Camrus Johnson – Batwoman
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are some themes we will be exploring this season on “Batwoman?”
A) This year we’re really diving into themes of grief, forgiveness, trust and equality. That last one, equality, is the most exciting because it’s one thing to be in a show about a superhero fighting for Justice – it’s another to get to shed light on and talk about the real injustices happening in the real world within that.
Q) Why do you think Luke blames himself for Kate’s possible demise?
A) Well, Luke hated the idea that there was something on the planet that could penetrate the suit because that put Kate in danger, putting Batwoman in danger, putting the bat legacy and Gotham city in danger, too. So, he urged Kate to go ask Supergirl for permission to destroy the kryptonite and in his mind she never would have been on that plane if it weren’t for his insisting. Luke tends to carry guilt on his shoulders for most losses in his life, actually – even if they weren’t at all his fault.
Q) What can we see from Luke and Ryan’s relationship for this season?
A) As we saw in recent episodes, Luke has finally come around to seeing that Ryan (Javicia Leslie) deserves to be treated like the hero that she is. So, although I loved playing petty Luke that always had really funny and harsh jabs to throw at Ryan, we’ll start to see them becoming a lot closer as they start to realize that they have to trust each other more.
Q) With Kate missing, how does Luke feel about someone new taking over the new mantle as Batwoman?
A) Luke’s been struggling. [laughs] But he’ll come around! The man wants nothing more than for there to be a hero that the city can trust and feel protected by. And, at the end of the day, if Ryan is that hero then he’ll have to support her. He’s willing to have her back in any way that he can because of what she stands for and fights for and deep down he realizes that there is a world where the new hero isn’t just temporary.
Q) Mary and Luke really share a deep connection. What makes their bond so tight?
A) They do, don’t they? [laughs] It’s hard to pinpoint, actually, because part of it is the love that Nicole Kang and I have for each other in real life. But I think Luke and Mary both tend to operate from a place of love, brainpower and safeguarding. They want nothing more than to protect people and even if they approach a dire situation from two different directions it’s always to achieve the exact same goal. They want the same things.
Q) Luke seemed to impress Bruce Wayne with his innovations. What do you think it means to Luke to be seen that way by someone so well-respected and prominent?
A) Well, the Bruce (Warren Christie) in the show wasn’t actually Bruce – it was Hush’s impressive imitation. But Luke wants nothing more than to impress the real Bruce Wayne because he means everything to him. Luke truly looks up to him, so much so that most of Luke’s life is centered around protecting the Batman legacy. It’s less so because Bruce is prominent and well-respect and more so that Bruce is both his friend and like an older brother to him.
Q) What are some episodes fans should look out for this season?
A) Season 2 Episode 8 is pretty dope and has my favorite scene to shoot of the season so far (I shot it with Nicole, of course), but the Season 2 Episode 13 script that we’re shooting soon is possibly my favorite of the series so far. So, that’s gonna be freaking awesome…Also, something unexpected happens in Season 2 Episode 14, but ya didn’t hear it from me.
Q) With the recent political landscape, what does seeing a woman of color on screen as the superhero signify for yourself as much as the audience?
A) It cements that we as people of color are superheroes, too. That we save the world too and that we matter in every single situation, conversation and investigation just as much as anybody else does.
Q) What message do you hope “Batwoman” sends to little boys and girls who may be tuning in?
A) I hope the kids out there learn that if they put their mind to it, they can do anything. Saving the planet, protecting entire cities, making people feel safe and happy. Batwoman isn’t a superhero because she has a cool suit and a cape – the real hero is the person that deserves to wear it.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters of the work you do?
A) That I wouldn’t be here without you. That you keep my lights on and my heart warm. That the more I hear that I inspire anything that you do and create, it inspires me to do more and create more. That you matter and that I love you. Lastly, that I’m just a random boy from Georgia that had big dreams and no plan B. I figured out how to get to where I am through trial and error, believing it’d all pay off and just lots of love and support from my closest along the way. So, if you have the biggest dreams, but just feel like a random kid from a random town… don’t worry. There’s a way. You’ll just have to go find it.
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