Big Brother – Season 21, Night Thirty-Two
By: Sammi Turano
Tonight is double eviction night on CBS’s Big Brother. The first eviction will be between Jessica and Christie and then we will get to the quickie HOH competition, nominations, POV competition and then another eviction.
First eviction! In a unanimous vote Jessica is evicted. There isn’t much time to be sad because Julie announces that it is time for the HOH competition.
In the competition, the houseguests are on a rink building a puzzle and then must use a hockey stick in order to score a goal. Nicole wins and puts Christie and Tommy on the block.
POV competition! It is true or false questions about what former houseguests have said. The competitiont is very close between everyone until the very end when it is between Cliff and Christie. Christie changes her answer for the last question at the last minute….causing her to lose and Cliff to win POV!
The houseguests head back inside. At the POV ceremony Cliff decides to keep the nominations as is and we go into another eviction. In yet another unanimous vote, Christie is evicted from the “Big Brother” Household.
Outside of the house, Christie admits in her interview with Julie that she did know Tommy from before, but had no idea he would be on the show. She says he was a help to her in the house as he was a sounding board and lifted her up when she was feeling low. In the next episode we will see who wins HOH!
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