Call Me Kat – Call Me Consciously Uncoupled
By: Sammi Turano
The episode opens with Kat (Mayim Bialik) talking about the aftermath of her breakup with Max (Cheyenne Jackson) and how she wants to remain friends. She goes into the kitchen to talk to him, but they awkwardly avoid each other while he makes breakfast. He tries to make jokes, but ends up insulting her and offering her a pancake that ended up on the floor. She compares them to Kim and Kanye and Gwyneth and Coldplay.
Randi (Kyla Pratt) and Carter (Julian Gant) argue over him changing the lighting system vs him putting in a dishwasher. However, the topic changes when he discovers she has her aunt’s wedding dress. He wants to see it, but she says it is bad luck, leading them to debate on things they shouldn’t do before marriage.
Kat and Max talk more about where they stand, but agree not to tell anyone until after Sheila’s birthday party.
Randi tells Carter and Darren (Jay Linzy) that she hasn’t had luck with venues, but she is off to check out caterers. After she is gone, Carter tells Darren that he plans to surprise Randi by fixing up her hideaway….and uses the opportunity to look at her wedding dress. Darren says this is bad luck, but Carter disagrees, even when a bunch of shelves he installed break.
Sheila (Swoosie Kurtz) shows Kat and Carter her birthday party plans, which she uses as a chance to insult Kat’s past gifts.
Max comes in and has an awkward moment with Kat in front of everyone. They both go upstairs to talk about where he was the night before. She thinks he hooked up with someone, which he says is none of her business. They end up fighting and singing annoying music….which Carter and Randi can hear.
Carter cut his face shaving and ends up breaking the dress Randi was planning on returning the next day. She also gets food poisoning, leading Carter to believe he does have bad luck after all.
Sheila’s friends begin to show up, including one with a much younger man. Carter tells Darren he is worried about his bad luck, while Max and Kat continue to argue, this time about his drinking. They have an awkward moment with the May/December couple as Sheila makes a grand entrance.
Max considers bailing on the performance he was planning for Sheila, but is forced into it when Sheila makes the announcement that the two of them will be performing. They end up changing the lyrics to continue the fight, leaving everyone confused….until they announce they broke up. Sheila makes it about her as Kat shows a video from Ernie Hudson.
Later on, Sheila, Carter and Darren talk to Kat….with Sheila still making it about herself.
Carter goes home to talk to Randi and he admits he is cursed. She says he isn’t because she won’t be wearing the dress because her aunt needs it back. They kiss and make up.
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