
Big Brother – Season 21, Night Thirty

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By: Sammi Turano



It was another nomination day on CBS’s “Big Brother.” We also saw who won the HOH competition, which aired live on the feeds last week.


The competition is another wall sit endurance comp. Jessica falls first and is then followed by Cliff and Christie. Nicole falls next, which is followed by Tommy. He falls when Michie promises to keep him safe. Michie wins, although he isn’t sure how he feels about having the power.


Christie is worried about being at risk for eviction while Nicole is upset about losing. Michie promises her safety, saying they still have a final four deal with Cliff and Holly.


Michie tells everyone except Christie and Jessica they are safe, but explains to Christie she is a pawn in order to get rid of Jessica. Christie, of course, cries. Cliff offers to be a pawn in order to throw everyone off the scent about the final four deal.


Christie finds out Tommy is going to be safe and realizes there is a final four deal going on. Tommy comes to the same conclusion.


Michie tells Jessica she is going up because he is worried she might outwit him during the memory competitions, leaving her devastated. Christie wonders what will happen if Jessica wins the veto and Michie says Cliff will then go up. Christie is upset because she knows this will get her evicted.


It’s nomination time! Jessica and Christie are up and we will find out next episode if they will remain in place.

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