Don’t Get Close
By: Jamie Steinberg
Author Matt Miksa fascinates with his thriller Don’t Get Close. The former FBI analyst does an exceptional job at bringing his knowledge to this tale of intrigue, deception and reincarnation. Clearly well versed on the subjects, Miksa weaves a story that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.
Special Agent Vera ‘Tag’ Taggart is still wet behind the ears from her time at Quantico. A former artist, she was recruited to join the FBI where she is eager to impress her new colleagues. Interestingly, she has been assigned to a well-known case surrounding the resurfacing of an infamous reincarnation-centered suicide bombing cult known as The Sons of Elijah. The members believe that they have been reborn throughout the centuries, including Sophie Whitestone – a patient that was treated by a well-known expert on the cult…Dr. Seth Jacobson. Unfortunately for Tag, she must immerse herself as one of Jacobson’s hypnosis techniques in order to gain insight into the inner workings of the cult and how to anticipate their next moves. What Tag finds out through her time with Jacobson could either help or harm matters more.
Miksa must have spent quite A LOT of time and effort researching rebirth, past lives and even historical events to shape his story and weave it all together so well. Readers will find themselves turning page after page to see what Tag unearths about the past – whether it be hers or otherwise. It’s impressive and, as another reviewer described it, “chillingly realistic.”
In fact, I only have two minor qualms when it comes to the storytelling. Would a newly made agent really be assigned to such an important case or even allowed to become a “patient” of Jacobson in order to get necessary information? Also, when Tag meets with a physicist for FBI business, would the doctor really be so brazenly flirting? Tag is there to discuss a very serious matter (no pun intended), so I’d assume that while certainly flattering, it would not be the time or place to make such overt advances. Just take Tag’s card and call her later for coffee.
As noted, Miksa does a wonderful job at keeping readers on the edge of their seat. Will Tag be able to crack the case of the cult’s return? You will just have to read the book and find out. Don’t Get Close is certainly worth turning each page to find out.
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