Audrey Esparza – Blindspot
By: Kelsey Juntwait
Q) Zapata went through an incredible character development in Season One. With all she’s been through, what are we going to see different about her in season two?
Audrey: I think the audience will definitely learn a little more about Tasha and who she is and why she is the way she is. I’m really looking forward to a very strong story line between Tasha and Reade that’s coming up. They’re going to get into a lot of trouble together! It’s dangerous. It’s exciting. It will definitely test their friendship. It’s a storyline that I’m so excited to be apart of. Rob Brown, who plays Reade, does such a beautiful job, and I’m incredibly privileged to be along for the ride. I get to work with one of my closest friends everyday. It’s kind of the best. I also have to say that as an actor on the show, and a female, I’m pretty excited that Tasha has a storyline that has nothing to do with a love interest.
Q) That was something I was going to mention!
Audrey: Every time we go into a woman’s personal life between the ages of 18 and 45, it’s about who she’s sleeping with! I really applaud the writers for coming up with something that has nothing to do with that. I know that my life is not all about that. I imagine yours isn’t all about that.
Q) Yes! I love that so much about this show and about the character you portray!
Audrey: Right!? I can absolutely relate. At this point in my life, the most important thing is my job. To have young women and characters like that on television is really important and makes us feel like we’re doing the right things, and there’s no guilt about getting done what we need to get done.
Q) I love that you mentioned that.
Audrey: Yeah, I’m very aware of it! I’ve been like, “Guys, this is so great!” They asked me if I was good with Tasha not having a love interest and I was like, “Yeah, as long as you write for me!” And they have and it’s great!
Q) So are we going to see more of this gambling problem that she has, then?
Audrey: I have to say in Season Two, as of now, she’s not (without spoiling anything) gambling in the literal or most obvious sense. She’s definitely gambling with her life and with her choices. Tasha has addictive and risky behavior. If it’s not with a deck of cards, it’s definitely with her life.
Q) How do you portray playing a character with so many layers like that?
Audrey: I think any actor will say that it all starts with writing. Martin Gero, our creator, and the incredible group of writers that they’ve assembled have written such rich characters. I just feel lucky to play her. I feel a certain amount of responsibility playing a women in law enforcement. We’re fortunate enough to have FBI agents on hand. One of them is a female agent who I just adore. I have so much respect for her….Oh, I lost my train of thought because she is so lovely. [laughs] She’s so smart, so layered and so good at her job. Just to be able to bring out a little bit of that, is exciting.
Q) You’re portraying a character that is physically putting her life on the line, so you’re channeling fear, but you also have to cover it up with strength.
Audrey: Yeah! That’s what I was trying to get at! That’s one of the most interesting things that all of them had in common, both male and female. I think we forget because it often gets lost in Hollywood depiction, that FBI agents are human and are incredibly vulnerable. What they all had in common is that they were all afraid. The difference between them and us is that they step forward when there’s fire instead of backwards. I can’t explain what it is or why they are that way but they are that way. They’re afraid but they go.
Q) Is it fun to play that?
Audrey: It’s so fun! Tasha is so much braver than I am and I am inspired by her character so I have so much fun playing her. All of the physical stuff. I try to keep in the best shape I can, especially with our crazy schedule. I mean, we have to. We play these people that work with their bodies on a daily basis.
Q) I think that inspires people, too! I know it inspires me to see these characters on television that are just strong women.
Audrey: I’m so glad to hear you say that! That’s all we hope for. Really.
Q) How about your relationship with Jane this season? Can you tell us how that’s different moving forward into Season Two?
Audrey: Sure! First of all, it’s a blast to play because I have a lot of fun working with Jaimie [Alexander]. She is sweet and just a great scene partner. Jane Doe’s character entered into a very tight, close family that is the FBI. We lost our leader who was played by the incredible Marianne Jean-Baptiste. With Mayfair gone missing, they’re kind of like children without a mother. Our maternal figure is gone and Tasha, along with the rest of her crew, very much blames Jane. I think Jane has a lot of making up to do. She has a lot to prove. Tasha is not one to left people in easily, so after this, it’s going to take a minute.
Q) Understandable! People on social media are talking about looking up to your character as this badass, female person of color. What’s that response been like?
Audrey: Well, I just joined social media… Like, I’m a month and a half into Instagram. I didn’t expect that and I’m really happy to see is the response from young Hispanic women! So, that’s really nice. In terms of playing a strong women of color, Tasha is a character and I just happen not to be white. I don’t put much more into it.
Q) I love how you worded that. It’s like, it’s non-news. It doesn’t matter that they’re not white. It’s just a badass character.
Audrey: Right! With the casting of this particular character, I know it was open ethnicity. They were excited about seeing all kinds of girls, so I just feel lucky to play her.
Q) Lastly, I’m wondering if there’s a scene this season that’s your favorite?
Audrey: Again, I have to say, hold onto your seats when Reade’s story line starts to open up. I’m along for the ride. I’m there to support my friend Rob and Tasha is there to support her friend Reade. It is an exciting, crazy, important and a brave storyline. I’m just really excited for people to watch.
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