Charlie Barnett – Chicago Fire
Q) There has been quite a transition this season on “Chicago Fire.” Talk about the show’s transition and your character’s new role on the show.
A) There are big changes! Everybody is kind of switching around. With Lauren [German] not being there, that’s a huge difference. Also, I’m now a paramedic and Dawson is a firefighter now. I have to say, I think for firefighters and paramedics (and even police), this transition is not uncommon. What I’m learning, this kind of turmoil (which seems hectic) is pretty average. For us, I’m kind of glad they are incorporating it. While I’m sad for Shay’s death, it’s something that the men and women always have to deal with. You face it. Even with my position, I’ve had a whole bunch of firefighters come up to me and say, “That happened to me. It was the hardest thing I had to go through. I was so proud I was able to step up and get past my own ego and do what was best for the house.” It’s life. I love that we’re bringing it in there.
Q) What was your initial reaction when you first got the script and found out that the character of Shay was going to die?
A) I’ll be open with you, I was angry. I was going to miss her and I knew it was going to be a hard thing for me to take in because she was such a huge part of the show and had been there since the beginning. There is a personal side where I love Lauren as my friend and as part of my family now. To not see her every day and not have that energy is weird. I can’t lie. I’m so happy to have Kara [Killmer] though. Me, especially having one-on-one time with her, is great. I’ve gotten to really know her and love her. I’m so happy she joined. As a fan, kind of outside of Peter Mills, I was sad. It’s as much as what I was saying before; it’s a part of the story. It’s a part of a lot of firefighters’ lives. I think it is important to touch on it.
Q) There was quite a fan backlash to her death. Were you aware of that?
A) Yes, I was told we were. We’re pretty connected more than some shows this day and age. I did a whole bunch of research on what everyone was saying and my parents are kind of into that. Never necessarily the negative stuff, but they always pass along what they hear. I wasn’t surprised by the reaction. I’m glad that it has cooled down and that people have understood that it is part of the story of being a firefighter. I have to say, the only thing that really frustrated me – Well, not frustrated, but sad, was that a lot of people thought it was NBC’s way of killing of a gay character. I knew that wasn’t true and I knew from our group and the people connected to NBC that it wouldn’t be a possibility. I am happy that it kind of washed out, but it was kind of sad to me because I know everybody in our cast are huge supporters. We would never that happen if that was a possibility.
Q) Well, we have seen how Shay’s death has effected the firefighters and paramedics. How will that continue to play out the rest of the season?
A) I know for like Severide it’s always going to be there. It’s something you never really get loose of. It’s just going to continue on and on. You get better and better dealing with it, but I’m sure it will become a struggle. It’s completely individual for each one of us. For my own character’s journey, I never got a chance to get super close to Shay. Charlie, myself, that’s a different story. For Peter, I don’t think it is as much a bruise to a person’s heart. Peter has built himself up to be strong and sort of built that up throughout the house. So, I don’t think it would be anything that he allows himself to show unless it is a private situation like with Dawson or Brett. I don’t see it something that it effects him much, but the house is always going to be moved by it. Her photo is in the area where we have the never forgotten firefighters section. She is always a little bit there, but it is definitely not even a quarter of what Lauren brought to us.
Q) You mentioned not getting to work much with Lauren. Is there anyone else you have yet to work with much that you would like to share more scenes with?
A) It’s different being a paramedic. I’m not on the truck and I’m not with the squad so I’m not able to hang out with the guys like I’m used to so often. Being with Kara is completely awesome in it’s own right, but it’s different. We have a lot of individual time so it is kind of nice for us to bond really, really well. But I miss the guys! I miss doing scenes with Edwin [Hodge], Joe [Minoso] and Yuri [Sardarov]. It’s sad, but I get to see them every day. So, I get my own Charlie fun time. Peter doesn’t get much of an opportunity though because he’s off doing his own thing now.
Q) We left off last season with Peter searching for his father. Will we be a continuation of that storyline?
A) I think so. I actually really hope so because it doesn’t feel like it is finished to me. I got in contact with my grandfather, as you all saw. As for cousins and uncles, we’re still not sure what the relationship connection is. There are still allot of unanswered questions. It is solved in the sense of understanding what happened with my mom and at least understanding why there was this break between them. I know there is still a lot of underlying story towards my father and his death that I know Boden (Eamonn Walker) has a lot to do with, but I still don’t know what or how or why. But I’m sure that is all going to be unveiled as we go along. I like they are taking their time with that story. It makes it seem hopeful instead of it being a one season arc kind of thing.
Q) Will there be any romance on the horizon for Peter or is the storyline focused more on him and family for the time being?
A) I don’t think Peter is in a place where he is looking for love, but I am hoping he gets some a little bit. I know that Dawson and I always had a weird energy between us. I think the fire with her is always lit, but we keep it off. With her and Casey getting so close, it’s more and more obvious that it is something that will never happen again. I think it’s something that always sparks on and off. I haven’t met any ladies recently. I had a little run in with a character that Newhouse had brought in, but that’s about it. I’m excited to see where the love triangle goes.
Q) Now that your character is a paramedic, what kind of training did you do as preparation?
A) Luckily, when I had started I had done a bit of paramedic training beforehand because Peter in Season One was mentioned having training and having gone through schooling. In Season Two, I took over for Dawson when she was running late for a test. So, it was kind of already initiated, which was great. I did go through a little bit of training, but we’ve been working so crazy this season that I haven’t had a chance to go on a ride along with a paramedic or do any real life paramedic stuff. I’m eager to get into that stuff, but I need some time.
Q) Who are some upcoming guest stars that you can tease?
A) I wish I could! I hope that we have a whole bunch of people. I would like the “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” here. That was my first job, actually. I was happy to be able to see them. I have no clue though. They keep a lid on everything. We get our scripts like a week to two weeks in advance sometimes so I don’t really know who is coming in from what. it’s always exciting to get the scripts!
Q) The show has been so great about donating to many paramedic and firefighter charities. Why is that such an important way to give back?
A) That was initiated from the beginning. The group of actors that they chose were all people that care about the stories that we tell and want to root it into something real. I think the best way to do that is to connect it with real life situations and real life stories. I think it wasn’t even spoken about. It was something we knew we had to do and we love doing it. It makes our stories richer and makes us more excited about delivering the stories. I hope it continues, but I think that the whole crew has a mind for it as well.
Q) What have you learned and taken to heart from your time appearing on “Chicago Fire?”
A) Going back to just meeting with the real men and women and always having them to kind of catch yourself…It’s hard to explain, but really like understand that this is above you and keep you humble and honest. That’s been the most amazing thing as a person and as an actor. Overall, that keeps reminding me why I love doing what I am doing even though as frustrating it can get some times and why I can tell stories like this. It’s because they are all here with us and you become friends. I’ve learned so much about myself, not just the process to carry on to other jobs. I’ll always be grateful for that.
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