
Charlot Daysh – Cry of Silence

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By: Lisa Steinberg



Q) Please tell us the premise for the movie Cry of Silence


A) Cry of Silence tells the story of a young married couple who try to settle into their new life together in a community terrorized by a serial killer. I play the character of Margaret Klassen, who is forced to face the demons of her past to fight for her life back.


Q) How was your character Maggie originally described to you? 


A) Margaret was described to me as an aspiring fashion designer, a devoted mother to her daughter Katie (Devynn Sewell), and a loving wife to Frank (Felipe Aukai). Despite her joyful and gentle demeanor, Margaret holds on to a dark secret from her past. When this old threat reappears, Margaret is forced to fight for her life, digging deep into her inner strength, resilience, and hope. This challenges her in ways she never imagined, revealing a whole new side of Margaret that showcases her incredible determination and courage.


Q) Was there something about the premise or the role of Maggie that made you want to be a part of the movie? 


A) Absolutely. The storyline, characters and overall vision of the film immediately captured my attention. I was particularly drawn to the character of Margaret Klassen. Her complexity and depth, combined with her perseverance and strength, made her a compelling character to portray. This role offered an incredible opportunity to explore a rich and dynamic character, which made me eager to be a part of this project. I had that feeling from the start that this could be something special.


Q) Were you familiar with any of your co-stars before working with them on this film? 


A) Yes, I actually recommended my co-star Felipe Aukai for the role of my husband, Frank, because we had worked together before and I knew he would be perfect for the part. I also had the pleasure of working with Andrew Bee again who plays Officier Watson!


Q) Allen Kool directed the film. How hands on was he when it came to more intense scenes or did he give you the room to explore the moment yourself? 


A) Allen is deeply invested in the performances of his actors and worked closely with each of us to help us deliver our best work. He struck a good balance between providing direction and giving me the freedom to explore. Allen would set the stage and offer guidance, but he also encouraged me to bring my own interpretations.


Q) Which scene(s) challenged you the most or that you are most proud of how it came to life on screen? 


A) There is a pivotal scene where Maggie finds her inner strength and decides to literally fight for her life. This was both challenging and incredibly rewarding to shoot. It’s my favorite scene because it captures Maggie’s transformation and determination so powerfully.


Q) With such intense moments to this drama/thriller, how did you shake off a long day of work? 


A) I prioritized self-care, including meditation, yoga, hot baths, nourishing foods and making sure I got as much sleep as I could. Talking to my fiancé, family and friends was also essential. And for some fun, dinners and karaoke nights with the cast and crew were great ways to unwind!


Q) With the film Cry of Silence out now on Prime Video, what kind of response have you been receiving to it from your friends, family and fans? 


A) The response has been amazing! People really seem to love the suspense and all the twists and turns. They’re engaged in my character’s journey, rooting for her and finding inspiration in her resilience. People have been incredibly supportive and enthusiastic.


Q) What are the recent projects that you have been busy working on? 


A) Another recent project is Finding Odera, a romantic drama. It’s currently in the festival circuit — it was recently at the Africa International Film Festival. Coming up I’m involved with a few exciting projects, including “Trickle and Flow,” a crime drama series, and “Noose,” a period docudrama series currently in development. I’m also dipping my toes into creating my own projects.


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters 


A) I want to express my deepest gratitude. Your enthusiasm and encouragement mean the world to me. Thank you for your support and for being a part of this journey with me!


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