Christian Bishop – The Bachelorette
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What made you want to be a part of “The Bachelorette?”
A) I committed to my mom in 2016 that I would be open to more things and would give a solid effort to meet someone. This opportunity presented itself and I went for it.
Q) How familiar were you with JoJo before finding out she was the next Bachelorette?
A) I had very little insight into who JoJo was. I actually binge watched Ben’s season right before the show started, but skipped the ending.
Q) We have seen you working hard to get JoJo’s attention, especially with the bathtub seduction scene last week. Where did the idea come from?
A) I promised to always keep her smiling when I first met her off the Harley. Tensions were so high that night I felt like it was my responsibility to do something fun to get her to laugh and relax. Fortunately, she is an awesome woman and we had fun with it.
Q) What was it like for you living in a house with all guys?
A) Meeting the guys were one of the best parts about this journey. I had a blast getting to know everyone. I definitely have an interesting insight after living with these guys 24/7. (For example… Derek pees sitting down.) [laughs]
Q) Who did you get closest to in the house?
A) James Taylor – Honest, supportive, genuine, GREAT! He’s the type of guy you always want around. He fits in with any crowd and group.
Alex – I call Alex “The Dude.” He’s a guys guy that you can count on to lead by example and live his life with integrity. I’m proud to call him my friend and support him the best I can.
Nick B – Saint Nick loves to say he’s just a small town boy from Mississippi, but man he can sure party. Nick is a lot of fun and a very trust worthy person.
James S – Good ole James was my collaboration partner in the mansion. We worked together to come up with creative ways to make JoJo smile. He’s extremely respectful and has a very humble persona.
Q) Have you stayed in touch with anyone from the house?
A) Absolutely! We went through such a super unique experience. It has kept us all super close.
Q) What is it like for you seeing your love life play out on screen?
A) I do my best to relax and enjoy the whole experience. Fortunately, I have great friends and family that are very supportive. It was definitely tough watching JoJo fall for other men in front of my eyes, especially because I had zero insight into her relationships with other people at the time.
Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming?
A) Meeting JoJo for the first time was magical. I don’t think I’ve ever smiled that hard in my life.
Q) Your cousin, Justin Forsett, has been cheering you along (on social media) during the series. What does his support mean to you?
A) How crazy is it that we have these tough football players watching this show!? I had NO IDEA! It’s awesome to see all the players come out in support. My cousin has been a big advocate for me. It’s a testament to our family and the love we share.
Q) The fandom seems very invested in your personal life. How does it make you feel to have so many people interested in you and your future?
A) I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the attention and support people have sent my way. It’s extremely humbling. I feel this responsibility to be as authentic and open as I can be.
Q) Since things didn’t work out with JoJo, would you want to appear on “Bachelor in Paradise?” A) I haven’t watched much of “Bachelor in Paradise.” It would be interesting to see how things work out in an environment like that. It seems like I would have a lot more time available to get to know someone.
Q) What do you want to be sure fans know about you and your time on The Bachelorette?
A) I really want people to know that if you love this show and believe in the process I recommend you go for it. Reach out to casting. It’s crazy how fast things come together. Next thing you know you are showing up day one and getting out the limo. Take a chance on love. Nothing matters more…
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