
Big Brother – Season 22, Night Twenty-Seven

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By: Sammi Turano



It was the ninth POV competition on CBS’s “Big Brother” All Stars!” When we last left our houseguests Cody won HOH and put Tyler and Christmas on the block. As it stands right now, there will be no changes because Cody has final two deals with Nicole, Enzo and Memphis. However, he is leaning more toward getting rid of Christmas.

Nicole doesn’t care who leaves because she doesn’t like Tyler nor Christmas for trying to evict her.

Tyler and Christmas realize their final two deal is over because they are both on the block. They both plan to try and stay in the game. Christmas; however, keeps crying to Cody who has no interest in what she has to say.

Memphis and Tyler share an emotional moment where they bond over the loss of their fathers. Memphis says the loss impacted his relationship with his own son while Tyler recalls losing his father after being on “Big Brother” the first time. They cry together as they remember the great men who made them who they are today.

VETO COMP TIME! Everyone is competing in this one since there are only six people left. It has a baseball theme and the players have to arrange baseball cards of evicted houseguests using clues in the cards. Tyler and Memphis never figure out to do it, but Cody ends up winning the POV.

Christmas and Tyler both decide to throw each other under the bus in hopes that it will get them off the block. Christmas accuses Tyler of being shady and he accuses her of targeting Nicole and Cody. Tyler even tries to get Enzo to believe that Cody had a plan to get him out of the house and shares about The Committee. Enzo already knew that info though since Cody told him. Now, Enzo is set to get rid of Tyler for sure.

Enzo has no problem relaying all this information to Cody, who is still trying to decide what to do with his POV. Tyler tells him to take him off and backdoor Memphis so that he is saved.

However, Cody decides to keep the nominations the same, which will send either Tyler or Christmas to the jury house.

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