Cashma – Purple Apartment
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) How would you describe your sound?
A) Vibes, I love creating what I feel. I would describe my current sound as R&B Soul with pop influences. It’s an experience while listening and I love that.
Q) Who are some of your musical influences?
A) I love Sade, my long-time music making partner Mike Kalombo and all the good oldies. I like music that makes me feel.
Q) What are some themes you explore on your new album Purple Apartment? Where does the title of the album originate?
A) Self love, love of life and love of a person. It’s really an album about being on my own for the first time and navigating my newfound adulthood/womanhood. I think it comes with so many mixed emotions and I’m happy with how I captured it.
Q) What tracks on the album holds a special significance for you and what makes them so close to your heart?
A) Mmm, good one. I would say “My First Apartment” really hit home for me. I’m so introverted and I love my space. Growing up I was the same way and always had hopes and aspirations of simply having my own spot. Finally getting to a place where I can support myself was big for me. I didn’t grow up monetarily wealthy and simply paying bills was a scary concept. This milestone alone has taught me so much about manifestation and self-belief.
Q) What is your song writing process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics?
A) SInce the beginning of my career I’ve created every song with music producer Mike Kalombo. I’m really happy about this and love looking at my catalog knowing I’ve built it with someone that believed in me from the start. We just get in the studio and vibe. Sometimes it starts with lyrics, sometimes melodies, sometimes music. I think that’s the beautiful thing about art there is no formula. You’re just throwing paint on the canvas and trusting whatever comes out will be good.
Q) What songs off Purple Apartment have fans really been loving hearing you perform live?
A) I actually haven’t done a live performance of any songs off of the new album. I’m really looking forward to having my own tour in the future for fans that really love the music. They’re dedicated and I can’t wait to see and feel them in person; something intimate and special for all of us.
Q) Where are some of your favorite places to perform and what makes those locations so significant to you?
A) My house. [laughs] I love being in my element.
Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?
A) I think it would be really cool to collaborate with women artists that are in their own world, doing their own thing and creating a path for themselves. I’m all about vibes so I’m down for what feels good when it comes to that. Letting things flow naturally.
Q) What album/band are you currently listening to and why do you dig them?
A) Sade. I love this band and their timelessness. The song writing is immaculate. They wrote about things of relevance; real life stuff that you go through till this day. I admire that and of course Sade herself is a queen.
Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?
A) I think now more than ever you can connect on a personal level and that’s really cool for people that enjoy the art, play it in their homes and have experiences with it. It’s beautiful because I feel them when they say, “I love your music, your music helped me through something.” It means a lot. They’re great.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
A) That they’re the dopest.
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