
Bruce Langley – American Gods

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By: Kelly Kearney



Q) This season Technical Boy’s layers are peeled back as he tackles his own issues outside of the main story. He is being forced to look within, without his usual armor to protect him. Will this lead to a new and improved Technical Boy, or is he just in survival mode at this point?

A) It’s hard to say at this point in the story. His main concern right now is most certainly “unfucking” what Bilquis (Yetide Badaki) did to him. However, in looking into that, it’s also forcing him to look into why he is the way he is. Furthermore, who he is. That’s not a comfortable journey for a lot of people and it most definitely isn’t for the God of technology. Whether he likes it or not, he’s going to learn some things about himself. He might even remember some stuff, too.

Q) If Wednesday has his way, a war between the Gods is in your future. Thanks to Bilquis your character is given a vision of that future and it definitely causes a few glitches in his operating systems. Would you say that peek into the future was ultimately a gift or was it a curse for your character?

A) Right now, he definitely considers what Bilquis did to him more of a curse. A very painful one. However, that pain is a very strong motivator to change some things. In trying to change them he learns information he probably wouldn’t have stumbled across without Bilquis’s intervention. Right now, it’s a curse. But it’s a curse that might bear fruit. The Apple of Knowledge really did a number on Paradise for Adam and Eve. But it showed them the truth. TB is going through the pain that comes with learning how things are outside the paradise he’s built for his own mind. The truth hurts.

Q) So far this season we have seen Technical Boy team up with Shadow Moon. Their unlikely pair up was a surprise since the last time these two crossed paths, Technical Boy had Shadow lynched! Can we expect their new partnership to turn sour once they get what they want?

A) I think for both of them this is a relationship of necessity. They both need each other to find Bilquis. TB usually wouldn’t need anyone’s help, but one has to get creative sometimes. I doubt there would be any love lost if they parted ways. But we don’t know how their little road trip together is going to end. They might learn more about the other along the way… Or they might kill each other.

Q) We have to talk about the episode “Unseen” and that fight scene between Technical Boy and Shadow. What preparation did you and Ricky Whittle do for that throw down?

A) Charitable to call it a “fight.” Full credit has to go to Dylan Rampulla who was my stunt stand-in for any of the impressive stuff you see TB go through. I jump in for the moments after but the really hard hits, all him. The stunt team deserves so much credit this season and all those before. They make it look easy, but they are putting their bodies on the line every single stunt. They are damn good at what they do. Lovely chaps, too. My prep was minimal. Just making sure I was limber enough to get thrown around a little and sell it (outside of all the actual prep for the scene). As far as Ricky [Whittle] goes, he wouldn’t need any more prep to throw me around. He regularly lifts more than I weigh for his normal training. But he made it clear he was going to make sure I was all right. He was actually very careful with me. Professional gent that Whittle.

Q) What has been your favorite scene to film in the series?

A) There are certain actors that I get to play with this season that I’ve loved dancing with. I get to interact with all iterations of “World” at one point or another and they were all damn fun to do. I loved shooting with Ricky as we get on so well in real life it was just a constant giggle. There are so many scenes I loved shooting. There are plenty more coming your way, so I’ll leave this a touch nebulous.

Q) Throughout the course of any television show, characters evolve and grow. If you were the head writer, where would you like to see your character end up in the series?

A) Ooooo great question. I’d perhaps like to see some incorporation of all the good that TB has done in the world. There is no force that has shaped the species more than Technology in recent decades and it doesn’t look to be slowing down. I think that’s, in the majority, been a force for good. Look at medical innovations. The ability to talk to people on the other side of the world with a click. The fact we have access to electricity. The fact you can read this at all.

I’d like to see a little more of that explored in his future arcs. There’s more to him than just the image he puts out for all to see. We get to see some of it this season…

Q) This show’s plot centers around various types of mythology. From Norse Gods to Leprechauns to the Yoruba people’s Orisha, the show is full of more Gods than just the old and the new. Personally, has this show sparked a deeper understanding and appreciation for mythology and its cultural importance?

A) I’ve always loved myths. Ancient Greek and Egyptian Gods and stories were personal favorite topics of mine at school. I’ve also always had a deep respect for stories. We need them and they’re important. Demore Barnes as Ibis said it best, “Stories are truer than truth.” I suppose the show has nudged me to look a little closer at what stories people are telling today. People need stories. If anything, I think the show highlights that what story you believe in matters.

Q) Characters have a way of getting under an actor’s skin. Often times the longer we walk in their shoes the more we learn about ourselves. What has Technical Boy taught you, Bruce?

A) It’s an incredibly intimate kind osmosis. Its more than that but that’s the closest parallel I can draw. There’s a lot of bleed over, especially during the actual shooting. Perhaps drawing clearer lines around the ways I’m different? That’s mostly in an effort to delineate myself from TB. When I get home at 3am after being TB for fifteen hours I need to be able to not be. It’s a delicate dance and I’m still learning the footwork.

Q) After the previous confusion and controversy behind the scenes, many fans wondered where this show was headed. Now that we’re on episode 5, it seems things are working out. Talk a bit about some of the changes that helped steer this ship and get the cast and crew excited for a possible Season 4.

A) We’ve had an amazing writer’s room this season that deserves a lot of credit. As does our showrunner Chic Eglee. We are also a lot more back on the rails of the book, so to speak. Neil [Gaiman] and Chic have a great deal planned out in terms of where story will go next. We have a great structure to follow. I think Neil has described the book as a large old house with many doors we never got to open. Instead, you (the reader) just wandered through the corridors and maybe opened one or two. In the show we get to still travel along the same path as the reader, but we get to explore so many of these unopened doors in such great detail. It’s a real gift.

Q) If you can describe the season finale in three words, what would they be?

A) Season 4 please. The finale hits very hard indeed. Things big things change that can’t change back. People are going to what the story to keep going. People are going to want to see how this journey ends…

Q) Are you working on any new projects the fans can look out for?

A) Just “Gods” for now. Watch this space as time goes on.

Q) What would you like to say to all the “American Gods” fans and supporters of your work?

A) Thank you for joining us on this crazy ride so far. It’s had its ups and downs like all roller-coasters do, but this season it really pays off. I’m proud of the work the team has done brining this all to life. I’m excited for everyone to see it. We aren’t done telling this story yet. I hope you all enjoy the journey on our way to doing so.

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