
Cara Paige – 23

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By: Alejandra Gil M.



Q) How would you describe your sound? 


A) I would describe my sound as pop/rock. When I first started, I was definitely more in the pop/country space, but my newer stuff has moved more towards a pop/rock sound.


Q) Who are some of your musical influences?


A) Some of my music influences are Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo and Maisie Peters. Taylor is the reason why I became a singer/songwriter, so she definitely has a huge influence on me.


Q) You were born in Atlanta, Georgia, found a love for music early on and a voice through songwriting and a guitar. You also started singing at 8. How did that help you shape your music?


A) I’ve always loved singing, but it wasn’t until I started playing the guitar that I started writing. I would say being able to play an instrument in general really helped shape my music because it gave me another tool to help write. Once I learned a few chords and some strumming patterns, the songs kept coming. Now that I’m older, my voice has matured and it’s really cool to see how far I’ve come with everything. I’ve been working really hard at improving so learning new chords and new vocal techniques has really helped shape my newer music as well.


Q) Your new single “23” is out now. Tell us the story behind it. 


A) I wrote “23last September. I had turned twenty-three years old six months prior, and I remember sitting on my bedroom floor with my guitar and my notebook just staring at it. All of a sudden, I just started writing and strumming this chord pattern. I started singing the words to a melody and the song pretty much just flowed out of me. “23” is a song I wrote about how life is still tough to navigate even as we get older. The dating scene, being out of school and having a job for the first time is all new and overwhelming and I just needed a place to put all of those emotions.


Q) What is your songwriting process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics?


A) My songwriting process is honestly different every time. It really depends. Sometimes if I have a lyric idea, I’ll jot it down in my notes app. Other times if I’m intentionally sitting down to write I prefer to hand write my lyrics, so I’ll pull out my guitar and my notebook and write down anything that comes to mind. If I’m not really vibing with the lyrics I’m writing, then I’ll try go a different direction and that’s when I’ll start strumming my guitar and saying gibberish to see what happens.


Q) The song debuted at #13 on the iTunes Pop chart and #58 on the iTunes All Genre charts showcasing your knack for blending raw emotion with compelling melodies. What has it meant to you to get more recognition for your music?


A) This was honestly such an exciting and huge moment for me. Seeing my name on the charts with all the people I’ve looked up to was insane. Having my music heard has been a dream of mine for so long and so it definitely means a lot to me that people are really resonating with it and enjoying it. Writing is an emotional outlet for me but I also know how many people go through similar things so I just want people to hear my music because it may be able to help them with whatever they’re going through.


Q) What do you hope people take away from “23?”


A) I want people to realize that it’s okay to be different; it’s okay to be quirky and show those quirks and embrace them. It’s okay to struggle and to not feel like you fit in because fitting in is boring anyways. The biggest thing, which even I still struggle with, and, as cheesy as it sounds, I want everyone to know they just need to be and embrace who they truly are.


Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?


A) Taylor Swift 100%. My dream is to write with her. To be on a song with her would be so incredible. She’s so talented and she is the reason why I am a singer/songwriter so it would be really special to collaborate with her. It would be like a full circle moment.


Q) What artist/musician are you currently listening to and why?


A) Gracie Abrams released a new album today so I’m listening to that. I’ve been trying to listen to more new music lately because I love hearing what other people are coming up with.


Q) Why is social media such an important way for you to connect with your fans?


A) Social media is really the only outlet I have to connect with my fans which is why it is so key. I know a lot of people have different opinions on social media, but it has been so helpful for pushing my music out there. I wouldn’t be where I am today without my fans and I wouldn’t have been able to connect with them without social media. I love being able to talk to them and I love hearing their stories.


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of your work?


A) I want my fans and supporters to know that I am seriously so thankful for them. It means so much to me that they’re taking the time to listen to my music and get to know me. I seriously wouldn’t be where I am today without them, and I can’t show my appreciation enough. To everyone out there who is listening and supporting me, thank you so much.


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