CDSM – Convertible Hearse
By: Kelly Kearney
Q) The post-punk genre is alive and well thanks to Atlanta-based post-punk band, CDSM who is set to perform their latest single, “What Do You Make?” from their debut album, Convertible Hearse, at this year’s SXSW. For the people who might be hearing you for the first time at the Austin festival, how would you describe your sound, and what type of music fan would this album appeal to?
A) Thank you for saying so, it is true. CDSM has officially saved post-punk and in fact all forms of music on behalf of the city of Atlanta and all of planet Earth and to prove it, we have crafted an album tailor-made for anyone who appreciates sex appeal and swagger, power and panache, satin and sweat, sonic superiority, unrelenting cacophonous energy, style, craftsmanship and performance.
Q) What is the story behind the lyrics, “Don’t give me any money; I do it for free?”
A) This was inspired by a direct quote from my good ol’ dad, who once told me that I don’t try hard enough to make money from music, as if I was over here actively turning down a huge paycheck.
Q) What is your songwriting process? Do you need lyrics before you can craft the music around it?
A) Our songwriting process typically involves a retreat to somewhere at the intersection of rural and exotic, a place where we can cook delicious food and get high and shoot BB guns. Someone will bring a thread of an idea to the table and we work together to stitch it into an unholy Frankenstein of a musical composition that we would call a hit CDSM song. The most important part is staying out of the way and being there to catch what gets passed to you.
Q) I loved those background sound bites at the end of “What Do You Make?;” I replayed that song a dozen times trying to figure out where they came from. Where did they come from and what was the idea you had when including them?
A) This is actually a sample – my grandparents had their entire wedding recorded to vinyl, which I have still never heard of anyone else doing. This is a soundbyte of the priest telling my grandparents to smile real big because “in 30 years you’ll have to prove to your grandchildren that at least you were happy” and that really resonated with me. My grandfather was the only person in my family to truly believe in what I did and never tried to persuade me to give up. Someday, when we look back at our illustrious career, all that’s really going to matter is that we spent our lives doing what we love with people that we love.
Q) The video from your other single recently dropped, “This Is My New Hell.” How much input did the band have in bringing to life that dizzying rollercoaster ride to Hell?
A) We provided some touch points we wanted to hit, mostly that we wanted to do kind of a Space Jam homage and that we should all die at the end. And our pal and director Clayton Skinner connected the dots, so he’s mostly responsible for the insanity.
Q) There is a theatrical element to your music that comes out in your on-stage and video performances and it really plays into the post-punk genre. I’m thinking of the song “Shady” and the video—it reminded me, in both sound and style, of throwback bands like My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult and The Revolting Cocks. With its fast-paced, crunchy synths, saxophones and a dose of industrial metal à la Al Jourgensen, it felt familiar at its core, but CDSM has managed to make it completely your own. Who were your early influences? Is there a bit of old school Wax Trax running through these songs?
A) We’re not ones to wear our influences on our sleeve. We all listen to pretty radically different things. Our highest priority is that we’re having a good time making the record. We influence each other to try new things, we challenge each other, we champion each others’ ideas and also know when it’s time for someone else to take the wheel. I don’t think anyone in this band has ever heard The Revolting Cocks, but it’s always interesting to hear what others are pulling from the songs.
Q) The album name Convertible Hearse evokes such a darkly funny image, which really speaks to the band’s vibe. Tell us a bit about who came up with the name and what inspired it.
A) John [Restivo Jr.] had the thought about halfway through the initial recording session that we should name the album Convertible Hearse. This album is precisely the sort of soundtrack that would play in such a vehicle.
Q) Is there a message or emotion behind this album you are hoping fans latch on to?
A) We are hoping the listener finally latches on to the fact that CDSM is now their favorite band and they will tell everyone they know at length about how and why we have changed their life for the better.
Q) What was your reaction when you found out you’d be performing at SXSW?
A) Complete dread. Our last time at SXSW was totally fucking miserable. We had to be convinced in person to return, and it’s shaping up to be much better than our last go here. This time there will be eleven opportunities to tell everyone to go fuck themselves instead of a measly three.
Q) Who or what are you most looking forward to at SXSW?
A) We are most looking forward to the Mothland showcase, as it will be a family reunion of sorts. It is far and away the most exciting bill of the entire week, straight bangers from start to finish. Absolute pure heat. It’s a shame that it takes place so early in the week, as the festival goers will have nothing left to look forward to other than more shows from CDSM, of course, after they feast their eyes and ears on the sheer talent and unbridled entertainment Mothland has to offer. It will be a college level dissertation on Mothland’s expert pedigree. Legal pads and ballpoint pens will be available at the bar.
Q) How did you craft your set list for the festival? Will it be a mix of fan favorites and the new album?
A) All we have in our set are fan favorites and future fan favorites. Nonstop party from the first hit to the last bead of sweat hitting the floor.
Q) What would you like to say to the fans who came out to see you in Austin, and to the new fans you’re making at SXSW?
A) Thank you, and you’re welcome.
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