Alexa PenaVega – Christmas Made To Order
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) What are some of the themes and undertones of the film?
A) Obviously, the theme is Christmas!!! [smiles] But I think the undertone of this movie is to BELIEVE. There is actually a scene where we come across the word “believe” and what the person who wrote it must’ve meant when they wrote it.
Q) We have seen you take on these diverse roles that really test and showcase your range. They have this incredible balance of vulnerability, complexity, and are innately compelling. How does this extend with this film and what draws you into or connects you with these characters?
A) Wow, thank you! I love taking projects with positive messages where we as an audience can take something away from the film. A message of hope, a message of encouragement. When I find roles I like, the characters usually have to overcome something in their life in order to grow! I am drawn to characters like that. And I think it’s the same with this character!
Q) What is it about these holiday/seasonal movies that seem to add a little extra magic?
A) The holiday season is just so beautiful. The decorations. The festivities. The food. So many good things that look AMAZING on camera. I think that’s why people love Hallmark Christmas movies so much. They put all the good feeling “things” into a 90-minute movie!
Q) Quite often for films the setting can feel like a character in itself, how does this hold true?
A) Every film has a great opportunity to have its own unique look and feel! I think Hallmark has done such a great job with all of their projects and their “looks/setting.” Whether it’s Christmas or June weddings, they always nail the special qualities the settings have to offer.
Q) The hallmark of Hallmark movies is the great balance of heart and humor as well as love and lessons. How does this film stay consistent with that?
A) Well, Jonathan Bennett is a riot! And when we started filming this movie the humor just pours out! But we have been super blessed to have great writing teams who give us a great balance of romance and humor and then we try to bring the qualities that WE can as actors.
Q) What are some of your holiday traditions and comforts?
A) We live making homemade caramels!!! It’s our Christmas tradition!
Q) When you began reading the script, what are some of your character’s traits or aspects that really stood out and resonated with you?
A) I loved how ambitious Gretchen was! And how she didn’t want to compromise who she was or what she was capable of for “work.”
Q) What do you think it is about the holidays that tends to bring people together and/or help mend fences?
A) I just think the Spirit of the Holidays promotes positivity and coming together and that feeling is infectious.
Q) What are some memorable moments from filming?
A) That we couldn’t stop laughing. So many fun silly moments on set! That’s exactly how you want a set to be. Fun!
Q) What do you think it is about the movie that will really resonate with Hallmark Channel fans?
A) The beautiful Christmas Spirit and the characters overcoming obstacles in their lives!!!
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