Big Brother Season 25 – Episode 33
By: Sammi Turano
Big Brother 25 on CBS picks up with Blue taking herself off the block and Jag removing Felicia. The invisible HOH Jag puts Cory and America on the block as replacement nominations. America is upset, but Cory is okay with it since he knows he would have done the same thing in Jag’s shoes.
Cirie and Felicia are thrilled with this turn of events since it means that they can float to the finals. They are also delighted to see the two power duos going against each other.
Cory and America both question Jag for his motives since they know is secret power. She also denies every saying Jag and Matt were targets.
However, America later tells Cory she did talk to Blue about going after Matt and Jag and it got back to them. Cory says there is nothing that can be done and fights to stay in the house.
America then confronts Blue and asks if she said anything to Jag and Matt. Blue says she is playing the game for herself now and is sorry they got burned by it. However, she agrees to work with her if Cory leaves.
Cirie is sick of her BB Superhero punishment and says that she cannot wait for it all to be over.
Cory goes around the house in hopes of saving himself and seems to get people on his side, including Blue, Cirie and Felicia, who think getting America out might be better for their game.
Later on, Cirie thinks things over and wonders if keeping Cory might cause problems later on, especially if he reconciles with the other guys. She also wonders if he will even take them to the final three. She thinks it over and thinks that getting rid of Cory might be her best bet.
Eviction time! Cory and America give their final pleas before the vote takes place. In a unanimous vote, Cory is sent to jury.
In his exit interview, he tells Julie he isn’t surprised due to his issues with the ladies and that the showmance didn’t help matters. He is only surprised by the double backdoor.
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