Claudia Black – Containment
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) What can you tell us about the premise for “Containment” and about your character Dr. Sabine Lommers?
A) “Containment” is about an outbreak of a deadly virus in the city of Atlanta. In order to “contain” the spread of the said virus, the government institutes a “Cordon Sannitaire,” which closes off one part of the city and it’s inhabitants from the rest of the town and as we come to learn, a lot of their loved ones.
I play Dr. Sabine Lommers who represents the Government’s health, safety and preparedness departments and is their mouth piece when the cordon is announced.
Q) What is it about the role or script that made you want to be a part of this series?
A) The original Belgian series entitled “Cordon” blew my mind and I love Julie Plec.
Q) What can you tease about possible character dynamics shifting throughout the season?
A) I ship Lex and Lommers.
Q) Is there anything that you added to the role that might not have originally been scripted?
A) A lot of blonde curly hair according to the pilot and thanks to Jennifer May Nickel some really nice fashion as the season progressed. Seriously though, there were things I have added as underpinnings. We’ll see if they bare fruit. I don’t feel that Sabine was really mine to play with Season One. If we get another season, I’m going to be tinkering.
Q) Did the role change or evolve at all from the audition process to who we will come to see on screen?
A) I think she really found her centre towards the end of the season when the extraordinary Margueritte Macintyre wrote an episode that gave voice to important aspects of Sabine and a point of view that was until then unexpressed.
Q) Are there any significant moments you filmed that you are nervous or excited for fans to see?
A) I’m fidgety about seeing my own work and I find the idea of others seeing my work like my parents pulling out an old embarasing photo album and showing it to my date. I feel so embarrassed and exposed. All I can see are the flaws in my work. There have been a few scenes in my career, maybe a few episodes that don’t make me cringe. Mostly it’s like hell on Earth for me.
Q) The show is helmed by Julie Plec, can you talk a little about working with her and the writers, what was that like?
A) Julie is generous with her words and deeds. She has a good eye for talent and likes to give platforms and opportunities to grow.
I already gave Marguerite a mention and I’ll do it again any chance I’m given. She’s such a brilliant, sharp, passionate artist and so generous as well with her time, her energy and her support.
Q) What was your favorite part of filming in Atlanta, do you have any special spots or restaurants you enjoyed frequenting?
A) I was very taken by the way nature marks each season with change, unlike LA. (Dear LA, please note I am NOT complaining about your weather.)
Q) Are you looking forward to the instant fan feedback through social media? Will you be sharing any behind the scenes photos or info?
A) If I’m allowed to share it I shall, absolutely.
Q) What was the most challenging aspect of your character or filming?
A) I’ve played many mythological beings and this one is absent of the fantasy element. So, if she has hard edges and a questionable morality, she can’t be excused because she’s a witch or an alien. And as an actor, I’m not allowed to judge her. I have to find ways to love her.
The bi-coastal commute and shooting night shoots on “The Originals” and the “Containment” pilot at the same time was very challenging – Though the whole time, and to this day, I was and am eternally grateful.
I also find first seasons hard on a lot of shows because there are always a lot of people to please and that often feels impossible to me from a creative standpoint. By second season, people seem to relax more and give you more rope. And that’s usually when I thrive.
Q) What have you taken away from your experiences being a part of this show?
A) The friendships I’ve made. The cast and crew are family.
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