Eliza Bennett – Do You Think About Me
By: Brittany Dailey
Q) What made you want to transition from acting into music?
A) I’m not sure I would call it a transition just because acting is still very much at the forefront, but I think there is definitely room for both to coexist. Music had always taken a backseat in the past and I think that might be largely due to growing up in England and feeling like you have to pick one thing to pursue. I’m not sure if that’s a cultural thing or just my experience but I now realize how silly that is, especially because art has many crossovers. And after dedicating a lot of time to songwriting in LA, it got to the point where it was such a joyful and creative outlet, I couldn’t think of any reasons not to share it!
Q) Your upcoming singles sound like they draw from past personal experiences with relationships, can you talk about where the inspiration for “Do You Think About Me” and “Metal Heart” came from?
A) Yes! They are from personal experiences. They are both about a time when I was younger and going through a very up and down relationship. Lots of intensity and break ups and insecurity. I think I surprised myself that I started writing songs about something that wasn’t super fresh but an old wound. It felt cathartic to go through these emotions with a tooth comb. The irony is that the man I’m singing about in these songs is actually my wonderful husband now. We were just babies when we met and the timing was way off. Crazy how life turns out!
Q) Your lyrics paint imagery of how haunting memories can be and the emotions that they leave on a person. Please talk about the writing process and tapping into those emotions.
A) Yeah, I think heartbreak is actually incredibly traumatic. It’s kind of like mourning someone, but the cruel part is they are very much alive and you have to watch them continue to live life without you. And social media definitely doesn’t make any of that easier. I don’t necessarily struggle to tap into the emotional side, being an actress probably helps and in general I’m a pretty emotional person. I cry at pretty much anything, it’s annoying if anything. But if I’m ever struggling lyrically, I often just word vomit everything onto a page and pick things out from there.
Q) How did you construct the sound and vibe so that it would emphasize the lyrics and theme?
A) That’s been a real journey and learning experience for me. I felt pretty comfortable as a songwriter and so transferring that into a studio and a fully produced song has been a fun ride. On all of my singles this year, I was lucky enough to work with an Australian Producer/Songwriter Thom Macken and he has really guided me and helped me trust my instincts. Each song really has its own identity that helps tell that particular story.
Q) The instrumentals lend to creating a heavier tone and mood, especially the use of strings. How did you come about incorporating this?
A) My first single “Do You Think About Me” has a pretty epic string section and this is partly because I was obsessed with Lana Del Rey’s last album (which was perfection) and the way she used strings and partly because my Producer is an incredible violin player and had kept it a secret for too long. I think the strings really help bring in this epic and ethereal feel that I love and kind of juxtapose the drums and swagger of the chorus.
Q) Were there any specific music or genres that you drew from that helped in shaping the sound for these?
A) I just mentioned Lana Del Rey’s album Norman Fucking Rockwell and that was a big influence on me. Lyrically and melodically she is just the queen of her craft. Genre wise, I think so many of them are morphing now and I got a little stuck on wondering where I wanted my music to fit. It probably sits in the dream pop / electro pop world but I also think there’s room to float between genres.
Q) How much of a hand did you have in the production? Were there certain elements in production that you had more of a hand in?
A) I mean technically, it’s all Thom my Producer and then a lot of the rest is collaboration and relaying of ideas. Thom is a really incredible musician and songwriter too so he is creatively very present in all of the songs. Some of the productions come from a vision that I have when writing the song and sometimes it’s all him and he sends me something and I’m blown away by what he’s come up with.
Q) What about these songs do you think fans will be able to connect to?
A) I hope I have written vulnerably enough, especially in my second single “Metal Heart” that people connect to it. I guess as a songwriter you just have to write what feels true to you and then, hopefully, it will resonate with some.
Q) With concerts currently on hold, have you given any thought to live streaming some of your music to promote the new songs you have worked on?
A) I did a live stream concert early on in COVID lockdown which was fun. I would love to do more live streaming, but I was holding out a little as I wanted people to hear the music first. Hopefully, that will be next on the agenda!
Q) Who would you like to collaborate with in the future, if given the chance?
A) I mean, if we are talking in a parallel universe where this was possible, Lana Del Rey, Jack Garratt, Sylvan Esso and Jessie Reyez are currently people that I am obsessed with. I also love collaborating with friends that I think are crazy talented and I live in LA, so there’s a few of them!
Q) Is there anything you can tease about what else fans can expect coming up?
A) Yes, absolutely! I have my first ever music video up my sleeve that comes out very shortly after my first single. I’m excited for people to see it as it’s been a real passion project for me that I was lucky enough to shoot with my friends in the desert recently. We made it with a lot of passion and a shoestring budget and I’m very proud of it.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters of your work – whether it be acting or now music?
A) Just thank you really. I mean none of this is ever possible without the support of others. I’m really grateful for the community I have from my acting career and I hope that my music is resonates in similar way.
Listen to “Do You Think About Me”
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