Big Brother – Season 21, Night Eight
By: Sammi Turano
Tonight is the second live eviction on CBS’s “Big Brother.” Either Jessica or Kemi will be sent to Camp Comeback. When we last left our houseguests we discovered that Sam decided not use to the POV and left the nominations as is.
After a recap, we learn Jack is glad to see Sam didn’t use the power so they can get rid of Kemi.
Cliff thinks Ovi will come back and forms an alliance with Nicole. They call themselves the Fellowship of the Zing and I am in love with that name.
Nick and Isabella have a bit of a showmance, as do Analyse and Jack.
Cliff accidentally messes up his alliance by getting up early one morning and talking to himself over a up of coffee. He also mentions Tommy and Christie, who overhears and spills everything to Gr8ful. Oh, Cliff!
Now everything gets into a big he said/she said game with word getting out that Isabella is playing both sides of the game, people (mostly Sam) suddenly wanting to save Kemi, Cliff’s babbling coming into light…It is a huge mess and hard to keep straight. The alliances seem to be falling apart. It is crazy!
Live eviction time. Both Jessica and Kemi give their speeches as to why they should stay. Kemi also calls Nick and Isabella out on their game play and then the voting begins.
Everyone except Michie votes for Kemi, sending her to Camp Comeback.
HOH Competition! They have to shoot an arrow and the one who gets the highest score wins HOH. There is also a chance to win money and safety if someone does not want HOH. It is a fairly quick competition and Nick wins.
The animosity in the house is strong due to the game play, backstabbing and alliances falling apart. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is every man for himself at this point.
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