo) swiping steam off the bathroom mirror and examining her body in light of her recent cancer diagnosis. Teri Polo doesn’t say a single word in this scene, but she portrays so much—fear and self-consciousness evident in her gaze.


She joins her wife Lena (Sherri Saum) in the bedroom, who bombards her with statistics and studies she’s found on the internet about women with the kind of cancer Stef has. She says research has shown that extreme measures like a mastectomy might not be necessary or even beneficial for her. Stef does her best to listen, but it’s obvious her mind is somewhere else. She finally admits that she doesn’t think she can talk about this right now. Lena stands down immediately. She says they can talk about it whenever she’s ready and assures Stef she’s not alone in this. “I know,” Stef says, giving her a sincere smile and a kiss before turning out the light. Lena tries to cuddle with her, but Stef says she’s not really feeling up to it. She apologizes, saying she’s not trying to push her away, but Lena backs off without complaint and reassures her that it’s okay.


In Callie (Maia Mitchell) and Mariana’s (Cierra Ramirez) room, Mariana is ranting about the fact that Lexi is running against her for junior class president. (With the horrendous slogan, “Lexi for Prexi,” nonetheless.) She says she feels like Taylor Swift when Katy Perry stabbed her in the back, but Callie isn’t really listening. She’s zoned out, reading the comments on the Fost and Found page, the one about having sex with her foster brother still haunting her.


Callie goes to talk to Brandon (David Lambert) who’s practicing in the garage for his Julliard audition. He says late at night is the only time he really has to practice considering he’s working at The Smokehouse now, too. Callie asks him if he ever told anyone about them sleeping together, but Brandon assures her he didn’t.


The next morning, Will (Rob Morrow) is making vegan breakfast for everyone in the house, much to Jesus’ (Noah Centineo) dismay and Mariana’s delight. Will tells them that every vegan saves over one hundred animals a year, but Sharon (Annie Potts) admits that she misses bacon.


Jude (Hayden Byerly) is finishing up some homework at the table. He’s having trouble understanding a passage in Romeo and Juliet. Brandon explains that it means it’s hard being away from the one you love, sharing a meaningful glance with Callie. “Tell me about it,” Jude says, deflated, reminding him of his own relationship with Connor.


Stef and Lena join them, thanking Will for making breakfast. Stef and Callie share some secret banter about how terrible the vegan sausage is. Lena—perpetually in vice principal mode—confirms that, yes, Jude really does have to take this required Shakespeare class and Brandon and Callie better start thinking about their Senior projects. She reminds them that she has a dentist appointment so they all have to ride with Brandon to school in the tiny car. Mariana throws shade about how she could drive herself if anyone ever had any time to help her log permit hours.


Jesus stays back while the rest of the kids go to the car, telling Stef and Lena he needs money for a new wrestling uniform. They tell him he’s not allowed to wrestle this year because of what he did at Flintwood, what with the taking steroids and all. Jesus starts to argue, but Stef puts her foot down, saying it’s not up for discussion. Once he leaves, Sharon questions their parenting, asking if they really think it’s a good idea to take away something that helps him get his testosterone out. Stef says it wouldn’t be a consequence if it wasn’t something he really loved. Sharon drops it, though she obviously still doesn’t agree with their decision.


Sharon says she’s going to delay her trip in order to see Stef through her mastectomy and help the healing process afterward, but Lena tells her she’s not completely sure she’s getting a mastectomy, explaining what her research said. Sharon says that it would be stupid not to take preventative measures, as there are new studies coming out all the time. Lena and Sharon argue and Stef tells Sharon she thinks she should go on her vacation and have fun.


Sharon says she won’t be able to have any fun until she knows what the plan is, so she and Will were wondering if they could pull their RV into their driveway and borrow some electricity. Will kindly gives Stef some cannabis oil, saying that it’s used to prevent some kinds of cancers and he takes some every day. Sharon says that she’s been using some on her elbow and it’s now “soft as a baby’s butt.” Stef gives it back to him, reminding him that she’s a cop; Lena rubs her temples in the background.


Stef gets a text from Mike (Danny Nucci) saying he’s calling in sick to work. She calls him, asking if he’s puking, but he informs her he’s just taking a personal day. She says that she’ll take Ty in after the funeral tomorrow afternoon, and Mike agrees. However, he picks up a note from AJ thanking Mike for everything and saying that he’s really sorry.


The kids pull into Anchor Beach, but Jesus almost gets his door taken off by a new kid, Nick (Louis Hunter), as he drives into the parking lot. He and Jesus bicker for a bit and Mariana tries secure his vote.


Lexi (Bianca Santos) is struggling to put up one of her sparkly pink campaign posters, so Jesus literally gives her a lift. Emma (Amanda Leighton) and Mariana spy this, angry he’s helping the enemy. Hayley (Caitlin Carver) comes up to them, carrying a tray of Lexi for Prexi cupcakes. She reveals that she’s Lexi’s campaign manager, and thinks it’s a shame that Jesus is back.


