
Blowfuse – The 4th Wall

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By: Jennifer Vintzileos



Q) How would you best describe your sound?

A) Lately even we have trouble answering that question. While it is true that we have experimented with other genres in our latest record, I think the Punk Rock label can still be applied to us. Punk rock is our main intersection in all of our career.

Q) Who are your Top 3 musical influences?

A) I think at this point it’s no surprise that we’ve grown up looking up to RKL (Rich Kids on LSD) and that they have influenced the way we understand punk rock and hardcore music and gigs. King’s X is another band that we all listen to a lot, and which has inspired us to play newer and funkier grooves. And last but not least, we all have a shared history of listening to The Offspring. They’ve always been a clear example of what an iconic punk rock band looks like, and I think we’ve never been able to ignore that. [laughs]

Q) Tell us the story behind “I Give You My Word.”

A) “I Give You My Word” is a song about self-doubt. It is a song about staying true to your own ambitions and how hard that can be sometimes, especially when others don’t believe in them. As musicians who live in a country that doesn’t actively support our field of work, I gotta tell you, the lyrics of this one hit home.

Q) You also released a music video for “I Give You My Word.” How did you come up with the concept for the music video?

A) Well, in typical Blowfuse style, we thought of a hundred different ideas for the video but didn’t settle for “the one” until shortly before video shoot. I guess the idea was that there is a raw part of each of us in what the lyrics are singing, and thus the combined faces express that. The new album is called The 4th Wall, so we wanted to really convey the fact that you are listening to unfiltered, honest thoughts and worries that all four of us in the band share collectively.

Q) Since its release, what has been the overall reaction to “I Give You My Word” from fans and listeners?

A) Pretty positive, I gotta admit. A lot of people have said to us that the song speaks to them personally, and there’s no better feedback than that. Plus, when playing it live and the chorus comes around, we feel this is one of the songs the fans sing the most. More than other songs.

Q) “I Give You My Word” is a single off your recently released album The 4th Wall, which is inspired by the concept of perspective. Where does perspective come into play when it comes to the song themes and concepts for the album?

A) One of the main concepts related to perspective is the fact that we make our own prisons. Our way of seeing things can oftentimes enslave us into a specific mindset. We choose to dwell, to grieve and to stick to our egos. However, at the same time, a slight shift in perspective can help us let go of all of that. When you take that into consideration, interpreting the cover art becomes so obvious. [laughs]

Q) My favorite track off of The 4th Wall is “Move On.” Which song was your favorite to write and record for this album?

A) When you spend so much time in the studio as we do (and maybe you shouldn’t [laughs]) you end up having no “favorite song.” They all become equally important and you equally struggle to record and finish all of them, especially after so much time. That’s when you wanna make sure they are all taken care of and you wanna pamper them. On the other hand, I gotta admit the singles (“Move On,” “Wish” and “I Give You My Word”) have always felt like perfect nuggets of punk rock and so we’ve always thought they were an easier listen. That’s why they became the singles.

Q) What do you hope lingers with audiences who explore this new album as a whole?

A) In this album we think the lyrics are extremely important. But even more so than that, I’d stress the importance of the musicality of the new songs. I want people to try and identify what exactly makes this sound “new” in Blowfuse – what new instruments they can listen to, what new grooves they can dance to now. We get this a lot: people say this album sounds very different to everything we’ve ever done but it still feels like Blowfuse. I want people to ask the question, “How can that be?” and find the answer in the music.

Q) With the release of The 4th Wall, you have upcoming tour dates in Spain and Portugal. Are there any plans to expand that tour to other countries and possibly an international tour?

A) Sure thing. We already have many other dates confirmed around Europe for the rest of the summer, and many more to be confirmed for the rest of the year. Nonetheless, they are relatively scattered and centered around weekends, so I wouldn’t call that a tour Although it is definitely a continuation of the presentation of the new album. One thing’s for sure: we’re gonna be busy playing for the remainder of the year.

Q) Which song(s) off this new album have you been enjoying playing live or are looking forward to beginning to play live?

A) We feel like “Wish” has become the quintessential “let’s sing this song out loud” for all audiences. Remember what I said about the “I Give You My Word” chorus? Well, we feel like the audience sings even more passionately when “Wish” starts on our shows. Naturally that hypes us when it’s time to play it live every time.

Q) To date, which venue has been your favorite to play, and which one are you looking forward to playing with the upcoming shows?

A) We don’t have a favorite venue or city so far. But it is true that playing in Barcelona is always a huge trip. After all that’s where we are from and where we have the most friends. Naturally, shows get really crazy there.

Q) What would you like to say to your fans and supporters of your music?

We’d like to thank them for keeping up to date with us. We don’t take it for granted, especially after the last few years. They’ve been really convoluted (for everyone) and yet they are still here, listening, curious to see what our new songs will sound like, open to a newer style, ready to come to a concert. We mean it, thank you.




All Questions Answered By Henry Salvat



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