Black Lightning Recap – The Book Of Blood: Chapter Three: The Sange
By: Jessica Wolff
Black Lightning (Cress Williams) follows the silver liquid through the woods and finds three dead Perdi hanging from the trees as he talks to Anissa Pierce (Nafessa Williams). Anissa advises him to turn back, but he is determined to find the other baby. Black Lightning hears footsteps approaching and uses a camouflage feature on his suit to hide himself.
The Sange hear a noise and search for the source. Black Lightning sneaks up to them, reappears and fights them. He contains one of them in a ball of lightning and asks where the baby is. The Sange tells him to go to hell, but Black Lightning loses his charge and is easily knocked out by the other Sange.
Perenna (Erika Alexander) asks Jennifer Pierce (China Anne McClain) why she wanted to meet asking if it’s about Khalil Payne (Jordan Calloway). Jennifer admits that he’s part of it, and Perenna urges her to talk to her parents. However, Jennifer explains that her parents don’t like Khalil and treat her like a prisoner. Jennifer believes her parents look at her and see themselves as failures, adding that it’s caused them to prevent her from living her life.
Perenna assures her that her parents love her, but Jennifer questions how much of this kind of love she can take. Perenna advises her to use condoms, but Jennifer admits she’s scared of hurting Khalil and worried that she’ll spend the rest of her life not being normal. She admits that she misses the way things used to be and hates that she can’t change the way things are.
In a motel room, Peter Gambi (James Remar) sketches a motorcycle and listens to a scanner that picks up conversation related to the Pierces. Meanwhile, Jefferson wakes up shirtless and tied to a chair as Looker (Sofia Vassilieva) tells him she’s a fan of his. She tells him that she’s always felt they had a lot in common, but Jefferson is skeptical. Looker explains that Black Lightning fights for his people and she fights for hers. Jefferson calls her out for being racist, pointing out the confederate flag on the wall.
Looker questions how he can be proud of his heritage while she can’t, and Jefferson confronts her about the hanging of Perdi from trees. She tells him that the Perdi killed a Sange, arguing that nobody is innocent in South Freeland. Jefferson tells her he’s going to enjoy taking her down, but Looker points out that he isn’t in a position to threaten her at the moment.
Anissa brings Lynn Pierce (Christine Adams) to see Anaya (Birgundi Baker) and assures Anaya that she can trust Lynn. As Lynn is cleaning the baby, a vial of the silver substance jumps out of Anissa’s bag of its own accord and Lynn asks for blood samples of the baby. Anissa explains that Lynn’s a doctor, and Anaya allows her. As they walk away from Anaya, Lynn asks Anissa what’s going on and Anissa explains the situation is complicated.
Looker wakes Jefferson up and demands to know where the other baby is. Jefferson refuses to answer, and Looker comments on the irony of her planning to kill him by electrocution. She has a Sange blast him with electricity, but Jefferson refuses to reveal the baby’s location. However, Looker is able to use her ability to sense the baby’s location and orders the Sange to continue blasting Jefferson with electricity until he’s dead.
Gambi’s scanner picks up on Anissa’s location, and he returns to his sketch. Jefferson doesn’t move and the Sange declares him dead. As soon as the electricity is off, Jefferson laughs and explains that his powers don’t come from the suit. He thanks the Sange for the charge before breaking free of his restraints and attacking them. Once the Sange are knocked out, Jefferson puts his suit back on and goes upstairs to retrieve the baby. Once he finds the baby, he picks him up and punches an approaching Sange without taking his eyes off the baby.
Khalil meets Jennifer at the high school football stadium and tells her that she deserves a guy who can give her the finer things. She asks where this is coming from, telling him he’s scaring her. He ignores a call from Tobias Whale (Marvin ‘Krondon’ Jones III) and tells her that Tobias won’t stop until he kills Reverend Jeremiah Holt (Clifton Powell). Khalil tells her he doesn’t want to be like Tobias, and she advises him to find a solution to a problem.
Jennifer tells him they’ll figure this out together and asks Khalil if he can buy them some time to ask Holt to leave town. He tells her he already tried to talk to Holt, but Jennifer urges him to try harder. She tells him that he’ll leave as well, but he asks where he can go with no money. Jennifer promises to figure it out and tells him to focus on Holt. She promises Khalil she’ll support him and takes his hand.
