Big Brother 24 – Episode 2
By: Sammi Turano
This episode of “Big Brother” opens with a recap of the premiere and everyone getting to know each other. Michael lies about being an attorney while Brittany pretends to work for a toy company. They both say that they don’t want any misconceptions while they play the game.
As they all chat, Paloma confesses that she already dislikes Taylor (via DR). Taylor, for her part, is already sweet on Monte.
The Backstage Crew get their own shirts. They know they can basically do nothing all week, which throws a wrench in Brittany’s gameplay plans.
Have Not time! Michael, Joseph, Monte and Kyle all volunteer to be in the most dreaded position, where they sleep in uncomfortable beds/chairs, take cold showers and eat slop.
Daniel and Nicole gravitate toward each other and decide to make a final two deal. Meanwhile, Alyssa and Paloma are making a deal of their own as the Scorpio Sisters.
Taylor is playing pool with the guys and trying to form a bond. Monte finds her attractive and confident—could we be seeing a showmance soon?
The women, minus Nicole and Taylor form an all girls alliance, called Girl’s Girls. They seem to hate Taylor already and the fact that she is playing pool with the guys.
Daniel talks to different houseguests about gameplay. Ameerah tells him to put two of the Have Nots on the block and promises the girls will have his back. She convinces him they are influencing him by volunteering to be Have Nots and gives him more ideas for gameplay.
Paloma and Jasmine bond, with Jasmine talking about losing her father and how much he would have loved to see her on the show.
Michael and Daniel talk gameplay, but Daniel doesn’t trust him because he is a superfan.
Joseph talks about growing up in an Arab household and how he wanted to go on the show to represent his culture. Kyle also talks about growing up Mormon and having been sheltered growing up.
There is more gameplay talk. Paloma tries to convince Daniel to put Taylor on the block because she isn’t playing the game and because she isn’t bonding with the girls.
Terrance and Jasmine bond. He doesn’t feel as if he fits in and suggests they have their own married alliance. Jasmine doesn’t want this but agrees for the time being.
Nomination time! Michael and Terrance are on the block because Michael is a superfan and Terrance didn’t discuss gameplay with Daniel. Michael is the main target.
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