April Parker Jones – Love Soul Deep
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?
A) Currently, I am gearing up for the second half of the season premiere for “If Loving You is Wrong” on March 24th on the OWN Network. I have been blessed to recur on ABC’s “How To Get Away With Murder” in Season One. I also have the privilege of returning to the stage playing the role of Genie Ann Parker in the premiere of Love Soul Deep, which is written and directed by Patricia Cuffie-Jones.
Q) Please tell us the premise for the play Love Soul Deep and about your character.
A) Love Soul Deep tells the story of Ella Mae Watson who fought for Civil Rights in the 1950’s and 1960’s and the two men who fought for her heart. I play Ella’s older sassy cousin, Genie Ann Parker, who comes to visit, but not without stirring things up a bit.
Q) What made you want to be a part of the play?
A) Theater is and will always be my first love. So when I read the script, I saw that it would be a magical opportunity to play a role that most have not seen me in and I jumped at the offer.
Q) Was there anything you added to your role that wasn’t originally scripted for you?
A) As an artist, it is important that we always try and add our unique personality and essence to any character. I believe that although I did not add anything to what was written for the character, I did bring color to her that only an artist totally committed to the work could bring.
Q) What is it like working with writer/director Patricia Cuffie-Jones?
A) Working with Patricia Cuffie-Jones was an absolute joy. She knows what she wants, but she also allowed us the freedom to create with the character without limits.
Q) What do you think it is about Love Soul Deep that will resonate with viewers?
A) I believe the viewers of Love Soul Deep will experience an array of emotions. Some will cry, some will definitely laugh and most (if not all) will leave believing in love all over again!
Q) We also recently saw you in the show “How To Get Away With Murder.” What are some of your most memorable moments from filming?
A) One of the most memorable moments was filming the scene with Viola Davis in the interrogation room. I had to sit across from her and I remember at that moment looking into her eyes and understanding why she is hailed as one of the greatest actresses of all times! I felt honored and proud that I was sharing the screen with her!
Q) What did you take away from working on the show?
A) I took away a feeling of overwhelming pride and inspiration from working on “How To Get Away With Murder.” I know that doors are opening for actresses of color and the best is yet to come for my career.
Q) “How To Get Away With Murder” is a guilty pleasure show for some. What are some shows you watch as a guilty pleasure?
A) I LOVE watching reruns of “Martin!” Laughter is such a great escape and that show definitely leaves me in stitches! I also enjoy old school sitcoms like “Good Times” and “The Jeffersons.”
Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?
A) As humans I believe we all, in some degree, rely on the connection of those who we love, like and admire to keep us inspired. Social media is a great way to stay connected with so many people in so many different places and allows us to peek into each other lives and show that we are all so much more alike than we are different.
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