Big Brother 24 – Episode 30
By: Sammi Turano
We are facing the eviction that will give us the final four on CBS’s “Big Brother” 24. Taylor replaced Brittany on the block and at this point, Monte thinks that it will be Alyssa heading to jury tonight….but as we all know, expect the unexpected.
The entire house has one thing on their minds….getting to the finale. Taylor and Alyssa are under the most pressure due to being on the block. They campaign to the other houseguests, trying to prove that they are worthy of making it to the final four.
Taylor makes a final two deal with Brittany, while Alyssa throws Taylor under the bus by telling Turner he will be Taylor’s target if she wins HOH.
Brittany feels left out because Alyssa, Monte and Taylor spend a lot of time together and because there is a budding romance between Monte and Taylor.She wonders if Taylor is truly on her side and if she should even be supporting her at this point.
Alyssa continues her campaign to save herself, even telling Turner she won’t be his friend if he votes to evict her. Turner isn’t sure what to do at this point.
Eviction time! Brittany votes to evict Taylor, while Turner votes to evict Alyssa. Since it is a tie, Monte must now vote. He votes for Alyssa and sends her to jury.
After Alyssa does her post eviction interview with Julie, we get to the HOH competition. They all must answer questions based on a video they watched. It is a close race for a majority of the competition, with Brittany and Taylor going into a tiebreaker.
In the end, Taylor wins!
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