Cooper Friedman – aTypical Wednesday
By: Robert Warren
Q) Please tell us the premise for aTypical Wednesday.
A) aTypical Wednesday is about two unlikely characters who under the right circumstances and crazy adventures become friends. The movie focuses on mental health, bullying, racism and social injustice. It is incredibly written and directed by J. Lee.
Q) Acting in aTypical Wednesday you play Alec, a character that gets bullied and bullies in return. What is it about Alec that makes him special?
A) Alec is very funny and has a great heart. Alec is emotionally unstable as a result of the bullying he experiences. Unfortunately, his parents do not realize that Alec is getting bullied.
Q) There are some pretty big topics in this movie like bullying and social injustices. Why do you think it’s important people talk about these things?
A) It is very important to talk about bullying and social injustices. They are both a major problem and affect people of all ages, races and genders. The more we talk and acknowledge that these injustices need to be fixed, the better we will be as a society.
I have learned that kids have an important part in our future. It is important for kids to understand what is going on right now and learn as much as we can so we can create a better future for everyone.
Q) How has it been working with a cast of people like: J. Lee, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Seth Green and David Blue amongst others?
A) Oh my gosh, it was a blast every day on set. We were constantly laughing. I was very lucky to have worked with such amazing actors. I learned a lot from each one of them.
Q) Without giving any spoilers, what has been your favorite scene to work on in this movie?
A) I got to go to the batting cages with J. Lee. He taught me how to bat. I have never been to the batting cages before, it was a lot of fun.
Q) You’ve done quite a lot in the television industry from: CBS’s “Criminal Minds,” HBO’s “Togetherness,” ABC’s “Scandal;” now what is it about playing Alec made it a unique experience for you?
A) Alec was one of my favorite characters to play. J. Lee wrote this character so well. I liked that I got to be emotional and angry. I also liked that Alec is funny and kind. I enjoyed freestyle rapping in the movie.
Q) Can you tell us about the new season of HBO’s “Perry Mason?”What will your character go through this season?
A) My character Teddy misses his dad, played by Mathew Rhys. In this season he will learn why his dad is never there.
Q) What’s your favorite genre to work on (comedy, drama, action, mystery, adventure) as an actor and why?
A) I love them all, but I think my favorite is probably comedy. I love to improv and you can improv a lot in comedy scenes.
Q) How do you get into character when you prepare for any role?
A) I like to read the script and get to know all the characters. I try to get to know my character by thinking about how they would feel, act and respond in the scenes.
Q) How is it being a kid and working on movies while trying to maintain a school/work/free time balance?
A) It’s actually pretty easy. I have been home schooled for four years. My brother and sister are home-schooled as well, so we spend a lot of family time together. I met a lot of my friends through acting and we have become like family. When I work on location in other states or in another country my entire family comes and we have a great adventure.
Q) If you could get to act with any other actor or actress who would you want to work with?
A) I would love to work with John Krasinski. He is such a great and funny actor. I would love to talk and work with him. I am a very big fan of “The Office.”
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters of you and the work you do?
A) I would like to say thank you for reading this. If you would like to know more about me or follow my journey, please see my socials @cooperjfriedman. Thank you for supporting me and I wish everyone to be safe and happy.
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