
Amanda Grace Benitez – The Ranger

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By: Lisa Steinberg



Q) Please tell us the premise for the film The Ranger.


A) It’s about a group of teen punks fueled by a hallucinogenic drug called “Echo.”  They end up getting into trouble with the cops at a warehouse party and escape to the woods to hide out.  Suddenly, the group comes up against the local authority, “The Ranger,” with an axe to grind.


Q) What made you want to be a part of the film?


A) I was given a killer look book before ever signing onto this project.  After reading, my immediate reaction was that I needed to be Involved in such an artistic venture. I was a punk kid growing up and I never thought I’d be able to relieve those glorious days.  It was super cool!


Q) How was your character Amber originally described to you?


A) The Director and Writer, Jenn Wexler, along with Co-Writer Giaco Furino spoke about Amber being a free-spirited train hopper who left her privileged background to try the punk scene on for size.


Q) Was there anything you added to the role that wasn’t originally described to you?     


A) I realized that although Amber’s the life of the party and seems like she’s got it all going on, at the end of the day, she’s just seeking acceptance and love which happens to be in all the wrong places.  Beneath her tough exterior lies an extremely vulnerable girl that didn’t have the family upbringing one might hope for.  I tried to add a complexity to Amber so that she didn’t come off as your typically doomed girl.


Q) What did you find challenging about your portrayal?


A) There are a few times that Amber taunts Chloe Levine’s character, Chelsea, along with the rest of the punk gang.  However, in real life Chloe and I got along really well. So, that was difficult for sure.  She’s genuinely the sweetest.


Q) Were you familiar with any of your co-stars before working with them on the movie?


A) I knew of Jeremy Holm’s impressive work from both “House of Cards” and “Mr. Robot.” It was such a pleasure working with an incredibly kind-hearted talent.


Q) What kind of physical prep work or stunt training did you have to undertake for the film?


A) For each project I take on, my prep work varies; however, I try to keep up with regular gym practice along with heated yoga.  For this film in particular, I focused on making sure that I was physically capable of taking long hikes for most of our flick takes place in the woods.


Q) What advice did director Jenn Wexler offer that you took to heart while filming?


A) Jenn had a way of knowing how to pull an emotion out of you that you never thought possible.  There were times where I thought I had hit the correct emotional pitch, but she was able to take my performance to a whole other level.


Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming “The Ranger?


A) The days we weren’t filming all cast and crew got to hangout and explore Woodstock, NY were really cool.  Plus, our hotel had this awesome courtyard where we all would hangout before and after each film day. 


Q) You are a part of social media. Are you looking forward to the fan feedback you will be receiving to the movie?


A) I am beyond stoked yet incredibly nervous!  You can never be sure how a film will be received by people.  I hope everyone loves our flick just as much as we enjoyed making it!!


Q) What advice would you give to up and coming actors and actresses?


A) I would tell them to keep working on their craft, stay true to yourself, be humble and never ever give up.  You never know because the big break could be just around the corner.

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