Callie asks Brandon for his keys. She wants to go somewhere and talk to Daphne as she’s the only one she told about them. Brandon is angry that she let it spill to anyone, but Callie says she just needed somebody to talk to. Brandon spits that he wishes he had someone to talk to as well.


Mariana pulls Lexi aside, asking her what she’s doing hanging out with Hayley since Hayley stole her dance routine. Lexi says that’s nothing compared to what Emma did by stealing her boyfriend. Mariana says this election isn’t a popularity contest—it’s about ideas. Sally, the current class President, comes up to Lexi and raves about her idea to put composting bins in the quad. Mariana tells Lexi that was her idea, but Lexi feigns innocence.


Mariana tells Emma about Lexi stealing her ideas and Emma tells her they just need to show everyone who has the real ideas. Mariana plans on challenging Lexi to a debate.


Callie tells Daphne (Daffany Clark) about the comment on her page. Daphne says it was probably Brooke telling her boyfriend to mess with Callie. She asks Callie how things are going between her and Brandon and Callie says that it’s hard seeing him, but at least they’re in it together. She tells Daphne about possibly going to the comic convention with AJ and Daphne teases her, telling her how fine she thinks AJ is. Callie says that she asked him whether he wanted her at his grandma’s funeral or not, but he hasn’t responded. Daphne tells her not to worry and that he probably just needs some time.


Mat (Jordan Rodrigues) complains to Brandon that it’s so hard trying to get over Mariana since he has to see her every day. He says that he can’t stop thinking about her, and he needs a hottie to drop out of the sky and distract him. Just then, Brandon spies Cortney (Denyse Tontz), the girl from the bar, stripping off her wetsuit to reveal a bikini.


Daphne asks Callie about what is going on with Fost and Found. Callie says that Justina (Kelli Williams) wants to have a low-key photo shoot with her next week, and that she’s really pushing the whole role model thing. Daphne says there’s nothing wrong with that before getting hit with a thought: What if the person in that comment was talking about Liam, not Brandon?


Brandon goes to talk to Cortney, who tells him this is her favorite surfing spot. Brandon admits that he’s never surfed before, which causes her to tease him. She says that if he ever wants to learn, he can teach him a few things. Brandon stutters, obviously attracted to her, and says that would be rad.


Jude walks into the kitchen where Sharon is sitting at a barstool. She asks him how he’s holding up before telling him about her own long-distance relationship struggles she had with Frank when he was in the military. She says that, while it sucked, it made their time in between him being gone all the more special. Jude thanks her for the talk. Sharon grumbles to Will that at least someone around here appreciates her advice, unlike her daughter. She says the only way she could get Stef to do what she wanted when she was young was to use reverse psychology, giving her an idea.


Callie and Brandon have an intense discussion, coming to the conclusion that whoever posted that comment probably was talking about Liam. Callie says she still did have sex with a foster brother and she doesn’t know how she can be a role model with this big secret. Brandon defends their actions, saying they did nothing wrong because they really believed she would never get adopted, but Callie isn’t so sure. Brandon says that Callie is a role model for surviving the system and inspiring so many people. He says that she’s just afraid to shine and she’s holding both him and herself back. Hurt, she says that she thought that they were in this together. He says they can’t be if they want to move on.


Sharon goes in to Stef and Lena’s bedroom, telling Stef she doesn’t think she should have the mastectomy. Stef somewhat sarcastically thanks her for the update. After Sharon leaves, Lena asks Stef if she’s read any of the cancer research articles she’s sent her. Stef admits she hasn’t, and that she just wants to get everything with Ty over with before they talk about a final decision.


Mike sits alone in the church before the funeral. The pastor asks if he should wait awhile longer to start the service, but Mike tells him to go ahead and begin—he doesn’t think AJ and Ty will be attending.


Brandon meets Cortney on the beach, who playfully makes fun of his board and awkwardness in his wetsuit.


After the funeral, Stef is waiting outside the church, asking Mike where Ty is. Mike swears he didn’t tip AJ off and he really thought they would show up to the funeral. Stef exhaustedly says they’ll just have to find them. Her lack of verbal assault makes Mike suspicious and he asks her what’s wrong. She admits she has stage 0 breast cancer and Mike asks her what she’s going to do. She says she’d rather just get the mastectomy so she’s not sitting around waiting and risking things. Plus, she jokes, she can get that boob job she’s always wanted. Mike says she already has great boobs, but Stef points out he hasn’t seem them lately. The two laugh at the awkward turn the conversation took.


Mariana and Lexi’s debate gets ugly very quickly. Hayley asks Mariana a pointed question about prescription drugs being sold to students at Anchor Beach; Emma asks Lexi about free condoms in the bathroom, alluding to her taking the morning after pill. The two of them fight about the other one being fake until the student body president stops them. They look away, ashamed at how petty they’re acting.


