
Amistat – a moment in the sun

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By: Jennifer Vintzileos



Q) How would you best describe your sound?

A) Our sound is a blend of indie folk and alternative folk mixed with singer-songwriter. As twins, our harmonies are what define our sound the most. We aim to weave our life experiences into our music, resulting in songs that are both personal and universally relatable.

Q) Who are your Top 3 musical influences?

A) We grew up listening to Cat Stevens, The Bee Gees, and the godfathers of harmonies, Simon and Garfunkel. They had an early impact on our style of music. The biggest influence on our music; however, was Ben Howard. He introduced us to the world of open tunings and different kinds of guitar styles like tapping and using the guitar as a percussive element.

Q) Tell us the story behind your current single “Still Believe.”

A) “Still Believe” was inspired by a tough time one of our friends went through last year. It’s about holding onto hope and staying true to yourself. We wanted to capture that feeling of resilience and the belief that better days are always ahead and to never give up.

Q) You also shot a music video for “Still Believe.” How did you come up with the concept for the music video?

A) We had initially planned to shoot a different “Still Believe” video and concept, which ended up not turning out the way we had hoped. We had to come up with something last minute and decided to use some footage we still had lying around from the previous European tour, and it turned out to be a great choice! We love how it came out.

Q) “Still Believe” is off of your recently released EP a moment in the sun. Since its release, what has been the reaction to the new EP from fans and listeners?

A) The reaction to a moment in the sun has been amazing. Fans have told us how much the songs mean to them and how they’ve helped during tough times. Knowing our music can make a difference is incredibly rewarding and the biggest compliment!

Q) I absolutely love the title track! Which song was your favorite to write and record for this EP?

A) Thanks! We obviously love all the tracks [winks], but “A Moment in the Sun” stands out. Writing and recording it was a special experience as it had initially been written about Jan’s encounters with anxiety and mental health issues.

Q) Your music feels so personal and intimate. What is your process when coming up with the lyrics for a new song?

A) Our lyric-writing process is very personal. We draw from our own lives and emotions, starting with a core feeling or story we want to tell. Then, we refine the lyrics together to make sure they’re genuine and resonate with our shared experiences. There really isn’t a set formula or guide on how we write, each time is totally different which makes it feel so unique to us.

Q) How involved are you as a band with the production side of the music that you make?

A) We’re very hands-on with production. Starting with laying down rough demos and pre-production at home to sitting in on production and mixing sessions. Being involved lets us make sure our vision comes through. We work closely with our producers to shape each track, ensuring it aligns with the emotions and themes we want to convey.

Q) With the release of a moment in the sun, you’re set to play some tour dates in Europe this summer. What can fans expect from a live Amistat performance?

A) Our live shows are all about creating a connection with our audience. Expect a mix of intimate storytelling, personal interactions and a blend of energetic and reflective moments. We aim to make every show a unique experience for the fans. [smiles]

Q) Which song is your favorite to play at live shows?

A) “Seasons” is probably our favorite to play live at the moment. It’s such a powerful one and creates a special connection with the audience every time. As it’s one of our most popular tracks, people sing along to it from the first word which makes it even more special and fun to perform!

Q) If you could collaborate with anyone on a new project, who would you love to work with and why?

A) Among many others, we’d absolutely love to one day collaborate with Ben Howard, being our all-time inspiration. His music is deeply emotional and atmospheric, and we think working with him would push us creatively and lead to something truly special.

Q) What would you like to say to your fans and supporters of your music?

A) We want to say a huge thank you to all our fans and supporters, especially the ones that have been there from the beginning. Your belief in our music means the world to us and has kept us going. Thanks for being part of our journey – we can’t wait to share more music and memories with you! Music to us is only real when shared!


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