
Younger – Irish Goodbye

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By: Taylor Gates



Josh (Nico Tortorella) calls Liza (Sutton Foster) in the middle of the night, saying he’s in Ireland and going to marry Clare (Phoebe Dyenvor) so she can get a green card. He begs her to come, saying he needs her there. Liza wakes Maggie (Debi Mazar), telling her to pack her bags.


Kelsey (Hilary Duff) is shocked when Liza tells her the news. Diana (Miriam Shor) is irritated that Liza is taking a vacation, telling her that boys aren’t worth chasing. Zane (Charles Michael Davis) comes in, striking up conversation about Diana winning an award and being generally charming.


Nobody is playing nice at the Empirical marketing meeting for Marriage Vacation. Kelsey is still fighting for Millennial’s right to publish the novel as well as arguing and trying to one-up Zane. Charles (Peter Hermann) is devastated when he finds out Liza is chasing Josh around Ireland and Diana is still annoyed that Liza left during such a pivotal moment in her career. Zane got a great offer with “Good Morning America,” the producers wanting to feature Charles and Pauline—the real life couple from the book—alongside the segment. Charles is absolutely against this idea, but Zane still encourages them to push the “couple finding their way back together” narrative. After the meeting, Diana asks Charles about being back together with Pauline, but Charles clarifies she just moved back into the guest room for their daughters’ sakes.


Liza and Diana make it to Ireland without a hitch. When they get there, they’re surprised at how much effort Clare’s mom Noreen is going to (Deirdre O’Kane) for the wedding. Clare and Josh tell Liza and Maggie that none of Clare’s family knows that it’s only a green card wedding and that they want to follow all the Irish traditions. Maggie goes to put her bags inside with Josh while Liza goes into Dublin with Clare to pick up her dress.


Clare takes lots of pictures with Liza, saying they’re for the wedding book. They need photos, receipts, and ticket stubs in order to have evidence and apply for a green card. Clare asks if Liza will lie to immigration for her by saying she’s in love with Josh and that they’ve been together for six months instead of one. Clare says she’s just asking for tiny white lies—like the one Liza told to get her job. Liza is surprised Josh told Clare about that and that he’s okay with lying now. Clare says Josh only brought Liza there to make their story more believable, skirting the blackmail line by saying she owes Josh this because of what she did to him.


Liza and Maggie go on a walk together. Liza is stressing and suspicious. She’s doesn’t want to lie to homeland security, and she doesn’t think that Josh would want her to either. Maggie tells her she needs to calm down and not cause trouble for the two of them. Maggie steps in a bog and starts sinking and they have to enlist Noreen and the help of a tractor to help get her out.


Diana notes how well the “Good Morning America” segment with Pauline (Jessica Westfeldt) is going, crediting Zane’s smooth operating for its success. The producer, however, is less-than-pleased as she is wanting something juicier. Zane grants her permission to ask for Charles to come on while on the air, putting them on the spot. They coax a reluctant Charles onto the stage.


Afterwards, Charles is furious at Zane. Zane tries to shift some of the blame to Kelsey, but she refuses to have anything to do with it. Once Charles leaves, Zane tells Kelsey he just helped her book but Kelsey points out she’s already had two bestsellers and doesn’t need his help.


During their car ride home, Pauline tells Charles that maybe getting back together isn’t such a crazy idea, but Charles replies they’re still very much a work in progress. Pauline gets a text from Diana saying the “Good Morning America” page is blowing up. Charles starts to text Liza, assuring her the segment wasn’t his idea, but he deletes the message.


Noreen tells Maggie she fancies herself an artist as well, showing her a landscape she painted that she has seen in her dreams ever since Clare’s father passed away. Maggie immediately notices it looks like a vagina.


Liza runs into Josh on the street, admitting that she feels like he’s ignoring her. She also says she feels set-up by him asking her to lie. He says that she’ll lie for herself but not for him, and Liza says she feels like maybe this is all for Clare, suggesting maybe he doesn’t know her as well as he thought he did. He tells her to go home if she doesn’t want to be there.


Liza tells Maggie she wants to leave the party, but Maggie tells her she needs to stay and prove she can be Josh’s friend. Clare and her friend Fiona (Charleigh Bailey) drag her off to learn Irish dances. Josh sees her from across the room, his stare pining and lingering on her


A drunken Fiona hijacks Clare’s thank you speech, saying Clare and Josh have only known each other for a few weeks according to her Instagram and that she wants a green card because she hates Ireland. Liza stands up and vouches for the fact they’ve known each other for six months, making a toast to the happy couple.


Liza watches Charles’ interview in which he calls the Hamptons strictly a business trip and Pauline says they’re working on being a family again. Josh barges into her room, disheveled and upset. Liza tells him he shouldn’t do anything he doesn’t want to and that he should follow his heart. Josh kisses her and says it’s always been her that he loves. She kisses him back before pushing him away, saying they can’t go down this road. She reminds him she can’t give him the life he wants, but he says he wants any life with her in it. He says he’s going to tell Clare they can’t get married and lays down on her bed. Liza goes to fetch him a glass of water, but when she comes back he’s asleep. She lays down with him but wakes up alone.


Maggie comes in, dressed and ready. She tells Liza she’s running late and that she needs to hurry. Liza tells Maggie what happened the previous night, but sure enough there are tons of people outside and it looks like the ceremony is going to happen after all. Liza goes outside to find Josh and he tells her that, despite everything, he wants her to stay for the wedding. Liza and Maggie sit next to each other, commenting on how weird the whole thing is—Liza slept with Josh the previous night and Maggie slept with Noreen. Liza tears up when Josh and Clare exchange vows and Maggie clutches her hand. Charles calls Liza, but her phone is in a basket in the back, having been confiscated before the ceremony.

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