Brennan Elliott – All Summer Long
By: Donna Sgrow
Q) We have seen you in many different types of Hallmark movies. In the movie A Summer Long you play Jake, a chef. What else can you tease about the premise?
A) Jake is a very successful chef, fulfilled in every way. He lands a chance to work on and become a chef on a private boat. The biggest thing to take away from the character and the movie is a second chance of love and a second chance of romance but with a side of humor, if that makes sense. The key focus around the movie is romance with a side of humor and redemption, something felt as you watch the movie, with the greatest part being redemption over a lost love that he thought he would never have a chance to redeem until this point. The best part about the character to portray and really get down to who he was all about was really to soak in all of the goodness that the amazing writer wrote for all of us with the script. Truly, in my opinion, it will be a fan favorite.
Q) Navigating the past to find love in the future seems to be a key theme in the movie. Was that a key part to what drew you to this script?
A) Wow! Truly what came to my mind and helped tremendously was the love of my wife and my kids, but if I ever had the chance with love…and I think it resonates with everyone nowadays that if there something unsettled or unanswered we’re able to feel some sense of peace, blessing and the ability to have closure. The biggest thing was the subtextual themes of the movie that really drew me to the script. It has a sense of family, love and a sense of togetherness – one really to admire.
Q) As we mentioned Jake is a chef, which is a different from other characters you’ve played. Did you do any prepping beforehand to get yourself ready for this role?
A) I spent some time with a local chef, Adam Sobel. He really gave me tremendous insight into what the lifestyle of a chef was, twenty-hour a day work, stressful at times and no social life. But, really, he gave me an idea of what it was to have a hands-on approach to preparing, serving and being in the atmosphere of serving food really was a mind-blowing experience and one that I will remember for a very long time.
Q) Peter DeLuise is one of the producers of this one and his work is endless with Hallmark. How was it getting to work with him and was there any takeaways you learned from him while filming?
A) Peter I’ve known, along with his wife, for a really long time. He has been a tremendous person of inspiration for me. His work ethic, on and off set, and his way of bringing the story to life really is something amazing to see and also to be a part of. He took the concept of two characters and brought everything to life from love to loss to finding each other again and I hope we do get a chance to work together again. He’s really an amazing person and a great guy.
Q) All Summer Long has you co-starring with the beautiful and talented Autumn Reeser for the first time. Were you familiar with her work and how was it to work her to bring these characters and storyline to life?
A) The funny aspect to all of this was when I got the call I literally only had not even a week to film and to get to know Autumn within the context of the script. I knew of her work and also, we connected over our mutual business partners, so I truly was aware of what kind of person she was and was beyond eager to work with her on this project. She is an amazing and hard worker mom and all-around tremendous actress! I was blessed to be able to work with her in the time that we had to shoot.
Q) From the film previews it seems like you and Autumn had a great time working together. Did you guys do anything special off screen to help bring that chemistry to life on screen?
A) We only had A week to get to know each other. When it comes to the aspect of the movie and our characters that we would be portraying it really was one of the best experiences and I think our work ethic to bring the story to life really brought us together on and off set.
Q) A big portion of the movie takes place on this huge yacht and your characters haven’t seen each other in a long time after you broke up. What were some of your memorable moments from filming this movie?
A) Every part of it was memorable. Like I said, the time that we had to put everything together and to bring it on screen to the fact that prior to this I had taken some time off to be with my family…But when I got the call to do the movie I just had to. It really and truly is what Hallmark and the network is all about – a memorable movie of love, excepting of self and trusting in life’s lessons. A big growing experience for me.
Q) What do you think it is about this film that will make this one another fan favorite for fans of your hallmark movies?
A) It portrays everything that the network is all about and what the fans have grown to love. I think there will be a measure of a sense of relating and also to feel the true meaning of life and love and love redeemed – one I know that the fans will be excited to see you and I’m even more excited to share with all of them.
Q) What originally drew you the most to want to work with Hallmark?
A) The quality of programs, being a father and a husband I want to be a part and wanted and continued to be a part of the network that provides quality loving and acceptable content and that is why I believe and what continues to draw me to what comes forward in my hands when it comes to scripts! Truly is a blessing to continue to learn and do the projects and movies it is help me to grow in this business 100%.
Q) We loved you on the show “UnREAL.” What did you personally take away from working on this series?
A) Growth is what I can say. Each project/movie challenges me on all levels and I believe that has been a blessing; to continue to learn each time a new script comes to me a blessing all around.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and the work you do?
A) Thank you without you I wouldn’t be here thank you for continuing to support and love everything that I have done and what comes next is all because of you.
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