Ebony Vagulans – My Life is Murder
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) How was the role of Madison originally described to you?
A) Bubbly, sarcastic, ambitious and a true extrovert. A woman who knows and loves herself deeply. It was such an enticing character description. I remember thinking, “Oh, this is license to have a lot of fun and be playful.” What more can you ask for?
Q) Madison was virtual with Alexa for a bit. Was Madison meant to step away from Alexa initially or was she just dipping her toe into other avenues?
A) I think it was an opportunity to show, in stark relief, the progression of their relationship from Season 1. For Madison, it’s a chance to see if she’s learnt enough from her mentor to step out on her own. For Alexa (Lucy Lawless), maybe a moment to reflect on whether she’s ready to let go of her protégée. Both of these women are beyond capable as individuals, but they realize, as a team, they are unstoppable and that’s because of how deep their friendship has become – whether Alexa wants to admit that or not. [laughs]
Q) Season 4 of “My Life is Murder” has begun. Where do we pick up with Alexa and her roomie Madison?
A) Right where we left them, solving cases and taking names. Straight away we see how much Alexa’s faith in Madison has grown. She trusts her to go out and interview suspects on her own. Although there’s still definite growing pains on that front for Madison, which was a lot of fun to explore.
Q) Fans are always so invested in love lives, and we’d love to see Madison with a beau. Any chances for romance this season?
A) Make no mistake, Madison is always on the lookout for a new man. Even in the middle of an investigation! You’ll have to tune in to see if any romance blooms.
Q) There are always fascinating cases each season. What is one episode you really want fans to look out for?
A) Don’t make me choose, there were so many great cases this season.
The tennis episode was really fun to shoot – I’m a big sports fan, but I managed to twist my ankle the first day of filming it and ironically it wasn’t even from playing tennis. I was just walking around, going about my business. I can see the humor in it now but at the time I was so frustrated. I’m very competitive when it comes to sport.
The haunted house episode was similarly a riot to make, my inner child loved running around that place.
And, honestly, when I first heard what the plans were for the finale, I couldn’t wait. It’s our first two-parter and there was a lot of emotional weight to the story, it linked all the way back to our first episodes in Season 1.
Q) I’d be remiss if I didn’t ask about working with iconic actress Lucy Lawless.
A) Lucy is a legend, in all respects. For someone that beloved, it’s really remarkable how down-to-earth she is. This is her show, she’s the lead but you never catch the pulling the “star-card.” She genuinely cares about the people she works with and makes everyone feel welcome and comfortable. And she’s curious which, in my view, is the most important trait of an actor. The idiosyncrasies of people’s lives fascinate her, stories fascinate her. I look up to her and really love her a lot.
Q) We’re on Season 4 of the series, where would you like to see Madison in five years? Still working with Alexa or maybe head of a cyber-crimes division?
A) At this point, I think it’d be impossible to tear Madison and Alexa apart and I wouldn’t want to. They’re an odd couple and complement each other’s quirks so well. So, in whatever capacity I’m sure they’d still be working together. As for Madison, she’s a little go-getter. In five years, she might have her own P.I. firm on the side. Or fashion line. Or restaurant! We’d be foolish to underestimate her.
Q) What are the other projects you have been busy working on lately?
A) I’ve actually been working on a script of my own, all very hush hush. But I can say, I was really motivated by our producer and series creator Claire Tonkin. Not only by what she’s been able to achieve in her career but the level of support she’s shown me through my writing process. Just volunteering her time and guidance, it’s been touching.
Q) What would you like to say to fans of “My Life is Murder?”
A) A massive thank you!!!! Your love for the show over the last four seasons means everything. All the messages I get from people connecting with Madison, it just truly warms my heart. It’s great to know that the feel-good vibes we have when we film the show are translated to people around the world. I hope you all enjoy Season 4!
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