Carina Newton – High’rd Help
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What was it about “Highr’d Help” that really made you want to be a part of it?
A) Acting has always been about me trying to get out of my comfort zone by using the ability provided to me to be someone completely different. Not to escape from who I am, but rather to challenge myself. Being Ava in “High’rd Help” allowed me to do that.
Q) Was there anything you added to your role as Ava that wasn’t originally scripted for you?
A) I think I added an innocence to Ava that wasn’t initially there. She was supposed to be slightly ditzy, but I think that the extent to which I played her character as innocent led the audience to believe she is genuine, never means harm and that she is (as everyone believes) somewhat hopeless.
Q) Ava is currently suffering from a broken heart and has been betrayed by her friends. What is running through Ava’s mind?
A) I’m going to give an unexpected answer to this question. I don’t truly believe that Ava has a broken heart. I think she was in love with the idea of love and what in fact happened was that the idea of love was taken away from her when Jane kissed Clooney (Drew Doyle) and then proceeded to reject Ava. Ava is naturally feeling hurt and upset, but her heart just feels broken. Now to answer the question as it is posed, she is thinking how she is ever going to be able to be the same person and continue living her life. She is wondering if something that feels so painful can be overcome, and if so, when the pain will begin to dissipate.
Q) Clooney is/was Ava’s best friend since childhood. Do you think the two of them can get past this?
A) I believe that Clooney and Ava can get through this whether it is real or just thought-to-be heart break. Growing up with someone and going through many things creates a bond that it takes something extremely serious to break. Whether Clooney kissed Jane, or Jane (Krystle Ferdinand) kissed Clooney is irony somewhat relevant, but no one will ever really know the truth (except for the viewers of course). Clooney is a high school boy. In the end, he enjoyed the attention regardless of who it came from and when Jane acted on it he may have done what any other boy would do in the same situation.
Q) Ava had a crush on Jane. What kind of response have you gotten from family/friends about this LGBTQ role model?
A) I was told that Ava’s crush seems the same as a heterosexual crush. The viewers I’ve spoken to don’t see anything different in the actions of Ava and they did not initially assume anything. I believe that “High’rd Help” had the purpose of showing that LGBTQ crushes and relationships aren’t as different or bizarre and wrong as most ignorant people may think. Ava is a typical girl and LGBTQ characters usually have some stereotypical characteristic that leads the audience to believe that the character is not straight. Ava does not have this distinguishing characteristic, and that is what makes her and this show unique. “High’rd Help” is different than the shows that currently exist containing LGBTQ characters.
Q) Charlie has shared that she had a girlfriend back in the 50’s. Does learning this make Ava feel that Charlie can relate to her more?
A) I think Charlie (Mara Goldbloom) telling Ava about her girlfriend does something really special to their connection. Charlie has been there helping Ava all along and Charlie knows almost everything about Ava, but Ava knows very little about her guardian angel. This piece of information is really when Ava begins to see Charlie as a nice person, who, regardless of her perceived “hard-core” exterior is kind and really does want to help Ava because of her own experience. This changes Ava’s view of Charlie quite a bit.
Q) What do you think Ava has learned from having Charlie as a guardian angel?
What were some of your most memorable moments from filming “High’rd Help?”
A) I believe Ava has learned that there is someone watching over her who only wants what’s best. Also, I believe that even though Charlie gives Ava a hard time, Ava begins to realize that there are others who have suffered similar things that she can turn to for guidance and understanding in times of confusion and struggle.
Q) What do you want to be sure fans know about Ava?
A) Ava is kind-hearted. No matter what anyone does to her, she wants what’s best for the people she cares about. Also, no matter how ditzy you think she is, she knows more than you might think.
Q) How can fans help get a Season 2 for “High’rd Help?”
A) Fans who are looking forward to a season two should know that we have an Indigogo campaign to raise funds in order to make season two a reality. We also have a redbubble store where fans can buy “High’rd Help” merchandise to help support the webseries. The “High’rd Help” cast and crew are excited to film season two so please help us in any way you can, especially by spreading the word! Everything you do to help counts and your efforts are extremely appreciated. Thanks in advance for your love and support!
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