Camille Hyde – American Vandal
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?
A) I recently wrapped up filming a comedy series called “Mr. Student Body President” on Verizon’s go90 app, which is also premiering this fall along with Netflix’s “American Vandal.” It’s so fun and so witty. I can’t wait for everyone to see it! I also got the chance to work on NBC’s drama “The Night Shift” a couple of months ago, which was super different from anything I’ve done so far. And most recently, I got the opportunity to be a guest on the new sitcom adaptation of “Heathers!”
Q) Please tell us the premise for “American Vandal” and about your character Gabi Granger.
A) “American Vandal” follows three teens (‘Gabi’ being one of them) who go on a mission to figure out who vandalized the school after their friend was framed. ‘Gabi’ is the girl-next-door of the trio and is helping her friends piece together everyone’s story. She’s trying to piece together her personal life and the truth about the vandalism at the same time.
Q) What made you want to be a part of the series?
A) When I first got the small piece of script I was allowed to see, I immediately fell in love with the project. The writers/producers were so specific and particular in the script that it came across as a project that I knew was going to take Millenials by storm. The humor, the drama, the satirical tone on the subject of dick-drawing, it all called to me as a staple series of our generation. Then, when I got to read with the producers, it was so natural, fun and creative which made me feel right at home with the project before it even began!
Q) How was Gabi originally described to you and did she evolve at all since then?
A) Gabi was originally described as a super loyal, charismatic, down-to-earth girl next door who was always there for her friends. She definitely remained that way throughout the season, but she also discovers parts of herself that broke beyond the surface. She always gives people the benefit of the doubt, but she starts to speak up when she gets disrespected.
Q) What have you found challenging about portraying her?
A) I guess the biggest challenge playing her would be the fact that because she’s such a warm and kind person, she initially lets people treat her poorly and take advantage of her. I’ve always been a little more aware of who to trust and how to defend myself when I’m wronged. Her fuse is a little longer than mine when it comes to those things! It’s fun though because I get to challenge my inner-sass and experience her feelings in a way I personally haven’t had to experience.
Q) What have been some of your most memorable moments from filming?
A) The best times were hands down, the between-take jam sessions with Griffin Gluck. We were filming right around the time that Big Sean’s album dropped and we were booth HOOKED. So, in between takes, Griff would pull out his phone and play songs from the album and we made our own dances and stuff. Pretty much any person on the cast could make me laugh within seconds of opening their mouths. I definitely met the funniest individuals on the planet on this show. It’s almost like they were hand-chosen by God to be the next comedic actors of the century. The most memorable moments were laughing at or with my cast mates. I could not drink anything around Jimmy because anytime he was around, I was at risk for spitting out anything in my mouth from laughing.
Q) What makes Netflix the perfect fit for the show?
A) Netflix is the perfect platform for new content these days. You can watch essentially anything all the way through within days. It’s almost like a page-turner, but in show form. This is the kind of series that you wouldn’t want to walk away from until the end (though you’ll probably need a bathroom break between the first and eighth episode). Netflix has completely changed the TV/film industry and is making content that is daring, innovative and a little off-the-wall. That’s what is drawing people in these days. This generation is ready for something different, that doesn’t follow the rules— that’s exactly what “American Vandal” is and Netflix is the absolute best platform to deliver it.
Q) What do you hope viewers take away from watching “American Vandal?”
A) The way we filmed the series is much different than pretty much anything that’s ever been made, from the style of shooting to the subject, to the dynamic between characters. It’s definitely a game changer so I hope it gives everyone a completely new viewing experience. This show also gave every actor the liberty to bring their own creativity to their character so I really hope the audience can connect to the characters personally.
Q) You are a part of social media. Are you looking forward to the instant fan feedback you’ll receive to the series?
A) Yeah, you never know how things are going to be received. The trailer definitely spread much quicker than I could’ve imagined. It was so surreal! I guess we’ll just have to see, but as of now I think it’s going to be pretty popular so I’m stoked to see the feedback from fans and the reactions! I wish I could see people’s faces while they watched, that would be so satisfying for me! I know I’m probably going to die laughing the entire time, I just want to experience that with all the fans. Maybe I’ll just live-stream or something so I can get people’s reactions first-hand!
Q) What else do you want to be sure fans know about “American Vandal?
A) I want them to know that if they want to see something completely un-sensored, uncandidly funny and all too real “American Vandal” is for them.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
A) I could not imagine being where I am without the support from all of my friends, family and fans. They’ve really made it possible for me to expand from Nickelodeon to the projects I’ve worked on recently. I have the best supporters in the world and I thank God every day that I have them. My parents are so supportive, even when it comes to sharing a trailer about dicks getting drawn all over the school. If that isn’t top-tier support, I don’t know what is! And then I have my OG “Power Ranger” fans that are honestly the most loyal people in the world and are so enthusiastic about growing with me and I love them for it.
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