Calvyn Cass – Every Kind Chapter One: Reigning Stars
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) How would you describe your sound?
A) I would describe my sound as somewhere between power ballad 80s rockstar and breakout boy bander. I live in this in between space of sound that represents how music affected me growing up.
Q) Who are some of your musical influences?
A) My influences are a mixture of the music I was raised on and the music I eventually discovered myself. I was raised on Bryan Adams, Celine Dion, Jann Arden, Tina Turner, Michael Bolton, Aerosmith and Bon Jovi. The music I first discovered was during the Max Martin (mega producer) 90s era when I was really young: Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, *NSYNC, etc. I also loved TLC and Spice Girls, but the list really is so long. I’m typically more influenced by songs first and artists second. The artists listed above are artists who had numerous songs that have influenced me. A single song by an artist that has stayed with me since the day I first heard it is “Crush” by Jennifer Paige. I love music that makes me feel something or transports me to a magical place.
Q) Talk about the story behind your new song “Ménage À Trois.” This is such a sexy single. What kind of response have you been receiving to the song?
A) This song was my nod to Max Martin. When I walked into the studio, I told Adam H. and Don Wolf that I wanted to write something that sexy and different to everything else I’ve done. I want something that people will dance to and will become an iconic song I’m forever associated with. This is exactly what they’re known for, so they gladly accepted my challenge.
I happen to be in a throuple, so I thought it would be fun to write a sexy song about how I ended up in this relationship. I think the way we were able to manipulate the lyrics to be a combination of sexy and funny represents me. I obviously want to be sexy to my audience, but I also feel deeply uncomfortable when people look at me that way with a lingering gaze. So. if I have to be on stage performing a sexy song, I need to be able to lean on the funny or I won’t take myself seriously. My best friend Jess Edo was also a writer on this song. and she is my rock with my process. She’s creatively all over the place but she’s also really good at reminding me to focus on the creative goal and not to stray too far away. She’s also got a wicked arsenal of ideas when I get stuck.
Q) Jess Edo, Adam H. and Don Wolf lent a handwriting this song, but what is your song writing process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics?
A) It’s always different but I actually like to do them together personally. I typically start with a chord progression and concept to try and get inspired. There have been times a hook came first and there have been times I have top lined, but I prefer to write music and lyrics together. It’s better to custom design something that feels authentically in my opinion.
Q) Adam H. worked as producer on “Ménage À Trois,” but how much of a say do you have in the production of your music?
A) I love working with other creative people that inspire me. Adam H. is a perfect example of that because he’s so willing to explore with me. My process with Adam H. was sharing the Max Martin sound I was trying to achieve. We spoke for a while about what I liked about it and what I wanted to convey with my sound. Once we were done talking it out, I put all my trust in him. I hate stifling anyone’s own creative process. I wanted Adam H. and I wanted his talents to shine as well. I’m not a producer so I do my best to not overstep. I have definitely had moments where I didn’t like how someone was steering my sound, so I’ve had to step in. It’s only been two times in my career that I realized I was not vibing with the direction. In both cases I had to scrap the project to start over but that’s all a part of the process when exploring creatively.
Q) Your album Every Kind Chapter One: Reigning Stars drops soon. When can fans officially expect it to be released?
A) Part 1 of my album titled Every Kind Chapter One: Reigning Stars is officially out now and available anywhere you stream your music.
Q) What are some themes you’ll be exploring on this new album?
A) It is about a singular persons experience with love throughout their singular lifetime. Chapter One explores the best parts of love with one exception. It’s something written with the purpose of sharing and understanding of the universal experiences each individual navigates from imagining how love will complete us when we finally find it to actually experiencing it for the first time. The most beautiful parts of love have been captured in Chapter One. There is also a moment where the protagonist accepts their role as the villain in a love story. It’s a monumental moment in everyone’s love journey that some are more willing to accept ownership of and others will refuse to acknowledge. Nevertheless, I consider it an important topic to cover when honestly talking about the presence of love in our lives.
Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?
A) Kelly Clarkson probably. She is someone I don’t mention a lot when I’m asked about influences. She is one of my all-time favorite artists and I would love to belt it out with her. Adele is another one even though I know she said she wouldn’t be open to duets ever.
Q) What artist/musician are you currently listening to and why do you dig them?
A) I’m obsessed with Charlotte Cardon. Her vocal tone is so smooth, and I love her song writing style. I think she is getting the recognition she deserves in Canada, but I can’t wait to see her take over the world.
Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?
A) I think that landscape is changing more and more. While I think it can be a great way for fans to discover me and check in on what I’m up to, I really feel like different apps are better for different reasons. IG is my resume and a chance to showcase my work where TikTok would be more about me expressing myself and personality. Both are important but it all depends on what people want from me for where they’ll find me.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
A) Thank you. I have been so vulnerable in my music, and it has been terrifying to put it out into the world. Getting the positive feedback is what motivates me to keep being vulnerable and sharing my music. I want to have a positive impact on the world and help people, but I can only do that because you are supporting me. Sending all the love to everyone whose helping me keep going.
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