Big Brother – Season 26, Episode 10
By: Sammi Turano
Tonight’s episode of Big Brother 26 on CBS opens with the aftermath of the nomination ceremony. Angela is determined to win the veto and prove she is here to stay.
Cedric thinks this will be an easy week since two of his noms volunteered themselves and hopes everything stays the same after the POV competition.
Makensy worries that she is going to be backdoored. She plans on winning the POV to prevent this from happening.
Angela alludes to the fact that Quinn has a special power to Tucker. He goes to Kimo to discuss this and he confirms that this is indeed true. Tucker plans on winning POV to get Makensy or Quinn on the block.
Kenney is still talking about how he doesn’t care if he stays or goes because he misses his family. T’Kor wonders if this is actually how he feels or a strategy since he is still winning comps. Kenney tells Cedrick that he might win POV take off Angela and cause everyone to get so upset that they send him home.
Makensy and Leah are joining the POV comp. The comp has them racing through a jungle carrying a power cord without touching any vines. Makensy, Tucker AND Kenney are in the top three with Tucker winning POV!
Tucker tells Cam about Quinn’s power, making Cam question his trust in him, especially since they are in two alliances together. Cam then tells Cedric about the power, who then questions Quinn about it. Quinn denies everything and tells him that Lisa probably had the power.
Despite this, Cedric still considers backdooring Makensy.
Tucker tells Kenney and Cedric he has a crazy plan to use the POV on Angela so they can put Quinn up and therefore get rid of him and his power. He also thinks he can defeat Quinn in the AI arena comp.
Tucker removes Angela from the block, shocking everyone. He says his plan is to get the competitors out.
Makensy is put on the block, upsetting Tucker because this wasn’t part of the plan. He apologizes to Makensy for this and tells Cedric he won’t forget what he did.
Makensy activates her power and removes herself from the block! Ainsley explains that America will choose the nominee….and all will be revealed before the AI Arena comp.
Tucker and Makensy plan on going after Cedric next, while Quinn plans to go after Tucker knowing he is his next target.
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