Black Lightning talks to the crying baby as he walks through the woods. He sees Gambi’s drone on the ground and picks up the flashing transmitter. Black Lightning contacts Anissa, who asks if he’s okay. He tells her he’s bringing the baby and warns her that Looker is coming to them, teling her about Looker’s ability to sense the baby. Black Lightning warns her to be careful and flies away with the baby.
Holt points a gun at Khalil as he approaches him in church. Khalil warns him he’s in danger and begs him to leave. Khalil warns him Tobias wants him dead, but Holt declares that he’s not scared of Tobias and that whatever happens to him is in god’s hands. Outside, Tobias pulls up to Khalil and orders him to get in the car. Khalil runs away, and Tobias makes a call.
Khalil hides in an alleyway and calls Jennifer to tell her what happened. He admits he’s scared of Tobias finding him and Jennifer asks where he is. Khalil warns her to stay away so that Tobias doesn’t hurt her too, but Jennifer tells her she coming to him. Anissa tells Anaya and Lynn to hide until she or Black Lightning tells them it’s safe to come out. Black Lightning knocks on Bill Henderson’s (Damon Gupton) door, and Henderson complains about how late it is. Black Lightning hands him the baby and promises to come back for him.
Khalil hears gang members looking for him, and the lights in the alleyway go out. Jennifer tells Khalil to follow her voice and he follows it inside a nearby building. Khalil declares that he can’t see, but Jennifer forms a ball of light in her hands and asks him if he can see her now.
Looker and her army of Sange arrive at the abandoned mall and Thunder blows them away. Looker extends her fingernails and leaps into a fight with Thunder. During the fight, Thunder grabs Looker by the neck and slams her into a table. Looker runs away and charges at Thunder as they continue punching each other. The Sange knock Thunder down and Looker grabs her. Before Looker can strike, Black Lightning arrives and pulls Looker and the Sange away.
Thunder grabs Looker and throws her onto a piece of protruding metal, impaling her. The silver substance flows out of her body and the Sange break free of her control. Black Lightning asks what’s happening, and Thunder assure him they’ll be fine as the Sange walk out of the building. Thunder explains the science of Looker’s power and Black Lightning begs her to stop. They watch Looker bleed out and Black Lightning declares they have to hand her over to the ASA.
Anissa drives Anaya home, and Anaya questions if she should go home. Anissa encourages Anaya to talk things out with her father (Warren Snipe), and Anaya steps out of the car. Anaya asks about her mother through sign language and her father points to one of the graves. She breaks down and embraces her father as Anissa brings the babies over. Anaya’s father takes both babies and Anaya embraces him. Anissa and Grace Choi (Chantal Thuy) watch television together, and Anissa asks Grace if she’s okay. Grace excuses herself to the bathroom and her tattoos shift on her body. She takes a pill and the effects calm.
Gambi is startled by a knock on the door and grabs his gun. After checking outside, he opens the door for Jefferson, who comments that he looks good for a dead man. Jefferson asks to be invited in and hands him the transmitter. Jefferson admits that he doesn’t know whether to hug or hit him, and Gambi explains that he faked his death to protect him and his family as he finds who tried to kill him. Jefferson reminds Gambi that he’s his family too and embraces him.
Lynn comes home to find that Jennifer is gone, and leaves a message asking where she is. Jefferson and Lynn demand that Perenna tell them where Jennifer is, and Perenna tells them she can’t violate the patient confidentiality agreement. Lynn urges Perenna to not get on her bad side and demands to know where Jennifer is.
Perenna admits she doesn’t know where she is, but that she is most likely with a boy. Perenna tells Jefferson and Lynn that Jennifer’s powers are unique and beyond anything they’ve seen before. She warns them that Jennifer’s powers could be extremely dangerous if she’s pushed further away and doesn’t have a support system to help guide her.
Meanwhile, Khalil tells Jennifer that he’s feeling great because she saved his life and that she’s the only one that didn’t give up on him. Jennifer tells him she knows the real him, and that he’s the only person who understands what she’s going through. They agree that things are never going to be normal again, and Khalil assures her that she’s not a freak.
Jennifer questions how he’s not freaked out about it, and he reminds her that his body is enhanced. Khalil tells her that her parents aren’t like her, but he realizes from her look that they are like her. They kiss, and Khalil is shocked, but he asks her to do it again. After joking around, Khalil and Jennifer decide to run away together and drive out of the city.
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