Cortney teaches Brandon how to surf. Brandon is doing less than spectacular, but the two are having fun.


Callie shows up to her photo shoot with Justine and it’s a much bigger ordeal than she anticipated. There are lights set up and Justine has bought her a new outfit. Callie is obviously very uncomfortable, but tries to hide it. Justine says Callie is not just an inspiration, but an aspiration, and foster kids can see their own potential when they look at her.


Brandon sprawls out in the sand and Cortney flops down next to him. He asks if he’s completely blown his chances with her, and she asks him if he thought this was a date. It’s clear he did, and Cortney tries not to hurt his feelings, saying that it’s complicated since she’s just getting out of something. He says that he understands, but he can’t really talk about it. He says that the breakup was mutual and they were basically star-crossed lovers. Cortney says that she gets over her breakup with surfing, kind of like how Brandon uses his music. She gives him a kiss on the check before they say goodbye.


Lexi sees one of her posters falling down and thinks it must be a sign. Mariana apologizes to her about things getting ugly and calling her jealous. Lexi admits that she is jealous—she missed a whole year and feels like everyone has forgotten about her. Mariana says that she hasn’t forgotten about her, and Lexi will always be her best friend no matter what. Lexi admits she doesn’t really want to be class president. Mariana hints that she could always drop out, but Lexi says she’s already come this far.


Jesus sees that everyone has already left without him and Nick offers to give him a ride home. Jesus hops in his car, commenting on how nice it is. Nick says that he went 120 miles in it last week, which is highly impressive to Jesus.


Mariana looks through the photos from Callie’s photo shoot on her computer, commenting on how great she looks. Brandon comes in and, upon spying Callie’s new look, asks her if she’s America’s Next Top Foster Model now. Mariana tells him not to be a jerk, telling Callie again that she looks gorgeous. Brandon says she just doesn’t look like herself, which irritates Callie. Callie storms out of the kitchen, following Brandon to the garage. She tells him off, saying he’s not allowed to tell her to shine and then make her feel bad when she does. She accuses him of liking her as the poor foster kid who needs his rescuing, blaming him for holding her back as well.


Callie stomps back into the kitchen where Stef is now standing. Stef tells Callie she looks beautiful before asking her if she’s heard from AJ. Callie says that he isn’t answering any of her texts, and Stef says that he left, probably with his brother. Stef asks Callie to tell her if she hears anything from him, telling her she’s sorry he’s gone. “Me too,” Callie says sadly before going to the bathroom. She looks in the mirror, pondering her own reflection. She begins scrubbing her makeup off before staring at herself—pain and self-doubt etched into her features. It’s a crushing parallel to one of the first scenes in the pilot episode.


Lena tells Stef that, though she knows she hasn’t made a decision on what she’s going to do yet, she feels there are some things they need to discuss as a couple. Lena says from what she’s been reading, lots of women have depression, loss of self-esteem and sex drive after a mastectomy. Stef asks if she’s worried she won’t be attracted to her if she gets the surgery, which Lena denies. Lena warns that it would be a major surgery, and Stef says she understands she runs the risk of not liking the way she looks afterwards. Lena tells her that it usually takes more than one surgery, and questions why she would do something so drastic to her body if she doesn’t need to.


Brandon plays Mat part of a song he wrote, thinking they could write a Romeo and Juliet rock opera for their Senior project. He manipulates Mat a bit to get him to say yes, telling him he thought of this idea so he could pour his soul into it and get over Mariana. Mat finally caves, telling Brandon he’s on board.


Nick drive Jesus to an old factory road, telling Jesus to get in the driver’s seat. Jesus is reluctant since he just got his permit, but Nick urges him to take it for a spin. Jesus finally agrees, and Nick keeps pressuring him to go faster and faster. They speed through the street, almost hitting a truck in the process. Jesus has a flashback of his car wreck, but hides it, yelling with Nick about what a thrill that was.


Mariana informs Callie that her pictures are already up on Fost and Found and nice comments are pouring in. Callie smiles at the compliments, but one in particular telling her she looks super catches her eye. She messages the person, asking them if they’re AJ.


Stef tells Sharon that she’s decided to get the lumpectomy and radiation instead of a mastectomy. Sharon freaks out, which confuses Stef, because that’s what she told her to do the other day. Sharon admits she’s been using mind games on her, which appalls Stef. Sharon tells her that she’s making a huge mistake and begs her to reconsider. Stef tells her she’s done discussing this, and Sharon says she’ll be in the RV when Stef comes to her senses.


Stef opens a piece of mail that reveals she has Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer syndrome, meaning she has increased chances of this cancer becoming more serious because it’s common in her family. Lena asks her if there’s anything good in the mail, but Stef lies and says there are only bills, sticking the health report in her back pocket.

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