
Younger – Summer Friday

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By: Taylor Gates


Maggie (Debi Mazar) is off to the annual Cherry Grove drag parade for the weekend. She tells Liza (Sutton Foster) not to work too hard while she’s gone, as it’s summer.


At the office, Diana (Miriam Shor) is horrified at assistant Becky’s (Carly Brooke) skimpy outfit. Becky uses the excuse that it’s “summer Friday.” Diana needs Charles (Peter Hermann) to sign off on a budget, but he already left for vacation.


Kelsey (Hilary Duff) asks Liza what she thinks of Colin’s (Jay Wilkison) book. Liza couldn’t put the dystopian novel down, but it’s overwritten and could use some serious editing. Kelsey is worried about the conflict of interest since she is dating the author. Liza says she need to own the fact that they’re together and get him a good agent. Kelsey calls her agent friend Redmond (Michael Urie). Redmond tells her to send him the manuscript and bring Colin to a rooftop pool party half the publishing industry will be at that afternoon.


Colin tells Kelsey he already wants to make a deal with her, but Kelsey encourages him to get an agent with integrity so they can stay above the line. Redmond, while floating in an inner tube, tells Colin that his book is impressive—it’s both funny and depressing, at least in the chapter he had read. Colin thanks Kelsey for helping him get discovered. Redmond tells her if she wants to talk business, she has to get in the pool, too.


Kelsey leads Liza and Colin to a vending machine that sells bathing suits and they each grab a rather revealing one. Liza and Colin are obviously uncomfortable, but Josh (Nico Tortorella) and Kelsey are loving it.


Diana talks to her therapist, complaining about summer. Her therapist, Paul (Ethan Phillips), tells her that she has too many rules preventing intimacy. He suggests that she talk to the next interesting man she meets. Diana is skeptical, but agrees to give it a try. In the hallway, Diana starts talking to Richard (Mather Zickel), a marriage and family therapist. They flirt and bond and she eventually gets the courage to ask him to have coffee. He says it’s too hot for coffee, inviting her to join him for a beer instead.


Kelsey says she’s going to have Liza make the deal for Colin’s book, as she has an extreme conflict of interest. Redmond invites Emily (Fiona Robert) over to talk to them and she recognizes Liza. They met each other through being assistants and Emily reveals she now works for EW. Emily wants her magazine to write an article about Millennial and Colin’s book.


Liza shows Kelsey the offer she has drafted up for Colin’s book—it’s a great deal, but nothing that could be perceived as crossing the line. Liza and Kelsey go meet with Emily’s boss, Jess Cagle (Jess Cagle) at EW. While they’re there, Redmond calls Kelsey saying Paramount is eyeing Colin’s book for a movie deal.


During the meeting, Kelsey hypes up Colin’s book. Jess is excited about it and he tells them to send them a manuscript so they can do a write-up about Millennial and the novel. Liza tells Kelsey that sometimes you need to stretch the truth a little to get what you want.


Diana tells her therapist about her lovely date with Richard, but he is not pleased. He finds the relationship inappropriate and storms out of his office to make that known. Paul threatens to go to the ethics committee—he propositioned one of his patients and he’s sleeping in his office. Richard plays hardball, saying he’s surprised Paul still has a job considered he was arrested for shoplifting. Paul tells Diana that if she continues seeing Paul that their therapeutic relationship is over. Diana says she understands, bringing Richard to her house to make out. Her therapy with Paul wasn’t making much progress, anyway.


Liza tells Josh she’s worried about how Kelsey is acting in respect to Colin; she’s not even sure his book is that great. Josh gives her a foot massage, propositioning anal sex. Liza says she’s already tried it with her ex-husband and it’s just not her thing. Josh sulks, saying he’s never going to be her first time for anything.


Diana wakes up to Richard making her coffee and eggs. He tells her his therapy building is evicting him, as Diana’s ex-therapist blew the whistle on him for sleeping there. He tells her it’s in no way her fault, but he does ask if he can crash at her place for a few days until he finds a new apartment. Diana is unsure since they just met and he promises to be out of her hair after breakfast. He asks her to tell him a dream she had last night. She does and he interprets it as not wanting to let go of the past. This makes her change her mind and she says she’s happy to have him stay with her for awhile.


Emily texts Liza asking her to send over a bio and picture. Liza texts back and opts out—she wants Kelsey to be the face of Millennial. Liza asks Maggie about her weekend. It was atrocious. She accidentally got off on the wrong stop so instead of being with all the lesbians, she was on an all-male island dressed like a guy, which got her some unwanted attention. Liza tells her about the fight she had with Josh. Liza gets an idea; she knows what she has to do.


Kelsey shows Liza the nice, long article EW wrote about Millennial and Colin’s new book and she goes to Colin’s house to celebrate. Colin tells Kelsey that Random House offered him a $1.2 million deal. Kelsey is upset, as Millennial can’t match that offer. Kelsey goes to the bathroom and calls Redmond, yelling that he broke their deal. Redmond said it’s just business—Kelsey wanted him to be fair and after the EW article, there was a lot of buzz and competition. Kelsey shouldn’t have given them the book without a signed deal so this is on her. Colin tells Kelsey he won’t take the deal no matter what Redmond says. Kelsey pops some champagne, saying she would never hold him back from an opportunity like this.


Josh gives Liza her first tattoo on her back. It’s an hourglass laying horizontal, symbolizing time standing still and he designed it himself.

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