
Brian Mackey – Good Morning Ireland

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By: Lisa Steinberg



Q) What inspired your new song “Dust on the Wall?”


A) At my piano one December morning I noticed dust moving trapped in some light coming from a window near the place where I keep the rest of my son’s ashes. I was thinking that some of him was in the light. The song came in that moment.


Q) When we last spoke it was for “Saturday Night Sleeping.” How does “Dust on the Wall” and “Maintenance Man” set themselves apart from your previous music? 


Q) I’m believe the songs are a continuation in the sense that “SNS” and “Maintenance Man” are all true stories and snapshots in time of my life. “Dust on the Wall” would certainly be a way more stripped down song production wise and the latter two would be more band driven.


Q) Your album Good Morning Ireland is out now. What inspired the title? 


A) In 2018 on the start of a  UK EU tour. Ireland was the first stop, Dublin specifically.

I had brought most of my son’s ashes on the plane and when we landed it was 5AM  with absolutely no sense of where we were going. We set out to find the best most peaceful place on the morning in Ireland. Good Morning Ireland pays tribute in name and song.


Q) This is your second full-length album, and the focus is on the untimely passing of your son. Do you have a favorite or most treasured song you worked on? 


A) “Dublin Night Bird” would be the one that sticks to my heart the most.


Q) Was there one song that challenged you the most either as a songwriter or emotionally?


A) This whole process of reopening grief through songs has been an emotional purging like no other actually.  Each song, with the exception of “Maintenance Man” and
My Only Friend” has had a pull in the emotions department.


Q) The bulk of the songs were recorded at Sony Tree Studios in Nashville. What made this the perfect setting for you? 


A) Equipment and Vibe – great room for creating. 


Q) Jeff King, Tammy Rogers King, Steve Brewster and Jason Web lent with the album. In what ways did their collaborations help formulate your work on the album? 


A) When you’re working with talented musicians like ALL of them it’s a learning experience and a relief in the sense that you know you’re covered like a warm blanket – not only on a friendship level but on a musically telepathic level. Connection is important 

Jeff King being Reba’s lead guitarist also with Brooks and Dunn he’s beyond capable. 

Tammy Rogers King with her work with the SteelDrivers / Chris Stapleton. She’s amazing.

Steve Brewster And Jason Webb so many artists they’ve performed with and one more is Mark Hill on bass who’s been on all my records who’s with Reba and was Keith Urban’s bassist and band director. So grateful having all of them involved,


Q) Which song(s) are you looking forward to performing for a live audience?


A) “Maintenance Man” for sure!  


Q) With the album on the way in June, will there be a tour coming? Either US or international? 


A) Stay tuned for that! Will have more as they come.


Q) What do you hope listeners take away or lingers emotionally for those who explore Good Morning Ireland as a whole?


A) I’m always hoping that some of the right words put to the right melodies can be relatable like a talk with a friend who’s been through a similar situation and we can talk whenever they need it.


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?


A) For me, I hold a huge amount of gratitude and humility for everyone that takes the time to listen and support my voyage I feel like we’re taking it together. 


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