Big Brother – Season 26, Episode 8
By: Sammi Turano
Tonight is the second eviction on CBS’s “Big Brother 26.” Julie Chen Moonves is on hand to keep us posted on everything….but first, we get into the nitty gritty drama in the house.
After the veto meeting, everyone discusses who has the powers in the house. Tucker still thinks Chelsie should have nominated Makensy because he knows she has the power. He also wonders if Lisa has the other power. He talks to her about it, but she tells him she doesn’t have it. He thinks she is lying, especially since she lied about her vote in the previous eviction. Armed with this information, Tucker decides to tell everyone that Lisa does indeed have the power, not knowing that she is telling the truth….this time.
Angela tells Tucker that Quinn has the power. He tells her he thinks the opposite. Quinn walks in on this conversation and realizes the game that Angela is playing.
Rubina, Tucker, Lisa and Joseph talk about Angela, calling her a loose cannon. She hears the whole thing and mocks Lisa as she walks by, calling her a twit and making fun of the way she walks. Lisa retaliates by calling her a bully and goes into the storage room, where she breaks down.
AI Arena comp time! They have to rotate gears and assemble puzzle pieces to make a security scanner key. The one to finish first wins.
Tucker wins, meaning that either Lisa or Angela will be evicted.
After the ladies campaign to stay in the house, with Angela in tears, they give their final speeches as to why they should stay.
Eviction votes:
Tucker: Lisa
Rubina: Lisa
Quinn: Lisa
Kenney: Angela
Joseph: Lisa
Makensy: Lisa
Cedric: Lisa
Brooklyn: Lisa
Cam: Lisa
Leah: Lisa
Kimo: Lisa
T’Kor: Lisa
In an 11-1 vote, Lisa is evicted from the Big Brother Household. She hugs everyone and goes to talk to Julie. She is shocked and upset over this because she thought the plan was to get rid of Angela. She also thinks that it would have been better in the long run to keep her since Angela was such a bully.
We end with Angela wondering why they decided to keep her.
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